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The Joint Master HCI Curriculum is currently being updated. In a joint effort from alumni, students, lecturers and representatives from industry, suggestions for improvement were developed and are currently implemented in an iteration of the curriculum. The main orientation and structure of the curriculum will remain; main changes happen on the level of courses and lectures. The updates to the curriculum are subject to approval by authorities at the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg and the Paris Lodron University Salzburg and will be announced on this website in the course of 2025. Start in winter semester 2025/2026.

Human-Computer Interaction


Applied Prototyping Skills for HCI (FHS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM1APSIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 6
Prüfungscharakter immanent


This course covers different prototyping approaches in HCI. This includes the imple-mentation of low-fidelity to high-fidelity interface prototypes for a given HCI problem. It considers factors of input, output, application interface, and related infrastructure as well as the common tools used to implement them. The course includes screen-based proto-typing as well as physical computing. The course also provides the basics of electron-ics and how to connect hardware with software including rapid prototyping skills. Topics: - terms and definitions - high/low fidelity prototype - horizontal/vertical prototype - 2D prototyping - interactive elements of graphical user interfaces and input methods - sketching, wireframes, storyboards & paper prototypes - introduction to 2D GUI prototyping tools such as Adobe XD, InVision - design sprint for interactive prototypes for desktop and/or mobile - 3D prototyping - basics of 3D content generation and mixed reality interaction - introduction to mixed reality development using Unity and UnityScript - design sprint for interactive prototypes for 3D interfaces - physical prototyping - introduction to a physical computing IDE using Arduino and "Blink" - application of sensors, actors, communication interfaces, control cir-cuits - application of rapid prototyping technologies such as 3D printing - design sprint for interactive prototypes for tangible and/or embodied interaction


Alumni will be able to demonstrate prototyping skills in HCI challenges by implement-ing user interface prototypes with different levels of fidelity.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Prototyping for HCI


Students will be able to demonstrate prototyping skills in HCI challenges by implement-ing user interface prototypes with different levels of fidelity.

Design Thinking for Digital Innovation (FHS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM1DTDIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


This course starts with an introduction to design thinking forming the foundation of dig-ital innovation. Based on small predefined HCI-related projects from companies, design thinking is applied and the conceptualization of possible solutions is practiced. The course will guide students to work effectively as individuals and in small teams to de-sign interactive systems and immersive experiences. Topics: - introduction to design thinking and popular frameworks that foster digital in-novation, such as IDEO, Four D's, What x 4 - embedding design thinking into HCI, experience engineering and human cen-tred design - embedding design thinking into overall digital innovation approaches - empathize: enhanced methods to observe and understand the users - envision: creativity techniques for innovation and concept development - prototype: think forward with enhanced and contextual prototypes - test: enhanced forms of evaluation of the results from the various stages and iterations to remove potential issues - digital innovation, disruptive technologies and digital strategies - experience thinking for future technologies (e.g., experience thinking and AI) - organizational setup of experience driven digital innovation


Alumni will be able to apply design thinking to small predefined HCI challenges and conceptualize possible solutions with the aim to foster digital innovation.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Interaction Design & Digital Innovation


Students will be able to design the interaction between users and interactive systems by applying appropriate interaction design methods and processes. Students will be able to apply design thinking to small predefined HCI challenges and conceptualize possible solutions with the aim to foster digital innovation.

Diversity & Intercultural Aspects (FHS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM1DIAVO
Typ VO
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 1,5
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


The course covers heterogeneity of today's users through engaging with various over-lapping attributes of an individual¿s identity, gender aspects, and societal aspects of HCI by the examination and discussion of examples and case studies. Topics: - terms and definitions: transcultural, intercultural, pluricultural and multicultural approaches - models and dimensions of diversity - communication in intercultural teams - intercultural tools and diversity management - international impact of (design) decisions - intercultural and diversity centred design aspects (e.g., gender sensitive de-sign) - applying diversity aspects in future technology designs


Alumni will be able to manage the heterogeneity of today¿s users through engaging with various overlapping attributes of an individua's identity, (digital) ethics, gender as-pects, and societal aspects of HCI. They are able to collaborate with people from differ-ent cultures and understand user needs (empathy).

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Ethics, Diversity & Society


Students will be triggered to reflect their ethical viewpoint and to have a professional self-understanding. They will be able to analyse, assess, discuss and reflect on their behaviour and to integrate ethical and sustainability related considerations into their own future-oriented and responsible actions. Students will be able to manage the heterogeneity of today's users through engaging with various overlapping attributes of an individual's identity, (digital) ethics, gender as-pects, and societal aspects of HCI. They are able to collaborate with people from differ-ent cultures and understand user needs (empathy). Students are able to recall and discuss societal and legal aspects in HCI such as intel-lectual property rights, protection of data privacy (e.g., GDPR), and technology impact assessment. Students are able to differentiate problem areas which can arise from cur-rent technical developments in the professional field of HCI and can argument their own reflected viewpoint. Students will be able to manage the heterogeneity of today¿s users through engaging with various overlapping attributes of an individual¿s identity, (digital) ethics, gender as-pects, and societal aspects of HCI. They are able to collaborate with people from differ-ent cultures and understand user needs (empathy). Students are able to recall and discuss societal and legal aspects in HCI such as intel-lectual property rights, protection of data privacy (e.g., GDPR), and technology impact assessment. Students are able to differentiate problem areas which can arise from cur-rent technical developments in the professional field of HCI and can argument their own reflected viewpoint.

Ethics & Sustainability (FHS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM1ETSIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 1,5
Prüfungscharakter immanent


The course introduces scientific codes of conduct, ethic regulations and committees. It covers basic knowledge within the scientific and vocationally-related discourse regard-ing ethics and sustainability in the context of information technologies. Topics: - ethical, societal and environmental impact of information technology - basic approaches to ethics and sustainability - responsibility of the individual and organizations - codes of conduct and normative ethics - ecological and social sustainability - ethics and sustainability as facilitator of human-centred innovation - ethics, sustainability and future technologies (e.g., automated driving, new ma-terials) - applying and establishing ethics in a HCI oriented project


Alumni will be triggered to reflect their ethical viewpoint and to have a professional self-understanding. They will be able to analyse, assess, discuss and reflect on their behaviour and to integrate ethical and sustainability related considerations into their own future-oriented and responsible actions.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Ethics, Diversity & Society


Students will be triggered to reflect their ethical viewpoint and to have a professional self-understanding. They will be able to analyse, assess, discuss and reflect on their behaviour and to integrate ethical and sustainability related considerations into their own future-oriented and responsible actions. Students will be able to manage the heterogeneity of today's users through engaging with various overlapping attributes of an individual's identity, (digital) ethics, gender as-pects, and societal aspects of HCI. They are able to collaborate with people from differ-ent cultures and understand user needs (empathy). Students are able to recall and discuss societal and legal aspects in HCI such as intel-lectual property rights, protection of data privacy (e.g., GDPR), and technology impact assessment. Students are able to differentiate problem areas which can arise from cur-rent technical developments in the professional field of HCI and can argument their own reflected viewpoint. Students will be able to manage the heterogeneity of today¿s users through engaging with various overlapping attributes of an individual¿s identity, (digital) ethics, gender as-pects, and societal aspects of HCI. They are able to collaborate with people from differ-ent cultures and understand user needs (empathy). Students are able to recall and discuss societal and legal aspects in HCI such as intel-lectual property rights, protection of data privacy (e.g., GDPR), and technology impact assessment. Students are able to differentiate problem areas which can arise from cur-rent technical developments in the professional field of HCI and can argument their own reflected viewpoint.

Experience Engineering Methods (PLUS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM1EEMIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 4
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


This course provides a systematic introduction to usability and experience engineering meth-ods and processes. It starts with an introduction to overall approaches in the context of an en-gineering process and how they are applied to HCI problems. The course will focus on the ba-sics of requirements engineering and analysis activities (e.g., contextual inquiry, task analysis, ethnography, observation), conceptual design as well as analytical and empirical evaluation methods and measurements (e.g., heuristic evaluation, A/B testing, usability studies, physio-logical measurements). Topics: ¿ principles of experience engineering ¿ user experience models, factors, metrics and measurement ¿ overall approaches of experience engineering (incl. quality of experience) ¿ user and task analysis (e.g., user requirements analysis, contextual inquiry, ethnog-raphy, observation) ¿ task design and motivation ¿ conceptual design ¿ analytical and empirical evaluation methods (e.g., usability/experience testing, ex-pert- based evaluations, A/B testing, guerrilla testing) ¿ higher scale and longitudinal studies ¿ physiological measurements (e.g., eye-tracking, galvanic skin response, EEG) ¿ technologies and tools for experience engineering (e.g., online questionnaires, measurement workbenches)


Alumni will be able to name and explain usability and experience engineering methods and apply them to HCI use cases.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Human Factors & Experience Engineering


Students will be able to name, explain, discuss and illustrate human factors and design princi-ples. Students will be able to name and explain usability and experience engineering methods and apply them to HCI use cases.

Foundations of HCI Methodologies (PLUS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM1FHMIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 4
Prüfungscharakter immanent


This course starts with an introduction to different HCI research and design-oriented method-ologies such as user-centred design, human-centred design, research through design, re-search by design, research for design, experience-centred design, participatory design, critical design, or reflection in action. The course focuses on the differences of these methodologies regarding their purpose (e.g., design, knowledge generation, industry). The course covers dif-ferent forms of research questions in HCI and how these questions can be answered by HCI methodologies. This also includes a critical reflection of the acquired knowledge. Topics: ¿ overview on HCI research and design-oriented methodologies: o user-centred design o experience engineering o human-centred design o research through/by/for design o experience-centred design o participatory design o critical design o reflection in action o value sensitive design ¿ crowdsourcing and crowdsourcing technologies in HCI research ¿ introduction to eye tracking and eye tracking technologies ¿ retrospective study methods for HCI ¿ contextual methods for HCI ¿ social network analysis in HCI ¿ research ethics and HCI


Alumni will be able to characterize and differentiate HCI research methodologies and their respective epistemologies, aims, methods and applications. They will be able to compare, se-lect and apply appropriate methodology to a given HCI problem.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

HCI Theory & Methodology


Students will be able to name, explain and discuss theories and paradigms of HCI. Students will be able to characterize and differentiate HCI research methodologies and their respective epistemologies, aims, methods and applications. They will be able to compare, se-lect and apply appropriate methodology to a given HCI problem.

HCI Theory & Paradigms (PLUS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM1HTPVO
Typ VO
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


This course provides a comprehensive overview of theories and paradigms of HCI. Starting with a historical overview of HCI research, this course focuses on depicting and discussing modern HCI theories (i.e. situated action) as well as contemporary trends and paradigms, such as values in HCI, the role of design, or embodiment. Topics: ¿ history and origins of HCI ¿ HCI as an interdisciplinary research area ¿ role of theories and paradigms in HCI ¿ introduction to the different HCI waves and its implications ¿ fundamental HCI paradigms ¿ theories relevant in HCI: o theories of cognition o situated action o CSCW theory o activity theory o grounded theory o turns in HCI (values, design, embodiment, etc.)


Alumni will be able to name, explain and discuss theories and paradigms of HCI.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

HCI Theory & Methodology


Students will be able to name, explain and discuss theories and paradigms of HCI. Students will be able to characterize and differentiate HCI research methodologies and their respective epistemologies, aims, methods and applications. They will be able to compare, se-lect and apply appropriate methodology to a given HCI problem.

Human Factors & Design Principles (PLUS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM1HFDVO
Typ VO
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


This course covers basics and new approaches in human factors, software and hardware ergonomics, understanding different aspect of the human and design principles triggered by this. The course emphasizes individual human factors (e.g., perception, cognition, motor control, anthropometry) as well as the organizational arrangements that can amplify or correct human factors¿ problems or lead to human error. It includes HCI related models such as Fitts¿ law. Topics: ¿ human factors engineering and systems design ¿ sensation and perception ¿ selection and control of action ¿ information processing, cognition, memory ¿ decision¿making models, decision support, and problem solving ¿ mental workload, situation awareness and mental models ¿ social and organizational foundations of ergonomics ¿ anthropometry for product design ¿ affective engineering and design ¿ equipment, workplace, and environmental design ¿ vibration and motion ¿ sound and noise ¿ human error and human reliability analysis ¿ warnings and hazard communications ¿ modelling human performance ¿ design for people with functional limitations ¿ human factors and ergonomics standards


Alumni will be able to name, explain, discuss and illustrate human factors and design principles.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Human Factors & Experience Engineering


Students will be able to name, explain, discuss and illustrate human factors and design princi-ples. Students will be able to name and explain usability and experience engineering methods and apply them to HCI use cases.

Interaction Design (PLUS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM1INDIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


This course will start with an introduction to the basics of interaction design and the cognitive processes that underlie interaction. It then will tackle the design of the interactions between users and interactive systems and how to develop interaction designs for a given HCI problem. The combination of different interaction modalities and the application of appropriate interaction design principles and approaches are practiced on the basis of guided examples. Topics: ¿ basics of interaction design (terms and definitions, core activities, etc.) ¿ introduction of cognitive processes that underlie interaction ¿ different perspectives and stances towards interaction design (embodied, tangible, multimodal, etc.) ¿ information architecture ¿ user flow, story boarding and sketching ¿ the role of technology (e.g., tangible computing, VR/AR, robotics) ¿ digital interaction ¿ design patterns ¿ service design ¿ accessibility and equity ¿ development of an interactive prototype throughout the course (several iterations based on learnings from lecture) ¿ interaction design in complex technology-centred scenarios (e.g., industrial/machine applications, dashboard design) ¿ technologies and tools for interaction design (pattern libraries, UI stencils, etc.)


Alumni will be able to design the interaction between users and interactive systems by apply-ing appropriate interaction design methods and processes.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Interaction Design & Digital Innovation


Students will be able to design the interaction between users and interactive systems by applying appropriate interaction design methods and processes. Students will be able to apply design thinking to small predefined HCI challenges and conceptualize possible solutions with the aim to foster digital innovation.

Societal & Legal Aspects in HCI (FHS)

Semester 1
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM1SLAVO
Typ VO
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


The course covers professional ethics, ethical guidelines of various professional asso-ciations and discussions of case studies. It outlines the protection of intellectual proper-ties through patents, trademarks and registered designs as well as the HCI-related as-pects of data protection, privacy and security. Topics: - societal and legal challenges of digitalisation - theories and methods, e.g., "regulation by design", prospective application of laws and regulations - equity and accessibility - introduction to intellectual property rights: trademark, patent, design patent, copyright - general data protection regulations and their application in HCI - need and demand for privacy and security and its relation to HCI - societal and legal aspects of advanced technologies (e.g., automation, digiti-zation)


Alumni are able to recall and discuss societal and legal aspects in HCI such as intel-lectual property rights, protection of data privacy (e.g., GDPR), and technology impact assessment. Alumni are able to differentiate problem areas which can arise from cur-rent technical developments in the professional field of HCI and can argument their own reflected viewpoint.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Ethics, Diversity & Society


Students will be triggered to reflect their ethical viewpoint and to have a professional self-understanding. They will be able to analyse, assess, discuss and reflect on their behaviour and to integrate ethical and sustainability related considerations into their own future-oriented and responsible actions. Students will be able to manage the heterogeneity of today's users through engaging with various overlapping attributes of an individual's identity, (digital) ethics, gender as-pects, and societal aspects of HCI. They are able to collaborate with people from differ-ent cultures and understand user needs (empathy). Students are able to recall and discuss societal and legal aspects in HCI such as intel-lectual property rights, protection of data privacy (e.g., GDPR), and technology impact assessment. Students are able to differentiate problem areas which can arise from cur-rent technical developments in the professional field of HCI and can argument their own reflected viewpoint. Students will be able to manage the heterogeneity of today¿s users through engaging with various overlapping attributes of an individual¿s identity, (digital) ethics, gender as-pects, and societal aspects of HCI. They are able to collaborate with people from differ-ent cultures and understand user needs (empathy). Students are able to recall and discuss societal and legal aspects in HCI such as intel-lectual property rights, protection of data privacy (e.g., GDPR), and technology impact assessment. Students are able to differentiate problem areas which can arise from cur-rent technical developments in the professional field of HCI and can argument their own reflected viewpoint.


Contextual Analysis & Context Capturing (PLUS)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM2CACIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


This course covers different context definitions and models and how to select and apply methods to gather requirements specific for different and complex application areas. In this course students will be confronted with contextual challenges in various application areas (e.g., automotive, factory, hospital, home). The preparation and execution of analyses in these different application areas is practiced as well as the interpretation of collected data and the formulation of contextual requirements. Students will also learn to draw conclusions for follow up development stages. Topics: ¿ theories and model of context, understanding the dimensions of context ¿ research approaches for the / in the wild ¿ advanced context analysis capturing methods (e.g., ethnography, auto-ethnography and reflection) ¿ technology based approaches and contextual measurements (e.g., physiological measurements, video analysis, context instrumentation) ¿ living lab based approaches and measurements ¿ context simulation ¿ context capturing and analysis in and for various application domains like: o social and health care (e.g., ambient assisted living) o manufacturing & automation (e.g., factories and production) o transportation and mobility (e.g., aviation, public transport, vehicles and cars) o leisure (e.g., home, sports) o education (e.g., primary schools) ¿ implications of intercultural contexts ¿ covering the complexity of real and complex industrial contexts ¿ appropriate description/documentation/reporting of the results of the contextual analysis ¿ transfer of insights towards appropriate solutions


Alumni will be able to select the adequate research method and approach specific contexts in field studies appropriately. They will be able to describe the specific context appropriately.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Contextual HCI


Students will be able to select the adequate research method and approach specific contexts in field studies appropriately. They will be able to describe the specific context appropriately. Students will be able to research, conceptualize, design and build prototypes for interaction problems in specific application areas.

Contextual Interaction Design (PLUS)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM2CIDIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


This course leads the students to conceptualize, design and implement experience prototypes for interaction problems in specific application areas and evaluate these designs in experiments and user studies. The translation of complex contextual requirements into concrete designs and implementations is practiced. Topics: ¿ contextual design complexities and challenges ¿ taking over insights from contextual capturing ¿ methods for contextual interaction design ¿ contextual interaction design management ¿ interaction design in / for specific application domains: o home environments o health care o ambient assisted living o motor vehicle transportation o automation design, IoT and robotic artefacts o manufacturing o aviation o education ¿ prototyping for specific domains ¿ evaluation of prototypes in contextual settings ¿ deploying prototypes into contextual settings ¿ software/hardware/system structures for context-specific interfaces


Alumni will be able to research, conceptualize, design and build prototypes for interaction problems in specific application areas.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Contextual HCI


Students will be able to select the adequate research method and approach specific contexts in field studies appropriately. They will be able to describe the specific context appropriately. Students will be able to research, conceptualize, design and build prototypes for interaction problems in specific application areas.

HCI Research Project (JOINT)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM2HRPPT
Typ PT
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 6
Prüfungscharakter immanent


The course covers the basics of scientific work and scientific writing as well as the for-mulation of research questions and the conceptualisation of an appropriate study. The coaching of the students takes place in several thematic steps: project management, selection and application of methodological approaches, planning and executing ap-propriate (user-) studies, applying data analysis and interpretation of findings, as well as documentation according to professional academic standards. The course ends up with a submitted paper of a possible solution or findings at a leading HCI conference (e.g., CHI conference in a track as a student research competition). Topics: - quality standards and methods for scientific research in HCI - identification of HCI research challenges and formulation of research ques-tions - literature research and systematic selection of theories, models, methods, cur-rent approaches - study and concept design: artefacts, hypotheses, metrics, variables, opera-tionalization, measurements, sample size, subjects, ethics, test procedure, test environment, pre-test, data analysis - optional implementation of a software/hardware prototype suited for the study purpose - interpretation of the findings and implications - selection of a conference, template, outline, writing style, schedule - scientific writing and submission of a scientific publication - preparation of adequate presentation material - discussion and reflection of publication outcome


Alumni will be able to apply theoretical knowledge, as well as technological and meth-odological skills to master a complex research problem. They will be able to formulate well-defined research questions and conceptualize an appropriate study. They will be able to select and apply a methodological approach, perform appropriate (user-)studies, analyse their data appropriately and interpret their findings. They will be able to write a scientific research paper and submit it to a scientific HCI conference.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

HCI & Research


Students will be able to analyse and discuss recent HCI related scientific literature and materials with respect to novel theories, methods, designs and technologies. They will be able to critically reflect on the appropriateness of research questions, designs and methods. They will be able to identify, reflect and discuss research trends in HCI. Students will be able to describe predominant theories, methods and recent trends in related scientific disciplines and are able to reflect their applicability to HCI research. Students will be able to apply theoretical knowledge, as well as technological and meth-odological skills to master a complex research problem. They will be able to formulate well-defined research questions and conceptualize an appropriate study. They will be able to select and apply a methodological approach, perform appropriate (user-)studies, analyse their data appropriately and interpret their findings. They will be able to write a scientific research paper and submit it to a scientific HCI conference.

Interaction Approaches & Technologies (FHS)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM2IATLB
Typ LB
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 6
Prüfungscharakter immanent


This course introduces the concepts and functionality of advanced interaction technol-ogies such as multimodal interaction, movement and body sensing, virtual reality, aug-mented reality, tangible interaction. Building prototypical applications for a specific ap-plication area using one or more of these advanced interaction technologies is covered in detail. Topics: - human modalities for interaction - technological foundations of different interaction approaches: - virtual / mixed / augmented reality - tangible interaction - speech interfaces - gesture interfaces - gaze based interfaces - haptic feedback systems - systems for emotion detection - brain-computer interfaces - current application areas of advanced interaction technologies - putting pieces together: conception and realisation of a next generation inter-face prototype for a chosen application area


Alumni will be able to compare, select, utilize, adapt and implement advanced interac-tion technologies according to an application area.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Interaction Technologies


Students will be able to compare, select, utilize, adapt and implement advanced interac-tion technologies according to an application area.

Lecture Series: HCI Related Disciplines (JOINT)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM2LESVO
Typ VO
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


This course is a lecture series with contributions from different HCI-related disciplines. It covers an introduction and theories, methods and approaches from related disciplines such as cognitive science, social science, behavioural science and design research. The relationship and influence of the different disciplines on HCI is reflected on. Lectures are held by experts in the related disciplines and may include visits to dedicated research facilities. Topics may contain but are not limited to theories, models and methods of: - introduction to the interdisciplinary world and bridges of HCI - core ingredients, new developments and practice in... - psychology (e.g., motivation, habit formation, behaviour change, learning, priming, bias, stress) - cognitive science (e.g., neuro-cognitive methods and insights) - social sciences (e.g., social theories, social community research, research on aging) - behavioural science (e.g., persuasion and - behavioural economics, basic behavioural theories) - design research (e.g., specific design approaches such as for well-being, design for change; current trends in design) - information technology and computer science (e.g., artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, robotics, blockchain technology, IoT) - biology research (e.g. basic biological concepts and structures) - material science and engineering (e.g. the synergy of materials and interaction)


Alumni will be able to describe predominant theories, methods and recent trends in related scientific disciplines and are able to reflect their applicability to HCI research.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

HCI & Research


Students will be able to analyse and discuss recent HCI related scientific literature and materials with respect to novel theories, methods, designs and technologies. They will be able to critically reflect on the appropriateness of research questions, designs and methods. They will be able to identify, reflect and discuss research trends in HCI. Students will be able to describe predominant theories, methods and recent trends in related scientific disciplines and are able to reflect their applicability to HCI research. Students will be able to apply theoretical knowledge, as well as technological and meth-odological skills to master a complex research problem. They will be able to formulate well-defined research questions and conceptualize an appropriate study. They will be able to select and apply a methodological approach, perform appropriate (user-)studies, analyse their data appropriately and interpret their findings. They will be able to write a scientific research paper and submit it to a scientific HCI conference.

Research Trends in HCI (JOINT)

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM2RETSE
Typ SE
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


This course starts with an overview of current trends in HCI. Important HCI related con-ferences, journals, as well as other research and HCI trends sources will be introduced. This also involves a critical reflection and a systematic assessment of the strength and weaknesses of the respective source. HCI research trends have to be reflected critically and implications will be worked out. Topics: - overview of HCI research pillars and trends (e.g., novel theories, methods, de-signs and technologies) - established and trusted HCI research outlets: conferences, journals and be-yond - systematic reading and analysis of scientific publications in the field of HCI - categories for scientific publications in the field of HCI: - field of application - theories and models - interaction approaches - interactive technologies - evaluation methods - advanced data analysis methods - critical discussion of the key facts of successful scientific publications in the field of HCI in relation to the recent state of research - SWOT analysis of future trends in the field of HCI (also considering the ex-pected ethical, societal, ecological and sustainable impact) - identification of future trends and research issues to be tackled - framing successful pieces of HCI research


Alumni will be able to analyse and discuss recent HCI related scientific literature and materials with respect to novel theories, methods, designs and technologies. They will be able to critically reflect on the appropriateness of research questions, designs and methods. They will be able to identify, reflect and discuss research trends in HCI.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

HCI & Research


Students will be able to analyse and discuss recent HCI related scientific literature and materials with respect to novel theories, methods, designs and technologies. They will be able to critically reflect on the appropriateness of research questions, designs and methods. They will be able to identify, reflect and discuss research trends in HCI. Students will be able to describe predominant theories, methods and recent trends in related scientific disciplines and are able to reflect their applicability to HCI research. Students will be able to apply theoretical knowledge, as well as technological and meth-odological skills to master a complex research problem. They will be able to formulate well-defined research questions and conceptualize an appropriate study. They will be able to select and apply a methodological approach, perform appropriate (user-)studies, analyse their data appropriately and interpret their findings. They will be able to write a scientific research paper and submit it to a scientific HCI conference.

EC1: Elective Courses 1

Elective Courses 1

Semester 2
Studienjahr 1
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM2EC1IL
Typ IL
Art Wahlpflicht
Unterrichtssprache German
ECTS-Punkte 6
Prüfungscharakter immanent


A detailed list of recommended courses is to be found in the main document in section F1.4. Students will be encouraged to take courses in the fields of design, psychology and in-formation technology in order to deepen their personal skill set with respect to HCI.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

EC1: Elective Courses 1


Learning outcomes will be announced in the course syllabus


Advanced Contextual Interfaces (JOINT)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM3ACIIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


This course intensifies the knowledge of different types of contextual interfaces based on recent streams such as autonomous systems, social computing, persuasive technol-ogies, ubiquitous computing, wearable computing or tangible interaction. Students will be focusing on one stream and conceptualise, design and prototype one or more ad-vanced contextual interfaces for a specific application area. Topics: - repetition and reflection on the lessons learned from previous contextual courses - diving into the deep: idea creation for solving contextual challenges (includ-ing selection of specific problem contexts) - going into the wild and capture challenges to solve - drafting and plan a contextual interface project - implications from going into the wild - assessment and selection of HCI technologies for new contextual interfaces - research through design-based reflection in action: design, situate and ana-lyse - presentation of outcome, discussion and reflection


Alumni will be able to discuss various HCI streams. Based on one specific stream they will be able to solve contextual challenges and design one or more advanced contextu-al interfaces for a specific application area.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Advanced Contextual HCI


Students will be able to discuss various HCI streams. Based on one specific stream they will be able to solve contextual challenges and design one or more advanced contextual interfaces for a specific application area. Students will be able to identify and examine challenges in industrial settings accompa-nying development processes of complex interactive systems or services and their in-tegration.

Complex Interactive Systems (FHS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM3CISIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Based on selected case studies this course covers actual development processes and different philosophies (e.g., agile development) as well as technological and organisa-tional system complexity in industry. This includes the confrontation with existing tech-nical interfaces, established operational processes and stakeholders on multiple hierar-chical levels. This course ends with an assignment to conceptualize and organize the integration of an interactive system or service in a predefined industrial environment. Topics: - challenges and approaches of interactive systems architectures - case studies about development and implementation of interactive solutions in complex industrial environments - technological environments for interactive solutions, e.g., infrastructure, inter-faces, protocols - context analysis of the organisational environment interactive solutions, e.g., development frameworks like SCRUM, operational and business processes, responsibilities, hierarchy, communication channels - integration of and interaction with stakeholders - transfer of technological and organisational constraints to requirements for in-teractive solutions - concept development of a new interactive solution for a complex industrial environment


Alumni will be able to identify and examine challenges in industrial settings accompa-nying development processes of complex interactive systems or services and their in-tegration.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Advanced Contextual HCI


Students will be able to discuss various HCI streams. Based on one specific stream they will be able to solve contextual challenges and design one or more advanced contextual interfaces for a specific application area. Students will be able to identify and examine challenges in industrial settings accompa-nying development processes of complex interactive systems or services and their in-tegration.

Design of Innovative Interactions (PLUS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM3DIIIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


The course covers recent and upcoming technologies and their application for interactive systems and services. The students engage with recent and upcoming sensor, computing and actuator technology and how it could be utilized for innovative interactions. The course includes an assignment to design and prototype an innovative interaction concept using novel hard- and software components. The course focuses on forward looking and even speculative designs. Topics: ¿ the synergy of innovation and innovative interaction ¿ adopting emerging technologies from basic research in the fields of computer sciences, electronics, material sciences and innovative fields of applications (e.g., IT, robotics, automotive) ¿ analysis of emerging technologies for their application in novel interactive solutions ¿ conception of an innovative interactive prototype using at least one emerging technology ¿ technical implementation (hard- and software) of an innovative interactive prototype using at least one emerging technology (proof of concept, may include simulation of functions that are not feasible yet) ¿ evaluating the degree of innovation for new forms of interaction


Alumni will be able to identify and utilize recent and upcoming technologies to envision con-cepts and implement prototypes of innovative systems and services.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

HCI Innovations & Future Technologies


Students will be able to identify and utilize recent and upcoming technologies to envi-sion concepts and implement prototypes of innovative systems and services. Students will be able to analyse, estimate and predict potential impacts of new technolo-gies on society and the environment based on possible application areas.

Experience Leadership & Innovation Management (PLUS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM3ELISE
Typ SE
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


Based on existing positive and negative examples, the impact of experience leadership and management is examined. The course covers essential management skills and principles to develop, establish and maintain a holistic UX strategy. It includes terms like business value of design, key performance indicators, business models, business plans, technology and cost estimations as well as business cases of user experience. Management methods and project management skills are introduced. Topics: ¿ introduction to UX leadership (pitfalls and potentials) ¿ user experience championship model ¿ role of user-centred thinking within innovation cycles ¿ understanding, scoping and driving a corporate user experience strategy ¿ innovation management and user-driven innovation o closed versus open innovation o gate keeper processes and role models within the innovation topic o methods for user driven innovations (e.g., Lead User Method, Co-Creation) o consumer trends for driving innovation ¿ the value of performance indicators ¿ business models and business plans in relation to experience strategies ¿ technology and cost estimations


Alumni will be able to apply management skills and principles to develop, establish and maintain holistic UX strategies for industrial settings.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

HCI & Industries


Students will be able to apply organizational, methodological, technological and design principles to economically improve the user experience addressing given real-world industrial problems. Students will be able to apply management skills and principles to develop, establish and maintain holistic UX strategies for industrial settings. Students will be able to master an industry focused project that starts with a complex re-al-world problem in HCI and ends up with an economically feasible solution. They are able to manage and organize an industrial project. They are able to document and pre-sent the project according to professional standards.

HCI Industry Project (JOINT)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM3HIPPT
Typ PT
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 6
Prüfungscharakter immanent


The course starts with the presentation of a complex real-world problem by an industry stakeholder. The goal of the course is to develop an interactive solution for this prob-lem. During the course coaching of the students is provided in several thematic steps: project management, contextual requirements analysis, contextual interaction design, evaluation studies, documentation and presentation according to professional stand-ards (project reporting). Presentation and marketing skills are trained by presenting the interim results regularly. Students are encouraged to find industry stakeholders on their own. Topics: - analysis of a complex real-world problem in HCI - resource constraints and management of a HCI project - quality standards for project setup and documentation - presentation skills and dealing with stakeholders - contextual requirements analysis with focus on the technological and organi-sational environment - application of industrial interaction design using recent and emerging tech-nologies - implementation (hard- and software) of interactive prototypes - systematic evaluation of prototypes - project and results presentation to industry stakeholders


Alumni will be able to master an industry focused project that starts with a complex re-al-world problem in HCI and ends up with an economically feasible solution. They are able to manage and organize an industrial project. They are able to document and pre-sent the project according to professional standards.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

HCI & Industries


Students will be able to apply organizational, methodological, technological and design principles to economically improve the user experience addressing given real-world industrial problems. Students will be able to apply management skills and principles to develop, establish and maintain holistic UX strategies for industrial settings. Students will be able to master an industry focused project that starts with a complex re-al-world problem in HCI and ends up with an economically feasible solution. They are able to manage and organize an industrial project. They are able to document and pre-sent the project according to professional standards.

Impacts of Future Technologies (JOINT)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM3IFTSE
Typ SE
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


The course covers theoretical knowledge and methods to assess and classify the im-pact of technologies regarding individual, societal and environmental consequences. It starts with examples from the past such as letterpress, punch cards or interactive tablets to exemplify the path from innovation to market penetration and disruption. Based on case studies the analysis, estimation, prediction and comparison of individual, societal, and environmental impacts of novel technologies will be practiced. Possible topics for the master thesis will be identified and discussed. Topics: - individual, societal and environmental criteria for the evaluation of technolo-gies - case studies of disruptive technologies and innovations - methods to predict individual, societal and environmental impacts of emerging technologies - research of emerging technologies from basic research in the fields of com-puter sciences, electronics, material sciences and innovative fields of applica-tions (e.g., IT, robotics, automotive) - foresight of the individual, societal and environmental impacts of emerging technologies - acceptance models and acceptance of technologies


Alumni will be able to analyse, estimate and predict potential impacts of new technol-ogies on society and the environment based on possible application areas.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

HCI Innovations & Future Technologies


Students will be able to identify and utilize recent and upcoming technologies to envi-sion concepts and implement prototypes of innovative systems and services. Students will be able to analyse, estimate and predict potential impacts of new technolo-gies on society and the environment based on possible application areas.

User Experience in Practice (FHS)

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM3UEPIL
Typ IL
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter immanent


The course covers methods and procedures in theory and practice as well as the appli-cation of organizational, methodological, technological and design skills to a practical problem introduced by industry stakeholders with the overarching goal to improve user experience. Students will create a concept and present it to industry stakeholders. Topics: - practical and economic aspects of UX in industry - UX and HCI from practitioner¿s viewpoint - UX and HCI roles in industry - management patterns to improve and manage UX in industry - roles and models of user-centred thinking within corporates - tools for planning, decision making, tactical operation and conflict techniques for UX challenges from a real-world industrial setting - concept development for an industrial HCI project - presenting to industry stakeholders


Alumni will be able to apply organizational, methodological, technological and design principles to economically improve the user experience addressing given real-world industrial problems.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

HCI & Industries


Students will be able to apply organizational, methodological, technological and design principles to economically improve the user experience addressing given real-world industrial problems. Students will be able to apply management skills and principles to develop, establish and maintain holistic UX strategies for industrial settings. Students will be able to master an industry focused project that starts with a complex re-al-world problem in HCI and ends up with an economically feasible solution. They are able to manage and organize an industrial project. They are able to document and pre-sent the project according to professional standards.

EC2: Elective Courses 2

Elecetive Courses 2

Semester 3
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM3EC2IL
Typ IL
Art Wahlpflicht
Unterrichtssprache German
ECTS-Punkte 6
Prüfungscharakter immanent


A detailed list of recommended courses is to be found in the main document in section F1.4. Students will be encouraged to take courses in the fields of design, psychology and information technology in order to deepen their personal skill set with respect to HCI.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

EC2: Elective Courses 2


Learning outcomes will be announced in the course syllabus


Master Exam (JOINT)

Semester 4
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM4MAEIT
Typ DP
Art Diplom/Masterarbeit
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 3
Prüfungscharakter abschließend


The final panel examination for the completion of the master studies consists of the following exam parts: presentation of the master thesis including the defensio (1), an exam discussion that deals with the interconnections regarding the topic of the master thesis on the relevant subjects of the curriculum (2), and an exam discussion on other curricu-lum-relevant content (3). Topics: - presentation of the master thesis - contents and stringency of the presentation - visualization of information and results - linguistic quality of the talk - time management - exam discussion regarding the master thesis is - based on a critical reflection of: - objectives and research question - procedure and applied HCI theories, models and methods - results and findings - strengths, limitations and outlook - exam discussion regarding other relevant subjects of the curriculum


Alumni will be able to present acquired knowledge orally using digital support materi-als. They will be able to prove their specialist and methodical knowledge by discussing aspects of their master¿s thesis, relevant subjects of the curriculum and other curriculum-relevant content with a professional audience.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Master Seminar & Exam


Students will be able to reflect and discuss scientific question of their master's thesis as well as the scientific methods used. Students will be able to present acquired knowledge orally using digital support materi-als. They will be able to prove their specialist and methodical knowledge by discussing aspects of their master's thesis, relevant subjects of the curriculum and other curriculum-relevant content with a professional audience.

Master Thesis

Semester 4
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM4MATIT
Typ IT
Art Diplom/Masterarbeit
Unterrichtssprache German
ECTS-Punkte 25
Prüfungscharakter immanent


This course provides training to improve practical skills and theoretical knowledge in the following topics (selection based on his/her individual needs and interests): project management, theory creation, HCI driven solutions, selection and application of methodological approaches, planning and executing appropriate (user-)studies, applying data analysis and interpretation of findings, as well as documentation according to professional academic standards. Students are encouraged to find international partners for their master thesis project. Topics: - problem statement, relevance and approach - aim, research question and methodical procedure - HCI theories, models and methods - field of application and context of use - interactive technologies, prototyping and implementation - study design and empirical evaluation - results, findings and critical discussion - impacts on society and environment - conclusion and outlook


Alumni will be able to work independently on a major task of the same level as the pro-fessional practice of a Master of Science in HCI degree holder. Alumni will be able to apply theoretical knowledge, as well as technological and methodological skills to mas-ter a complex, self-identified research problem. They will be able to formulate well-defined research questions and conceptualise an appropriate study. They will be able to select and apply a methodological approach, perform appropriate (user-)studies, ana-lyse their data appropriately and interpret their findings. They are able to clearly com-municate findings in an academically appropriate form.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Master Thesis


Students will be able to work independently on a major task of the same level as the professional practice of a Master of Science in HCI degree holder. Students will be able to apply theoretical knowledge, as well as technological and methodological skills to master a complex, self-identified research problem. They will be able to formulate well-defined research questions and conceptualise an appropriate study. They will be able to select and apply a methodological approach, perform appropriate (user-)studies, analyse their data appropriately and interpret their findings. They are able to clearly communicate findings in an academically appropriate form.

Master Thesis Seminar (JOINT)

Semester 4
Studienjahr 2
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer HCIM4MTSSE
Typ SE
Art Pflicht
Unterrichtssprache English
ECTS-Punkte 2
Prüfungscharakter immanent


The course covers comprehensive and diverse disputation of terms, objectives, struc-tures, core elements, tools and challenges of the master theses. In a discussion within the peer group, students defend and reflect on the scientific question of their master thesis as well as the scientific methods used. Within this course they will develop a master thesis exposé. Topics: - challenges, objectives and research questions - formal structure of a master thesis - presentation and discussion of the current research state with respect to: - HCI theories, models and methods - field of application and context of use - interaction and interface design - interactive technologies and implementation - study design and empirical evaluation - preliminary results and findings - reflections and discussions


Alumni will be able to reflect and discuss scientific question of their master's thesis as well as the scientific methods used.

Übergeordnetes Modul:

Master Seminar & Exam


Students will be able to reflect and discuss scientific question of their master's thesis as well as the scientific methods used. Students will be able to present acquired knowledge orally using digital support materi-als. They will be able to prove their specialist and methodical knowledge by discussing aspects of their master's thesis, relevant subjects of the curriculum and other curriculum-relevant content with a professional audience.

SemesterSemesters 1, 3, 5: courses held only in winter semester (mid-September to end of January), Semesters 2, 4, 6: courses held only in summer semester (mid-February to end of June)
SWSweekly contact hours over 14 weeks in semester (example SWS 2 equals 28 contact hours for the whole course
ECTS CreditsWork load in ECTS credits, 1 ECTS credit equals an estimated 25 hours of work for the student
TypeBP = Bachelor final exam
DP/MP = Master final exam
IL = Lecture with integrated project work
IT = Individual training/phases
LB = Lab (session)
PS = Pro-seminar
PT = Project
RC = Course with integrated reflective practice
RE = Revision course
SE = Seminar
TU = Tutorial
UB = Practice session/Subject practical sessions
VO = Lecture