Share Holder
The Land Salzburg, the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce (WK Salzburg) and the Salzburg Chamber of Labour (AK Salzburg) each hold one third of the shares in Fachhochschule Salzburg GmbH.

Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board controls the management in all realms of administration and management with due care.
Members of the Supervisory Board are:
Mag.a Hilla Lindhuber
WK-Vizeprä Mag.a Marianne Kusejko
WK-Dir. Dr. Manfred Pammer MMag.a Eva Stöckl
Mag. Walter Haas Maria Ziller, LLM DIin Brigitte Jellinek, MSc (BR chairwoman, delegated by the works council)
Markus Hussl (delegated by the works council)
Dkff. Susanne Steppat (delegated by the works council)