Corporate Communications

For information on our Bachelor's or Master's degree programmes, on research, on corporate cooperations, on continuing education courses or on the company Fachhochschule Salzburg GmbH, we are happy to be of service!

Your contacts for media inquiries

Portrait of: Mag. Motzko Karin
Karin Motzko
Head of Division Corporate Communications & Marketing, Press Office
Corporate Communications & Marketing
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Urstein - 275
T: +43-50-2211-1077
Portrait of: Mag. Engstfeld Veronika , Bakk.
Veronika Engstfeld, Bakk.
Corporate Communications Manager
Corporate Communications & Marketing
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Urstein - 277
Portrait of: Mag. Zoidl Barbara
Barbara Zoidl
Corporate Communications Manager
Corporate Communications & Marketing
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Urstein - 277