Information on applications and the application process at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences

- Current vacancies can be found on our careers page.
- The location is indicated for each position.
- Applications should be submitted via our online platform.
In order to make the application process as straightforward for you as possible, the form you need to submit has been deliberately kept short and only contains the basic data required for the application. - All applications are treated as strictly confidential.
Applications for academic university staff (teaching and research)
You must submit the following documents in order for your application for a teaching and research position to be accepted:
- Cover letter outlining your reasons for applying and explaining the qualifications and personal attributes you possess that match the profile given in the job description
- Current CV set out in a table
- Teaching and research portfolio
- List of publications
- Proof of university degree(s)
- Relevant references
- Proof of required qualifications (e.g. professional skills qualification for medical technical services)
Application process
- Once you have submitted your application, you will receive automatic confirmation of receipt. If you wish to submit further documentation, you can do so by replying to this confirmation email.
- If you are applying for a position with a closing date, the documents submitted will not generally be looked at until after this date.
- Head of Degree Programme, Senior Lecturer, Senior Researcher
- Before candidates are invited to a hearing, all applications are subject to a three-stage screening process (appointment committee, rectorate, HR department).
- Invitations to a hearing before an academic appointment committee will be sent out at least two weeks before the date scheduled for the hearing. Candidates will receive an email from the HR department.
- Applicants who are not being invited to a hearing during the first round will not be contacted at all at this stage.
- There is a chance that applicants will be reconsidered at a subsequent stage or invited to a later round of hearings.
- Lecturer, Researcher, Junior Lecturer and Junior Researcher
- Before candidates are invited to an interview, all applications are subject to a two-stage screening process (Head of Degree Programme/Head of Research, HR department).
- Successful applicants will be invited to an interview after the closing date and once the screening process has been completed. Candidates will receive a telephone call or email from the HR department.
- The interview will usually be conducted by the line manager, team members from the department/degree programme and a representative from the HR department.
- Applicants who are not being invited to a hearing during the first round will not be contacted at all at this stage.
- There is a chance that applicants will be reconsidered at a subsequent stage or invited to a later round of hearings.
- Candidates who have not been successful will usually not be notified until the entire selection process has come to an end.
Applications for external lecturers (part-time positions only)
Instead of accepting speculative applications, we have a Jobalert that you can subscribe to in order to keep up-to-date with all of our latest vacancies. To be added to the list of subscribers, all you need to do is enter your email address and click on a confirmation link. There is no need for you to go through a registration process. The email address you provide will be used only for this service and will not be passed on to third parties. You can unsubscribe from the job newsletter at any time. External lecturers are appointed on a case-by-case basis and generally for a semester at a time. Candidates will be contacted directly by the staff from the degree programmes who are responsible for making hiring decisions.
Applications for administrative university staff
You must submit the following documents in order for your application for an administrative position to be accepted:
- Cover letter outlining your reasons for applying and explaining the qualifications and personal attributes you possess that match the profile given in the job description
- Current CV set out in a table and specifying professional experience (including the months and years for positions)
- Proof of highest qualification
- Relevant references
- Proof of required qualifications (e.g. qualification as a Payroll Accountant)
Application process
- Once you have submitted your application, you will receive automatic confirmation of receipt. If you wish to submit further documentation, you can do so by replying to this confirmation email.
- If you are applying for a position with a closing date, the documents submitted will not generally be looked at until after this date.
- Before candidates are invited to an interview, all applications are subject to a two-stage screening process (Head of Degree Programme/Head of Department, HR department).
- Successful applicants will be invited to an interview after the closing date and once the screening process has been completed. Candidates will receive a telephone call or email from the HR department.
- The interview will usually be conducted by the line manager, team members from the degree programme/department and a representative from the HR department.
- Each candidate will be told about the next steps and the time frame following an interview and/or the decision stage in person at their interview.
- Applicants who are not being invited to an interview will not be contacted at all at this stage.
- There is a chance that applicants will be reconsidered at a subsequent stage or invited to a later round of interviews.
- Candidates who have not been successful will usually not be notified until the entire selection process has come to an end.
Speculative applications
Instead of accepting speculative applications, we have a Job Alert that you can subscribe to in order to keep up-to-date with all of our latest vacancies. To be added to the list of subscribers, all you need to do is enter your email address and click on a confirmation link. There is no need for you to go through a registration process. The email address you provide will be used only for this service and will not be passed on to third parties. You can unsubscribe from the job newsletter at any time.