Erasmus and Incoming Students

Der Inhalt dieser Seite ist aktuell nur auf Englisch verfügbar.

Welcome to our INCOMING Students in summer semester 2025!

Welcome to the overview of courses that the Forest Products Technology & Management Programme (Master) offers in English for incoming exchange students.

For further information on academic issues, courses, course selection and provisional learning agreements, please, contact the International Academic Advisor at the Department Green Engineering and Design, Günter Berger (

For administrative issues, please, contact the Incoming Students Coordinator at International Office.

Course Offer

Course Title: Process Development
Course Code:
Number of Credits: 3 ECTS
Course Contents: Principles of process modelling, Process Systems Engineering, analytical solving of process models, numerical solving of process models, statistical testing of hypothesis in process analysis and development, methods to reduce variation of process parameters for heterogeneous materials as wood, examples for process development in wood industries, application of process development methods in wood drying and wood modification.

Course Title: Strategic Management
Course Code:
Number of Credits: 2 ECTS
Course Contents: Strategy Process, SWOT Analysis, Potenzial-Analysis, Strategic Balance.

Course Title: Design of Experiments
Course Code:
Number of Credits: 2 ECTS
Course Contents: Strategy of experimentation and analysis, randomised blocks and Latin squares, factorial designs, fitting regression models, response surface methods and designs, statistical software for design of experiments, examples.

Course Title: Symposium: Ethics and Sustainability
Course Code: HTWM1ENHIL
Number of Credits: 1 ECTS
Course Contents: The need for professional-ethical orientation has never been as great as it has become in the past decade. At this stage, we are being confronted with the topic of ethics from all directions: bioethics, medical ethics, animal ethics, ethics and politics, ethics and economy, ethics as a school subject instead of religion …from personalized ethics to environmental ethics, from day-to-day to systems ethics …. our very existence seems to be sailing in a sea of ethical and morally charged issues – particularly because the two terms – ethics and sustainability – are being used more and more ambiguously and prolifically. This symposium will therefore attempt to shed some light on the question of terminology and to sensitize participants to the questions behind professional ethics and sustainability.
Through this symposium, participants will gain an initial general overview of the issues which will then be followed by a deeper insight into the material via follow-up workshops held under the guidance of associated supervisors.

Course Title: Symposium: Best of Forest Products in Salzburg
Course Code: HTBB0BOFPS
Number of Credits: 2 ECTS
Course Contents: 

Course Title: Process analyses & controlling in the Forest Products Industry
Course Code:
Number of Credits: 3 ECTS
Course Contents & Outcome: Modelling of systems. Methods of process analyses. Operating figures for the description of processes. Analysing of processes in the Forest Products Industry: exemplary applications, methods for improving process sequences. Exemplary application of process analyses and controlling for vacuum drying with steaming.
The students know the relevant methods of how to automate timber industrial processes and have furthered their knowledge through factual know-how. They have the ability to apply their knowledge to problems and questions in the forest products industry.

Only open for Master students with a strong wood technology / wood science background.

Course Title: Process Engineering and Bio composite materials
Course Code: HTWM2VUBIL
Number of Credits: 3 ECTS
Course Contents: Wood and other biogenic raw materials as the basis for bio-composite materials; Chemical and biological processes for the breakdown of ligno-cellulose materials; Manufacturing processes for bio-composite materials; Mechanical, physical,ecological properties of bio-composite materials; Performances of bio-composite materials in specific fields of application; Comparison of bio-composite materials with conventional composite materials.

Course Title: Symposium: Best of Forest Products in Salzburg
Course Code: HTBB0BOFPS
Number of Credits: 2 ECTS
Course Contents: Excusions to forestry and timber companies

See also courses offered in:

International Departmental Coordinator

Porträt von: FH-Prof. Mag. Berger Günter
FH-Prof. Mag.
Senior Lecturer
International Academic Advisor
Department Design and Green Engineering
Standort: Campus Kuchl
Raum: Kuchl - 1.03
T: +43-50-2211-2018

Why study Forest Products and Technology & Timber Construction in Kuchl?

The faculty impressed me with their innovative and advanced approach to studying. I am learning a lot of new things and getting a lot of new experiences. The environment at Campus Kuchl is pleasant and friendly. From my experiences, the people here are nice and always prepared to help you.
“I first came to the FH Salzburg as an Erasmus student during my Bachelor's studies. I was so impressed with the school and liked it so much that I ended up finishing my Master's degree here. Kuchl really stands out for the quality of education, the teaching staff, and last but not least the student