The diploma supplement is an additional document to each degree certificate. It is designed to improve the international transparency and recognition of academic and professional qualifications.
The diploma supplement provides a description of all relevant aspects of the award gained, such as the level and type of qualification as well as the individual results. It serves as a valuable instrument for future employers as well as educational institutions. It also fosters mobility and lifelong learning on a more general level as it can be used also as an instrument for recognition for prior learning.
As the name already suggests, the diploma supplement may only be seen as an additional document. It is no equivalent or substitute for an original certificate of competence or transcript of records whatsoever. Likewise, it does not replace a CV nor does it ensure the recognition of a particular degree.
All students of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences receive a Diploma Supplement automatically and free of charge upon graduation together with their degree certificate.

The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences was the first of the six institutions of higher education in Salzburg to receive the Diploma Supplement Label (2012-2015). The European Commission conferred this distinction on the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences to honour the special transparency and quality with which the Bologna Accords were put into practice.

Download Diploma Supplement Beispiel (Deutsch)
(pdf, 287 KB)

Download Diploma Supplement Beispiel (Englisch)
(pdf, 291 KB)