Networking and exchange for FH staff and students

In 2020, Daniela Molzbichler (Senior Lecturer in the Department of Applied Social Sciences) and Lutz Dorsch (Senior Lecturer in the Department of Green Engineering and Circular Design) launched the "FH Sustain" exchange platform to increase the focus on sustainability at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. In the MS TEAMS channel, staff in teaching, research and administration, as well as students, can contribute and exchange ideas on the topic. This channel currently has over 60 members (03/2023).
ARGE Sustainability

Since April 2021, there has also been a working group on sustainability in the FH teaching staff. It includes representatives from all curia and departments. Its activities focus on curriculum development and education for sustainable development (ESD).
In the summer of 2021, a staff survey ("R2S - Road to Sustainability") was conducted in this context, in which 43.5% of the staff participated. A total of 225 ideas and suggestions for making the FH Salzburg more sustainable were collected. This resulted in the "1FHSustain" project - which is financed by the FH-Future Fund, is anchored in the Sustainability Working Group and was launched in autumn 2022. Among other things, the project aims to identify already existing courses on sustainability topics and to develop further subject areas. Another goal is the development of a catalogue of topics and an expansion of the offer within the framework of the nationwide project "Open your Course for Climate Crisis" (OC4CC) entitled "Beyond the plate".