Inclusion: Erasmus+ for all

Inclusion and diversity in higher education in the Erasmus+ Programme

Support for people with disabilities or health problemes and students who take their child(ren) on the mobility  in the Erasmus+ programme

Erasmus+ attaches great importance to inclusion and diversity and offers the opportunity to apply for additional financial support in all activities (student and staff mobility). In addition to grants in the form of top-ups, inclusion support can cover the additional financial costs incurred by participants with physical, mental or health impairments in particular.

The following groups can apply for this support:

  •  Erasmus+ students who belong to the defined group of participants with fewer opportunities. In Austria, these are students with children who take their child or children with them on their Erasmus+ stay, students with disabilities and students with health problems (e.g. serious illnesses, chronic illnesses or other physical or psychological circumstances that prevent or impede participation in the programme) if this results in increased financial expenditure during their stay abroad.
  • Erasmus+ students who are not among the participants with fewer opportunities defined in Austria, but who can nevertheless prove that they have an actual need for additional financial support on a real cost basis.
  • Erasmus+ staff with disabilities
  • Erasmus+ staff with health issues, if this results in increased financial expenditure during the stay abroad (compared to the stay in the sending country).

What are your access needs?

Areas that could be eligible for support linked to your Erasmus+ mobility, according to individual needs, include but are not limited to: adapted accommodation, travel assistance, medical attendance, supportive equipment, adaption of learning material, an accompanying person, etc.

For your access needs during your mobility, you can apply for an Erasmus+ grant for students and staff with physical, mental or health-related conditions in addition to the regular Erasmus+ study or traineeship or staff mobility grant. In preparation of your Erasmus+ mobility, you should indicate your needs and foreseen extra costs linked to your physical, mental or health-related conditions, in order to apply for the Erasmus+ special needs support grant.

What costs can be claimed for inclusion support?

Important: When preparing your Erasmus+ stay, we therefore ask you to inform us of your situation and to estimate the additional costs that are likely to be incurred during your Erasmus+ mobility or in the host country. Please contact the International Office as early as possible in order to prepare the application and the detailed cost evaluation. The complete application for inclusion support must be submitted at the latest 8 weeks before the mobility.

Further links and documents from the Austrian National Agency OeAD:

Inclusion&Vielfalt (Leafelet in german)

Webpage of the austrian national agency : Inclusion (in german)

How to apply?

The grant for students with fewer opportunities (Top-up "Fewer Opportunities") can be applied for very easily as part of Erasmus+ funding. To apply for inclusion support, please contact the International Office and/or the International Academic Advisor of your department.

Information for incoming students and staff with physical, mental or health-related conditions can also be requested at the International Office of Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.

Further information*:


Equal treatment

By signing the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), FH Salzburg is committed to providing equal access and opportunities to all participants.  Incoming students and incoming university staff with physical, mental or health impairments have access to the same support services and facilities that are offered to all other students and staff.

Data protection 

Personal data are confidential and will only be treated with regards to your application and participation in the Erasmus+ programme according to the national law.

* Salzburg University of Applied Sciences will not accept any liability that the content presented by external providers is up-to-date, accurate and complete.