FH Salzburg at a glance

Dates and Figures

Overview FH Salzburg

Legal status of the universityUniversity of Applied Sciences according to FHR from 16.12.2004/Gz. 2004/651
Year of founding1995
Form of companyCompany with limited liability
ShareholdersSalzburg Chamber of Labour and Salzburg Chamber of Commerce
University managementManaging Director: 
FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dominik Engel

Authorized Officers
Mag. Raimund Ribitsch (Business Unit Manager Finance and Infrastructur)
Mag. Dr. Doris Walter (Business Unit Manager Human Resources and Internationalisation)
Academic Board of the SUASFH-Rector
FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dominik Engel (FH Rector)

Vice-Chairman of the Board: 
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Günther Grall (FH Vice Rector)
LocationCampus Urstein, 5412 Puch
Campus Kuchl, 5431 Kuchl
Campus Salzburg (Uniklinikum LKH), 5020 Salzburg
Campus Schwarzach (Kardinal Schwarzenberg Klinikum), 5620 Schwarzach/Pongau

The FH Salzburg is an institution of

FH Salzburg (SUAS) at a glance

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Data on the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (FHS)

Bachelor programmes18
Master programmes15
Number of places (total)3,431
Number of students3,249
Total graduates14,807
Number of staff
(Scientific personnel, Services staff, Organisation staff)
Number of external lecturers1,061

Time of data compilation: 2024 December

* subject to approval by the relevant bodies

FH Salzburg at a glance

33 Degree programmes

3249 Students

445 Staff

1061 External Lecturers


Austrian Conference of Universities of Applied Sciences (FHK)

Salzburg University of Applied Sciences is a member of the Austrian University of Applied Sciences Conference FHK.


Salzburg University Conference (SHK)

The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences is a member of the Salzburg University Conference (SHK), which is a co-operation initiative of the six universities in Salzburg. With a total of 24,000 students, 3,700 employees, an annual budget of over 220 million euros and activities all over the world, the six Salzburg universities are of enormous importance for the economic and social development of the region.

Further information: www.salzburger-hochschulkonferenz.ac.at

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