Student Advisory Services

Business or Health Sciences? Bachelor or Master? Study fees? Semester abroad? Before starting studies there usually a lot of questions. The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (SUAS) provides quick help. Whether it is our Open House, educational fairs, Online Info-Sessions or an individual consultation: The student advisory services answers your questions.
Whether at an on-site information event, a personal counselling session or our online info sessions: Salzburg University of Applied Sciences offers many opportunities to find out more about studying. If you would like to get an impression of the FH Salzburg locations, visit our ‘Campus Life’ page, where you can find out more about student life at the FH Salzburg.
We look forward to welcoming you at one of our next information events or to advising you by phone, e-mail or via MS Teams.
Information events - experience the FH Salzburg up close!
Would you like to know everything about your chosen degree programme? Find out first-hand what it's like to be a student at FH Salzburg? Get (virtual) insights into all our locations? The FH Salzburg regularly organises information events to give prospective students exciting insights into the world of studying.
We look forward to your visit on the following occasions:
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