
The FH Salzburg in retrospect


  • The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences is celebrating its 30th anniversary. To mark the occasion, a specially designed exhibition - ‘Digital Journey through Time’ - is opened and can be seen at the Urstein campus.
  • March 2025: The research portal goes online: The portal offers a comprehensive overview of all research activities, developments and transfer services of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.


  • November 2024: 462 graduates celebrated their graduation from Salzburg University of Applied Sciences in November 2024. Another milestone for the SUAS: in total, more than 15,000 students have graduated since the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences was founded.
  • 1 October 2024: The newly elected SUAS Board begins its 4-year term of office. As a cross-section of the university, six heads of degree programmes, six representatives of teaching and research staff and four student representatives are represented on the UAS Board. The departmental structure of the FH Salzburg is also reflected in the Board.
  • Successful re-certification of quality management: In September 2024, the FH Salzburg receives certification for a further 7 years (until 2031) on the basis of the positive assessment by the EVALAG accreditation commission.
  • September 2024: Start of the first year of the new Master's degree programmes: Realtime Art & Visual Effects, AI for Sustainable Technologies, Cyber Security, Industrial Informatics & Robotics.
  • September 2024: The first year of the Timber Construction Professional course starts with 20 participants.
  • August 2024: Expansion of the photovoltaic systems: The university demonstrates its commitment to renewable energy and reducing its carbon footprint by expanding the PV systems to around 200 kWp at the Kuchl and Urstein sites.
  • July 2024: Federal Minister Martin Polaschek visits and, together with UAS Rector and Managing Director Dominik Engel, presents the expansion of UAS study places: Salzburg University of Applied Sciences receives funding for 55 additional study places from 2025/26.
  • July 2024: Salzburg University of Applied Sciences joins the Alliance of Sustainable Universities (BNH). The alliance supports and networks universities in their commitment to sustainable development in all areas.
  • July 2024: 537 graduates celebrate their successful completion of studies at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences at the summer graduation ceremonies in July 2024. Including the first graduates of the additional (summer semester) year in the Bachelor of Healthcare & Nursing programme.
  • June 2024: The innovative and automated Didactics and Learning Technologies Studio (DLT Studio) goes into operation: Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, the studio enables lecturers, teaching assistants, staff and students to produce content easily and effectively. Five stations are available: From a professional studio setting with green screen to the Learning Glass and a classic PC. It is also possible to record podcasts or screencasts with the graphics board.
  • June 2024: FH Salzburg presents its new research strategy: The strategy for research, technology and innovation (RTI) lays a strong foundation for practical research at the highest level. Interdisciplinary cooperation and internationalisation ensure added value for science, for business partners and in teaching. Additional start-up funding from the shareholders of the UAS - known as ‘Trampoline’ - will enable selected research projects from autumn 2024. Six key research areas have been defined in line with the department structure: Social Innovation, Future Service Industries, Human-Centered Technologies & Design, Applied Health Innovation, Sustainable Materials and Technologies and Industrial Informatics.
  • June 2024: On 7 June 2024, the 2nd edition of the FH Teamathlon took place at Waldbad Anif. Around 100 participants took part in 27 teams in the relay competition in the disciplines of stand-up paddling, cycling, boccia and running.
  • The Long Night of Research (LNF) will take place on 24 May 2024. Researchers presented their projects at a total of 22 stations on the Urstein campus of Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.
  • May 2024: The Startup Salzburg Base at Techno-Z Urstein will open a new and unique contact point for founders on 28 May 2024. Five partners have joined forces to help start-ups achieve entrepreneurial success. The FH Salzburg Research & Transfer Service and the FH Startup Centre can be found on the first floor of Techno-Z Urstein.
  • March 2024: In the ranking of Austrian universities of applied sciences, which is carried out annually by Industriemagazin, the FH Salzburg moves from 14th place (2023) to an outstanding 5th place in terms of image.
  • February 2024: FH Salzburg is once again awarded the seal of approval for workplace health promotion (BGF).
  • February 2024: Completion of the certificate courses ‘Child and Adolescent Care’ and ‘Psychiatric Health and Nursing’: 29 graduates celebrate their successful completion in the Audimax of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. The participants spent three semesters deepening their knowledge in their respective specialisms while working.
  • February 2024: Bridging professorship for cyber security at the University and FH Salzburg


  • 01.10.2023: Managing Director Dominik Engel also acts as FH Rector from 1 October 2023. Günther Grall has been FH Vice-Rector since 1 October. The rectorate's term of office runs until 2027.
    Special thanks go to the outgoing Rectorate Roald Steiner and Ulrike Szigeti. They were awarded the honorary title of "FH Professor Emeritus" and "FH Honorary Professor", respectively, at the academic ceremony on 5 October 2023.
  • 26.09.2023:  At the meeting, the Supervisory Board of the FH Salzburg is reconstituted. Marianne Kusejko is appointed chairperson.
  • New shareholder structure: As of 1 September 2023, the province of Salzburg, the social partners Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Labour are equal shareholders (one third each) in the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences GmbH.
  • Opening of the premises in the TechnoZ at the Wissenspark Urstein: At the beginning of September, the employees of the Nursing and Physiotherapy degree programmes started their first working week in the new premises in the TechnoZ at the Wissenspark. On a separate floor with 2,600 m² of space, FH staff and students will find an attractive working and teaching environment.
  • Raimund Ribitsch receives the Golden Decoration of Honour of the Republic of Austria for his services to, among other things, the further development of the FH and the national as well as international visibility of the FH sector during his time as President of the Austrian Conference of Universities of Applied Sciences (FHK). The award is presented to him on 26 September 2023 by Governor Wilfried Haslauer and President of the Provincial Parliament Brigitta Pallauf.
  • Mourning for Dr. Wolfgang Gmachl: One of the driving forces behind the founding of FH Salzburg and the first chairman of the FH Supervisory Board, Dr. Wolfgang Gmachl, passes away on 17 July 2023.
  • At the Summer Graduation Ceremony in July 2023, numerous graduates celebrate their successful completion of studies at the FH Salzburg. A total of 515 students have completed their Bachelor's or Master's degree - more than ever before.
  • Opening of the "Forschungs-WG" at Urstein Castle: On 10 July 2023, the "Research Campus Schloss Urstein" (RCSU) was officially opened. The Research Campus is, among other things, a meeting place for staff, students and corporate partners. It is about exchange, cooperation and networking. The RCSU is funded by the state of Salzburg until 2025 as part of the WISS2030 strategy.
  • Matura Award: With the newly established Matura Award, FH Salzburg brings successful pre-scientific theses (VWA) or diploma theses by students before the curtain. Five excellent theses were awarded a total of 2,500 euros in prize money at the end of June - provided by Raiffeisen Salzburg.
  • First FH Teamathlon: The newly created sporting event focuses on team spirit and the fun factor. Teams of three compete in a relay race in the three disciplines of stand-up paddling, cycling and running.
  • At the meeting of the FH Board on 22 March 2023, FH Prof. Priv.-Doz. DI Mag. Dr. Dominik Engel was elected as head of the FH College and as FH Rector from the two-person proposal of the course-providing body of the FH Salzburg. The four-year term of office begins on 01.10.2023.


  • On 30 September 2022, the first Bachelor of Nursing graduates will celebrate their graduation at the Schwarzach Campus. In October 2019, the go-ahead was given for a new FH Salzburg location in the Innergebirge: Through a cooperation agreement between the Kardinal Schwarzenberg Hospital (KSK) and the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, the Bachelor's degree programme in "Health & Nursing Care" started at the new campus in Schwarzach.

  • Audit hochschuleundfamilie for FH Salzburg: Since 2013, the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences has been actively committed to making it possible to reconcile work, study and family life, and has since continuously updated the state quality mark "hochschuleundfamilie". In 2022, the quality seal was successfully re-certified - for the fourth time in a row. On 28 September 2022, the certificate was ceremoniously awarded by Federal Minister Susanne Raab in Vienna.

  • New FH Managing Director: On 1 September - with the start of the new academic year 2022/23 - FH Prof. Priv.-Doz. DI Mag. Dr. Dominik Engel will take office as Managing Director. The managing director from the academic sector has overall responsibility for the FH Salzburg. He is supported by Doris Walter and Raimund Ribitsch, who have successfully built up the FH.

  • New Josef Ressel Centre: On 29 June 2022, the new Josef Ressel Centre for Intelligent and Secure Industrial Automation (ISIA) was officially opened at the FH Salzburg. Over the next five years, the team led by centre director Stefan Huber will lay the foundations for a digital assistant that will intelligently support the human operators of complex machines and think about cyber security from the outset.

  • Opening of Twin²Sim in June 2022: Multifunctional test building, laboratory, research project, workplace. In the presence of LH Wilfried Haslauer and numerous guests of honour from politics and business, the new research building "Twin2Sim" was opened at the Kuchl campus of the FH Salzburg on 20 June 2022. "Twin2Sim" combines test rooms, a facade test stand, measuring equipment, a manipulation hall and offers 20 high-quality workplaces for scientists.

  • The first issue of the new FH magazine "warum!" will be published in February 2022. It offers insights into teaching and research, shows what FH Salzburg is working on and researching - in relevant topics such as health, sustainability, digitalisation or society. "warum" is a synonym for asking questions, the call sign for striving for answers and solutions.

  • January 2022: The #karrierewege campaign goes online. Stories feature portraits of FH graduates and highlight regional, national and international career paths. 


  • October 2021: Dr. Wolfgang Gmachl, first Chairman of the Supervisory Board of FH Salzburg from 2005 - 2008 and the driving force behind the founding of the University of Applied Sciences, is awarded an honorary professorship.
  • October 2021: The first year of the new Masters Business Informatics at the FH Salzburg starts. Directly at the interface between IT and business administration, students deal with new business models based on the use of data and technologies, and examine their suitability for sustainable business with regional value creation.
  • June 2021: FH Salzburg celebrates 5 years of the FHStartup Center. Since its founding in 2016, the Startup Center at FH Salzburg has been the first point of contact for students, alumni and researchers interested in starting a business as part of the Startup Salzburg initiative.
  • May 2021: Award for MultiMediaTechnology in the CHE Ranking: For the ranking, students evaluated their own study conditions themselves. With their grade for the general study situation on the MultiMediaTechnology degree programme, they catapulted the FH Salzburg into the top group of German and Austrian universities of applied sciences in the field of computer science.
  • April 2021: Ground-breaking ceremony for the Twin²Sim research building at the Kuchl campus; the Twin²Sim project consists of a test stand, test rooms and a multifunctional laboratory in an experimental building.
  • March 2021: The first (additional) cohort of 40 students in the Bachelor of Health Care & Nursing starts in the summer semester of 2021. This means that from March 2021 the FH Salzburg, together with its training partners Uniklinikum Salzburg (Salk) and Kardinal Schwarzenberg Klinikum, will offer a total of 160 study places per year in the central Salzburg area and in Pongau.


  • Corona virus pandemic: Immediately on 10 March 2020, when the Austrian government announced measures, the FH Salzburg was shut down and comprehensive measures were taken. Most of the teaching units were converted to online formats. Regulations for examinations and supervision were drawn up and implemented. Numerous events had to be cancelled due to security measures.
  • In autumn 2020, the new certificate course "Digital Communication & Leadership" will start for the first time. 
  • In 2020/21, two academic courses will start at the FH Salzburg: "Child and Youth Care" and "Mental Health Nursing". They will be offered as an academic course - in part-time mode - and are aimed at people who have a diploma or bachelor's degree in health & nursing. 
  • April 2020: At the beginning of May, Katharina Radak-Scherer takes over as head of the occupational therapy course at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. She succeeds Erich Streitwieser, who retires.
  • February 2020: The FH Salzburg website goes online on February 4 with a contemporary, mobile flexible design adapted to the corporate identity.
  • January 2020: Family-friendly employer: At the ceremonial awarding of the certificate in the assembly hall of the sciences in Vienna at the end of January, FH Salzburg was again awarded the state quality mark "Audit hochschuleundfamilie" for its commitment to the compatibility of family and career. The award was preceded by an audit process. The FH Salzburg was able to demonstrate that many different measures are taken to reconcile study, work and family obligations.
  • January 2020: After the teaching and research activities had already started, the newly rebuilt "Schmiedhaus" on the premises of the University Hospital Salzburg - SALK - was ceremonially opened at the beginning of January. The rebuilt staff residence is used by the two degree programmes Biomedical Sciences and Radiation Technology. 


  • November 2019: The 10,000th graduate of the FH Salzburg is celebrated at the graduation ceremony. Johanna Hattinger is representative of a total of 10,286 others: She completed her education at the FH Salzburg and is therefore well prepared for the next steps in her career.

  • The FH Salzburg is expanding its range of continuing education courses in the field of sustainable circular economy: The continuing education module "Circular Economy" is a practice-oriented further education course on sustainability, technology and responsible management.  The programme is a cooperation of the degree programmes Business Management, Design and Product Management and Wood Technology & Wood Construction.

  • On October 1, 2019, the term of office of the new FH rectorate begins: FH-Rector Gerhard Blechinger, FH-Vice Rector Roald Steiner and FH-Vice-Rector Ulrike Szigeti.
  • October: For the first time a University of Applied Sciences (FH) in Austria is involved in a Ludwig Boltzmann Institute. Together with the University Hospital Salzburg (SALK), the University of Salzburg and Salzburg Research, the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences is involved in the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention.

  • 4th location in Schwarzach: Starting in October 2019, 35 students start their studies in the bachelor's degree programme "Nursing" at the Kardinal Schwarzenberg Klinikum in Schwarzach. 

  • The first year of the master degree programme "Human-Computer Interaction" (Joint master with the University of Salzburg) starts in the winter semester of 2019/20.

  • Gerhard Blechinger is re-elected as Chairman of the University of Applied Sciences Academic Board in May 2019. The University of Applied Sciences Rectorate term starts on 1 October 2019.
  • February: Dominik Engel is appointed to the senate of the Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft (CDG). The CDG promotes the cooperation between science and industry by establishing Josef Ressel Centres and Christian Doppler Laboratories and is thus a significant part of the excellent research funding for universities of applied sciences.
  • January: The IWB Centre Smart Materials, funded by the ERDF and the State of Salzburg, is launched. It is a 5-year cooperation between the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences and the University of Salzburg and sets a regional focus on the research of intelligent surfaces and materials with biogenic resources.
  • Top rating for universities of applied sciences: Well-known opinion research institute IFES was commissioned by the Austrian UoAS Conference (FHK) to conduct 3200 surveys on education and university providers across the country in 2018. Another 350 surveys were taken in Salzburg alone. The results showed that universities of applied sciences (UoAS) are highly regarded amongst members of the general public. The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences always performed well, sometimes even achieving the top rating in Austria.


  • December: The Josef Ressel Centre was successfully completed and is continued as "Centre for Secure Energy Informatics", thus once again establishing this topic of expertise at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. 
  • January: The "IWB Center for Alpine Construction" starts. The 5-year cooperation between FH Salzburg and iSpace of the Austrian Research Studios is funded by the ERDF and the province of Salzburg. The aim is to transfer research and knowledge on resource-saving and sustainable construction and sustainable settlement development.
  • November 2018: University of Applied Sciences Managing Director Raimund Ribitsch is re-elected as President of the Austrian UoAS Conference (FHK). The general assembly unanimously voted for Raimund Ribitsch to hold his position as President of the Austrian UoAS Conference (FHK) for the next three years (2019–2021).
  • October 2018: The first set of graduates complete their studies on the ‘Smart Buildings in Smart Cities’ master programme on the Kuchl Campus.
  • September 2018: The new bachelor programme in ‘Business Information Systems and Digital Transformation’ is launched. This innovative course combines the content covered on the existing ‘Information Technology and Systems Management’ and ‘Business Management’ degree programmes to respond to demand in line with economic requirements.
  • September 2018: For the first time, more than 3000 students are enrolled at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.
  • April 2018: The Research Forum of Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences (FFH) is held for the second time at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.


  • December: The Digital Transfer Centre starts operations. The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (degree programmes Information Technology & Systems Management and Business Management/SME Management & Entrepreneurship) in cooperation with Salzburg Research pass on research results to domestic companies, especially SMEs, and provide access to current research results.
  • May: Two "Horizon 2020" (H2020) research projects are kicked-off at the FH Salzburg: "PRACTICIES" and "INTERLACE"; Practicies is a research network on deradicalisation in cities, funded by the program "Social Challenges"; Interace deals with Blockchain as a basic technology for an alternative economic exchange and is funded by the H2020 Excellence Track Future Emerging Technologies.
  • September 2017: The university gets a new look: Following a review of our strategy and positioning at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, we have completely revamped our branding. The aim of our new brand identity, launched at the start of September 2017, is to give us a clear, unmistakeable image that emphasises our position as an innovative and relevant centre for education.
  • The ‘Ars docendi’ prize for exceptional teaching is awarded to the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW) for the third time, when Ursula Reisenberger is rewarded for her innovative course concept on the Midwifery degree programme on 26 June.
  • February 2017: The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences launches a two-semester short course in ‘Search engine marketing’ as part of the ‘Digital Expert’ training initiative, run in partnership with the advertising and communications group at the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce and WIFI Salzburg. The aim of the course is to address the shortage of specialist staff in the area of online marketing.
  • January 2017:
    The Information Technology and Systems Management (ITS) degree programme is launched, including a new ‘Professional Programmer’ element. The aim of the course is to address the acute lack of specialist staff in the IT sector. Twelve programmers and software developers are currently enrolled on the course, which is run in partnership with five different Salzburg-based IT 


  • November 2016: The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences becomes the first university in Austria to be awarded the ZukunftVIELFALT® certificate for diversity management in recognition of its efforts to support diversity throughout the organisation. The university also receives the Austrian hochschuleundfamilie quality seal for its family-friendly culture.
    September 2016: The part-time ‘Smart Buildings in Smart Cities’ master programme is launched on the Kuchl Campus.
  • 13 June 2016: The university is awarded the ‘Ars docendi’ prize for exceptional teaching by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW). Prof. Thomas Reiter and his team receive the award for their exceptional achievements in the category of ‘Teaching to cater for different educational backgrounds’. Prof. Reiter is involved in teaching and research and is responsible for the ‘Smart Building’ degree programme on the Kuchl Campus. The award recognises his work on his joint project teaching concept.
    April 2016: At the ‘Long Night of Research’ event on 22 April 2016, the university once again plays host to the largest number of stands in the city with over 30 exhibits.
  • January 2016: The new ‘FHStartup Center’ opens on 7 January 2016. Startup Campus Manager, Natasa Deutinger, is the first point of call for alumni, students and researchers interested in launching their own 


  • March 2015: Salzburg University of Applied Sciences receives the “Seal of Approval for Workplace Health Promotion (WHP)". The seal of approval is the highest Austrian Award for exemplary and above all sustainable investment in employee health.


  • May 2014: Hilmar Linder, Head of the Degree Programme MultiMediaTechnology and Vice Rector at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences together with the communication expert Susanne von Baeckmann receives the “Ars docendi State Award”. This is awarded by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy and highlights outstanding performance and exceptional commitment in higher 
  • May 2014: for the 10th time, the in-house Job and Recruiting Fair CONTACTA takes place at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, organized by students of the Business Management 
  • September 2014: The part-time bachelor degree programme  SME-Management & Entrepreneurship starts its first semester with 30 students. This course of study provides customized management training for small and medium-sized enterprises (
  • September 2014: Salzburg University of Applied Sciences is admitted to the "climate-active" circle of partners by Federal Minister Andrä Rupprechter.


  • Salzburg University of Applied Sciences is the first of six Salzburg universities to receive the EU Commission’s Diploma Supplement Label for transparency and quality in the implementation of the Bologna objectives.
  • September 2013: The first 40 students begin bachelor programme "Smart Building – Energy-Efficient Building Technology and Sustainable Building". This part-time course of studies will educate a new generation of engineers that will approach sustainable building and energy-efficient building technology with a holistic perspective on the future.
  • October: Students and lecturers of FH Salzburg win the "Solar Decathlon" 2013 with their "LISI House" in a team with the TU Vienna, FH St. Pölten and the AIT. The Solar Decathlon is the most demanding university competition in the field of sustainable construction. 
  • November 2013: Salzburg University of Applied Sciences is awarded the State Seal of Approval for Family-Friendly University by the Federal Ministry for Family and Youth (universityandfamily). It confirms the good compatibility of study, research or teaching with family.
  • May: The research, development and transfer strategy (FET Strategie) is published. It sets out strategic goals for research at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, which are to be achieved with the described structural framework and measures.
  • January: The first Josef Ressel Centre at the FH Salzburg is ceremonially opened: the "Josef Ressel Centre for User-Oriented Smart Grid Privacy, Security and Control" under the direction of Dominik Engel. 



  • September 2011: After seven years, Erhard Busek retires as Rector of the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg. His successor is the Information Systems Professor Kerstin Fink. On 27th September 2011 the ceremony for the inauguration was held in the main auditorium Urstein.
  • September 2011: The Master's degree programme MultiMediaTechnology starts.


  • July 2010: In collaboration with staff, partners, friends and supporters, principal and owner representatives celebrate "15 years of success at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences". The highlight is the groundbreaking ceremony for the 4,400 m² extension at Campus Urstein.
  • October 2010: At Campus Urstein work starts for the extension, ready in March 2012.


  • August 2009: For the first time, Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences present themselves at the UAS Forum at the European Forum Alpbach.
  • Winter semester 09/10: Rector Dr. Erhard Busek as holder of a Jean Monnet Chair ad personam at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences lectures on "Dimension Europe" with a number of guest speakers from industry, media and science.
  • Winter semester 09/10: The first Master programmes Information Technology & Systems Management, Design & Product Management and MultiMediaArt begin.
  • September 2009: the Province of Salzburg invests nearly 10 of the 11.5 million Euros into the expansion of the Campus Urstein - a clear commitment to our university.
  • September 2009: The health-care sector is also breaking new ground. Health & Nursing expands its range of health science programmes.
  • November 2009: Simple elegance. On Campus Kuchl, the first academic timber construction is opened in the form of a passive house. The extension was awarded with the State Prize for Architecture and received second place in the Federal Sustainability Award 2010.


  • March 2008: Opening of student accommodation block Matador on Campus Kuchl.
  • Groundbreaking for the new extension to the Campus Kuchl in June 2008.
  • July 2008: The new Bachelor of Health & Nursing is developed.
  • The Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra was a guest on Campus Urstein in August 2008.
  • September 2008: the Bachelor of MultimediaTechnology is launched, a media studies and computer science degree programme tailored to the new media world.


  • At the end of March, the opening of the Meierei (dairy) located on Campus Urstein is celebrated as the new home to the degree programme Social Work and the Centre for Future Studies.
  • The degree programmes Business Management and Innovation & Systems Management start in the winter semester for the first time as a Bachelor programme.
  • The degree programmes "Forest Products Technology & Management" and "Construction & Design are fused into the Bachelor programme "Forest Products Technology & Timber Construction".
  • From autumn 2007 onwards, the degree programme Innovation & Management in Tourism is offered as a purely English-speaking Innovation & Management in Tourism and adapts to the tourism season with its blocked study time.
  • Groundbreaking for the student accommodation block Matador in July at Kuchl.
  • Architectural competition and jury decision for the extension at Kuchl in July 2007.


  • Expansion of the field of expertise Health & Society: With the start of the academic year 2006/07 four health science degree programmes begin with Biomedical Sciences, Midwifery, Orthoptics and PhysiotherapyOccupational Therapy and Radiation Technology begin in 2007.
  • MultiMediaArt, Design & Product Management, Digital TV, and Innovation & Management in Tourism begin in autumn 2006 as a new bachelor's degree programmes.
  • The degree programme in Development & Management in tourism has a new name: Innovation & Management in Tourism.
  • On 16 July 2006, the academic board of the SUAS elected Rector Dr. Erhard Busek again. Vice Rector since 1st November 2006 Prof. DI Dr. Gerhard Jöchtl.
  • Since September, the economic and social scientist Dr. Doris Walter, together with Raimund Ribitsch has been in charge of business matters at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences GmbH


  • The degree programme Technology & Telecommunication Systems is now called Information Technology & Systems Management.
  • Since 1st March 2005, the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce and the Salzburg Chamber of Labour owns 50% of the shares in the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences GmbH
  • Fusion of all Salzburg University of Applied Sciences degree programs in March 2005: The previous degree programme Social Work held by the Salzburg Chamber of Labour is now one of the university degree programmes at the SUAS.
  • October 2005: The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences moves into the Campus Urstein.


  • The degree programme Digital Television & Interactive Services is now called Digital TV.
  • On 22nd October 2004, the academic board of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences unanimously elected the former Vice Chancellor Dr. Erhard Busek as Rector of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. Exactly ten years ago, as the Federal Minister for Science and Research, Dr. Busek was instrumental in the founding of the Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences.
  • On 5th November 2004, the Austrian UAS council endows the "Fachhochschule Salzburg GmbH" the status of "University of Applied Sciences".


  • From 1st  January onwards, the degree degree programmes in Kuchl and Salzburg are united.
  • In the autumn, the degree programme Construction & Design with Wood begins at Kuchl.
  • At the end of the academic year, the degree programmes MultiMediaArt and Information Technology & Management go to the next licensing phase.
  • IWM is taught under the new name Business & Information Management.
    In early October work begins on the "Salzburg University of Applied Sciences – Campus Urstein".
  • In mid-October the new building for the three degree programmes in Kuchl is officially opened.


  • The degree programme Design & Product Management begins in Kuchl.


  • The degree programme Digital Television & Interactive Services begins in Salzburg-Itzling.
  • The part-time degree programme Development & Management in Tourism begins in Salzburg-Klessheim.


  • In autumn, the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce takes over the UAS as sole shareholder and appoints Raimund Ribitsch as Managing Director on the 1st January 2000.
  • The degree programmes Information Technology & Management and Telecommunications Technology & systems are extended to include part-time study.


  • The department of Information Economics & Management begins in Salzburg-Itzling.
  • In summer, the UAS degree programmes move into the building complex TechnoZ in Schillerstraße 30.


  • The degree programme MultiMediaArt begins in Salzburg-Itzling.


  • The degree programme Telecommunications Technology & Systems begins in Salzburg-Itzling.
  • The degree programme Forest Products Technology & Management begins in Kuchl.

Managing Directors of the FH Salzburg:

since 2022 FH Prof. Dr. Dominik Engel
2006 - 2022 Mag.a Doris Walter
2003 - 2004 - Dr. Erhard Bojanovsky
2000 - 2022 Mag. Raimund Ribitsch
1998 - 2002 Hannes M. Schalle
1998 Helmut F. Karner
1997 - 1998 Dkfm. Dr. Richard Schmidjell