Gender & Diversity Coordinators

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the Gender & Diversity Coordinators in the field of administration and/or in the field of studies and teaching at

Gender & Diversity Coordinators for Students/Lecturers/Researchers

Portrait of: FH-Prof. DI Dr. Hoher Simon
FH-Prof. DI Dr.
Simon Hoher
Head of Degree Programme Industrial Informatics & Robotics
Head of Academic Area Systems Theory & Mechatronics
Senior Lecturer
Department Information Technologies and Digitalisation

Gender & Diversity Coordinator
Corporate Social Responsibility
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Urstein - 419
Portrait of: Stattmann Sabrina , BA, MA
Sabrina Stattmann, BA, MA
Gender & Diversity Coordinator
Corporate Social Responsibility

Department Applied Social Sciences
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Meierei - 1.03

Gender & Diversity Coordinator for Staff/Employees

Portrait of: Lorenz Katharina , BA, MA
Katharina Lorenz, BA, MA
Gender & Diversity Coordinator
Corporate Social Responsibility

HR Manager
Human Resources and Legal Affairs
Location: Campus Urstein