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Entry requirements
Completion of a relevant Bachelor programme in the field of Informatics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics, Automation Engineering, Media Informatics, Computational Engineering or another technical degree programme at a recognised Austrian or foreign post-secondary institution.
To be considered relevant, the completed programme has to compromise at least 180 ECTS credit points (corresponds to three academic years) and has to meet the following criteria:
- Core area Informatics: Proficiency in a procedural programming language, application and implementation of classical algorithms and data structures (lists, sorting), as well as use of libraries (mathematics, input/output)
- Core area Mathematics: Basics of one-dimensional real and complex-valued analysis, basics of algebra (especially: matrices, solving systems of equations), probability calculus and descriptive statistics including correlation & regression analysis.
- Core area Signal Processing: Basics of signal processing (time domain, frequency domain, Fourier series, Laplace and Z-transform, convolution, sampling, Linear Time Invariant Systems)
Adequate English proficiency is assumed, ideally (but not necessarily) documented through a certificate (e.g. TOEFL) and will be assessed in an individual interview.
Do you have any questions?

Our colleague is looking forward to hearing from you:
Annika Karl
Admission Service
T: 0043 (0) 50 2211-6060