Fees and Scholarships

What does it cost to study?

The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences charges tuition fees of 363,- Euros per semester. This amount is payable at the start of the programme (time limit for payment according to contract).

The statutory student union fee of 25.20 Euros per semester is additional (including insurance).

Where do I look for a scholarship?

Claims for student support are addressed directly to the financial aid office “Studienbeihilfenbehörde”. Relevant here are the incomes of the parents, or one's own income. For information on possibilities and conditions go to https://www.stipendium.at/

Support fund of the Salzburg Chamber of Labour for students of the FH Salzburg

Logo AK Salzburg

For students of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences who find themselves in a difficult social or financial situation, there is the possibility to apply for a one-time financial support through the fund of the Salzburg Chamber of Labour (Arbeiterkammer Salzburg). The goal is to give students a bridging aid and thereby enable them to complete or continue their studies.

Further information on Support Fund of the Salzburg Chamber of Labour for FH Salzburg students (PDF)

Deposit on the tuition fee for interested students with previous education from a third-country

The FH Salzburg collects a deposit on the tuition fee from interested students with previous education from a third-country (all states except EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland). This does not apply to those interested in the joint study programs (HCIE-M - Human-Computer Interaction or AISEM – Applied Image and Signal Processing) established with the Paris-Lodron-University Salzburg (PLUS). Prospective students who take up studies at the FH Salzburg will have the deposit credited to the tuition fee (tuition fee and student union fee/ÖH fee) for the first semester, otherwise  the deposit will be refunded. All further regulations can be found in the Guideline for the deposit on the tuition fee.