
Alle Publikationen des Departments Information Technologies and Digitalisation sind im Forschungsportal zu finden.

Publikationen Forschungsbereich Informationstechnologien

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Publikationen des Zentrums für sichere Energieinformatik finden Sie unter


Ferner, C.; Wegenkittl, S. Benefits from Variational Regularization in Language Models. Machine Learning & Knowledge Extraction. 2022, 4, 542-555.

M. Csar, "Gruppendynamische Beobachtungen: Unterschiede in virtuellen Gruppen", Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation, Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO), 2022.

M. Siller, L. M. Stangassinger, C. Kreutzer, P. Boor, R. D. Bulow, T. J. Kraus, S. Von Stillfried, S. Wolfl, S. Couillard-Despres, G. J. Oostingh, Anton Hittmair, Michael Gadermayr, “On the acceptance of “fake” histopathology: A study on frozen sections optimized with deep learning,” Journal of Pathology Informatics, vol. 13, 2022.

F. Duong, M. Gadermayr, D. Merhof, C. Kuhl, P. Bruners, S. H. Loosen, C. Roderburg, D. Truhn, and M. F. Schulze-Hagen, “Automated major psoas muscle volumetry in computed tomography using machine learning algorithms,” International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 355–361, 2022.

L. Gupta, B. M. Klinkhammer, C. Seikrit, N. Fan, N. Bouteldja, P. Gräbel, M. Gadermayr, P. Boor, and D. Merhof, “Large-scale extraction of interpretable features provides new insights into kidney histopathology–a proof-of-concept study,” Journal of Pathology Informatics, p. 100097, 2022. 

Konferenzbeiträge und Conference Proceedings

Ferner, C. (2022). Captioning Bosch: A Twitter Bot. In Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-22 (pp. 5011–5014). International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization.

Ferner, C., Heistracher, T. (2022). Strategic Approaches to the Use of Data Science in SMEs Lessons Learned from a Regional Multi-Case Study. In: Haber, P., Lampoltshammer, T.J., Leopold, H., Mayr, M. (eds) Data Science – Analytics and Applications. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden.

M. E. Tschuchnig and M. Gadermayr, “Anomaly detection in medical imaging-a mini review,” Data Science–Analytics and Applications, pp. 33–38, 2022.

M. Uray, E. Hirsch, G. Katzinger, and M. Gadermayr, “Beyond desktop computation: Challenges in scaling a gpu infrastructure,” in Data Science–Analytics and Applications, 2022, pp. 75–81.

M. E. Tschuchnig, P. Grubmüller, L. M. Stangassinger, C. Kreutzer, S. Couillard-Després, G. J. Oostingh, A. Hittmair, and M. Gadermayr, “Evaluation of multiscale multiple instance learning to improve thyroid cancer classification,” in 2022 Eleventh International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), 2022, pp. 1–6.

B. Freudenthaler, A. Fensel, K. Höfig, S. Huber, D. Jacob. KI-Net: AI-based Optimization in Industrial Manufacturing -- A Project Overview. Proc. 18th Int. Conf. on Comp. Aided Sys. Theory (EUROCAST 2022).
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, February 2022. PDF

G. Schäfer, R. Kozlica, S. Wegenkittl, S. Huber. An Architecture for Deploying Reinforcement Learning in Industrial Environments. Proc. 18th Int. Conf. on Comp. Aided Sys. Theory (EUROCAST 2022). Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, February 2022. PDF

S. Huber, H. Waclawek. C^k-continuous Spline Approximtion with TensorFlow Gradient Descent Optimizers. Proc. 18th Int. Conf. on Comp. Aided Sys. Theory (EUROCAST 2022). Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, February 2022. PDF

M. Lehenauer, S. Wintersteller, Martin Uray, Stefan Huber. Improvements for mlrose Applied To the Traveling Salesman Problem. Proc. 18th Int. Conf. on Comp. Aided Sys. Theory (EUROCAST 2022). Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, February 2022. PDF

M. Uray, I. K. Krall. "ICM-Konzept für die multimediale Kursgestaltung zur Förderung eines flexibleren Zeitmanagements unter Anwendung von Blended Learnig". Conference Inverted Classroom and beyond 2022, Paderborn, Germany (Online), February 2022. 

M. Uray, E. Hirsch, G. Katzinger, M. Gadermayr, "Beyond Desktop Computation: Challenges in Scaling a GPU Infrastructure".

Kranzer, S., Saßnick, O., Hofer, D., Hoher, S., Schirl, M., & Prill, D. (2022). Salzburg Smart Factory Bootcamp. In Wissenstransfer im Spannungsfeld von Autonomisierung und Fachkräftemangel. 18. AALE-Konferenz. Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig.

Zniva R., Saßnick, O., Uray M., Schlager, C., Horn, M., Kozlica, R., Neureiter, T., Kranzer, S., Müller, V. (2022). Instore retail technologies - a computer sciences perspective. In Petljak Kristina, Brusset Xavier and Teller Christoph (Eds.) Proceedings of the Colloquium on European Research in Retailing (CERR) 2022. Zagreb, Croatia (ISBN978-953-346-184-7)

Bücher und Buchbeiträge

M. Csar/ U. Krainz, "Digitale Lehre und kommunikative Qualität", In: Reinbacher, P. (Hrsg.): Qualitätsmanagement in der Krise? Paradoxien, Probleme und Perspektiven im Universitäts- und Hochschulbetrieb. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa Verlag, 2022. 

Publikationen des Zentrums für sichere Energieinformatik finden Sie unter


Havas, C., Wendlinger, L., Stier, J., Julka, S., Krieger, V., Ferner, C., Petutschnig, A., Granitzer, M., Wegenkittl, S., & Resch, B. (2021). Spatio-Temporal Machine Learning Analysis of Social Media Data and Refugee Movement Statistics. ISPRS Int. J. Geo Inf., 10, 498.

Tschuchnig, M. E., Zillner, D., Romanelli, P., Hercher, D., Heimel, P., Oostingh, G. J., ... & Gadermayr, M. (2021). Quantification of anomalies in rats’ spinal cords using autoencoders. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 104939.

Bähr, F. S., Gess, B., Müller, M., Romanzetti, S., Gadermayr, M., Kuhl, C., ... & Dohrn, M. F. (2021). Semi-Automatic MRI Muscle Volumetry to Diagnose and Monitor Hereditary and Acquired Polyneuropathies. Brain sciences, 11(2), 202.

Gadermayr, M., Heckmann, L., Li, K., Bähr, F., Müller, M., Truhn, D., ... & Gess, B. (2021). Image-to-Image Translation for Simplified MRI Muscle Segmentation. Frontiers in Radiology, 1, 3.

Csar, M. (2021): Ambidextrie – Brauchbare Beobachtungsbrille zur aktuellen Konfliktdynamik in Organisationen?. In.: GIO – Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation; Heft 3/2021.

Konferenzbeiträge und Conference Proceedings

Riedmann S., Harb J., Hoher S. (2022) Timed Coloured Petri Net Simulation Model for Reinforcement Learning in the Context of Production Systems. In: Behrens BA., Brosius A., Drossel WG., Hintze W., Ihlenfeldt S., Nyhuis P. (eds) Production at the Leading Edge of Technology. WGP 2021. Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. Springer, Cham.

Gadermayr, M., Tschuchnig, M., Gupta, L., Krämer, N., Truhn, D., Merhof, D., & Gess, B. (2021, April). An asymmetric cycle-consistency loss for dealing with many-to-one mappings in image translation: a study on thigh MR scans. In 2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) (pp. 1182-1186). IEEE.

Gadermayr, M., Tschuchnig, M., Stangassinger, L. M., Kreutzer, C., Couillard-Despres, S., Oostingh, G. J., & Hittmair, A. (2021, September). Frozen-to-Paraffin: Categorization of Histological Frozen Sections by the Aid of Paraffin Sections and Generative Adversarial Networks. In International Workshop on Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging (pp. 99-109). Springer, Cham.

Publikationen des Zentrums für sichere Energieinformatik siehe


F. Bähr, M. Müller, B. Gess, S. Romanzetti, M. Gadermayr, C. Kuhl, S. Nebelung, J. B. Schulz, M. F. Dohrn, "P53 MRI muscle volume as a potential biomarker to diagnose and monitor both hereditary and acquired motor neuropathies", Clinical Neurophysiology, 2020.

M. Csar, "Agilität als Ziel von Veränderungsprozessen?", Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO), 2020.

C. Ferner, C. Havas, E. Birnbacher, S. Wegenkittl, and B. Resch, "Automated Seeded Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Social Media Based Event Detection and Mapping", Information, 11(8), 376, 2020.

M. Müller, M. F. Dohrn, S. Romanzetti, M. Gadermayr, K. Reetz, N. A. Krämer, C. Kuhl, J. B. Schulz, B. Gess, "Semi-automated volumetry of MRI serves as a biomarker in neuromuscular patients", Muscle & Nerve, 2020.

A. Petutschnig, C. R. Havas, B. Resch, V. Krieger, and C. Ferner, "Exploratory Spatiotemporal Language Analysis of Geo-Social Network Data for Identifying Movements of Refugees", GI_Forum, 1 137-152, 2020.

M. Tschuchnig, G.J. Oostingh, M. Gadermayr, "Generative Adversarial Networks in Digital Pathology: A Survey on Trends and Future Potential", Patterns, vol. 1, iss. 6, 2020.

M. Csar, "Agile Teamentwicklung – dynamisch und bewusst mit Retrospektiven und Team-Radar", Online –, 2020.

Konferenzbeiträge und Conference Proceedings

C. Ferner, and S. Wegenkittl, "A Semi-discriminative Approach for Sub-sentence Level Topic Classification on a Small Dataset", In Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Springer, pp. 697-710, 2020.

S. Huber, "Persistent Homology in Data Science. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Data Science Conference (iDSC'20), 2020 pp XXXX.

M. E. Tschuchnig, C. Ferner, and S. Wegenkittl, "Sequential IoT Data Augmentation Using Generative Adversarial Networks". In ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 4212-4216, 2020.

P. Unterberger, M. Mayr, M. Tschuchnig, & P. Haber, "A Commons-compatible Implementation of the Sharing Economy: Blockchain-based Open Source Mediation" In FEMIB, pp. 72-79, 2020.

G. Wimmer, M. Gadermayr, A. Vécsei, Andreas Uhl, "Improving Endoscopic Decision Support Systems by Translating Between Imaging Modalities", In Proceedings of the International MICCAI Workshop on Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging (SASHIMI), 2020.


V. Azarova, D. Engel, C. Ferner, A. Kollmann, and J. Reichl, “Transition to peak-load-based tariffs can be disruptive for different groups of consumers,” Nature Energy, vol. 4, p. 829–830, 2019.

C. Binder, M. Fischinger, L. Altenhuber, D. Draxler, G. Lastro, and C. Neureiter, “Enabling architecture based Co-Simulation of complex Smart Grid applications,” Energy Informatics 2019, vol. 2, iss. 1, pp. 1-12, 2019.

C. Binder, C. Neureiter, and G. Lastro, “Towards a Model-Driven Architecture Process for Developing Industry 4.0 Applications,” International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, vol. 9, iss. 1, p. 1–6, 2019.

C. Binder, C. Neureiter, G. Lastro, M. Uslar, and P. Lieber, “Towards a Standards-Based Domain Specific Language for Industry 4.0 Architectures,” in Complex Systems Design & Management, Cham, p. 44–55, 2019.

C. Brunner, "Decentralized Trust Management for Privacy-preserving Authentication in the Smart Grid", Energy Informatics2019, vol. 2 (supp. 2), iss. 31, pp. 85-88, 2019.

D. Engel, “Enhancing privacy in smart energy systems,” e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, p. 1–5, 2019.

K. Entacher, T. Demschner, H. Kirchmayr, & J. Leonhartsberger, "Eine Analyse von Temperatur- und Feuchtemessungen in CLT-Wänden über einen Zeitraum von zwei Jahren", Holztechnologie, vol. 60, iss. 6, pp. 11-17, 2019.

C. Ferner, G. Eibl, A. Unterweger, S. Burkhart, and S. Wegenkittl, “Pool detection from smart metering data with convolutional neural networks,” Energy Informatics 2019, vol. 2, iss. 1, pp. 1-12, 2019.

M. Gadermayr A. Dombrowski, B. M. Klinkhammer, P. Boor, D. Merhof, "CNN cascades for segmenting sparse objects in gigapixel whole slide images", Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (CMIG, IF 3.3), 2019.

M. Gadermayr, L. Gupta, V. Appel, P. Boor, B. M. Klinkhammer, D. Merhof, "Generative Adversarial Networks for Facilitating Stain-Independent Supervised & Unsupervised Segmentation: A Study on Kidney Histology", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI, IF 7.8), 2019.

M. Gadermayr, K. Li, M. Müller, D. Truhn, N. Krämer, D. Merhof, B. Gess, "Domain specific data augmentation for segmenting MR images of fatty infiltrated human thighs with neural networks",
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (JMRI, IF 3.7), 2019.

F. Knirsch, O. Langthaler, and D. Engel, “Trust-less electricity consumption optimization in local energy communities,” Energy Informatics 2019, vol. 2, iss. 1, pp. 1-12, 2019.

F. Knirsch, A. Unterweger, and D. Engel, “Implementing a Blockchain from Scratch: Why, How, and What We Learned,” EURASIP Journal on Information Security, vol. 2019, iss. 2, p. 1–14, 2019.

O. Langthaler, “Local Energy Community Systems and the Impact on Prosumers and the Smart Grid”, Energy Informatics2019, vol. 2 (supp. 2), iss. 31, pp. 85-88, 2019.

M. Müller, M. F. Dohrn, S. Romanzetti, M. Gadermayr, K. Reetz, N. Krämer, C. Kuhl, J. Schulz, B. Gess, "Die teilautomatisierte Volumetrie der Muskel-Magnetresonanztomografie als potenzieller Biomarker bei neuromuskulären Patienten", Nervenheilkunde, 2019.

W. Pomwenger, K. Entacher, H. Resch, et al., "Influence of glenoid implant depth on the bone–polymethylmethacrylate interface", Obere Extremität (2019) 14: 284.

A. Unterweger, S. Taheri-Boshrooyeh, G. Eibl, F. Knirsch, A. Küpçü, and D. Engel, “Understanding Game-Based Privacy Proofs for Energy Consumption Aggregation Protocols,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (IF 8.2), vol. 10, iss. 5, p. 5514–5523, 2019.

M. Uslar, S. Rohjans, C. Neureiter, F. Pröstl Andrén, J. Velasquez, C. Steinbrink, V. Efthymiou, G. Migliavacca, S. Horsmanheimo, H. Brunner, and T. I. Strasser, “Applying the Smart Grid Architecture Model for Designing and Validating System-of-Systems in the Power and Energy Domain: A European Perspective,” Energies, vol. 12, iss. 2, 2019.

F. von Tüllenburg, P. Dorfinger, A. Veichtlbauer, U. Pache, O. Langthaler, H. Kapoun, C. Bischof, and F. Kupzog, “Virtualising redundancy of power equipment controllers using software-defined networking,” Energy Informatics 2019, vol. 2, iss. 1, pp. 1-12, 2019.

G. Wimmer, M. Gadermayr, G. Wolkersdörfer, R. Kwitt, T. Tamaki, J. Tischendorf, M. Häfner, S. Yoshida, S. Tanaka, D. Merhof, A. Uhl, "Quest for the best endoscopic imaging modality for computer-assisted colonic polyp staging", World Journal of Gastroenterology (WJG, IF 3.4), 2019.

Konferenzbeiträge und Conference Proceedings

C. Binder, D. Draxler, C. Neureiter, and G. Lastro, “Towards a Model-Centric Approach for developing Functional Architectures in Industry 4.0 Systems,” , 2019.

C. Binder, J. Gross, C. Neureiter, and G. Lastro, “Investigating Emergent Behavior caused by Electric Vehicles in the Smart Grid using Co-Simulation,” in 14th Annual Conference System of Systems Engineering (SoSE), Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 2019.

C. Brunner, F. Knirsch, and D. Engel, “SPROOF : A platform for issuing and verifying documents in a public blockchain,” in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP), Prague, Czech Republic, 2019, pp. 15-25.

D. Draxler, C. Neureiter, G. Lastro, T. Schwartzkopff, and M. Boumans, “A Domain Specific Systems Engineering Framework for modelling Electric Vehicle Architectures,” in 2019 IEEE Conference and Expo Transportation Electrification Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific), Jeju, Korea, 2019, p. 1–6.

D. Engel, A. Unterweger, S. Lehnhoff, and F. Kupzog (Eds.), "Proceedings of the 8th DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics", in Energy Informatics 2019, Vol. 2(Suppl. 1).

C. Ferner, and S. Wegenkittl, "A Semi-discriminative Approach for Sub-sentence Level Topic Classification on a Small Dataset", In Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Springer, 2019.

M. Fischinger, N. Egger, C. Binder, and C. Neureiter, “Towards a Model-centric Approach for Developing Dependable Smart Grid Applications,” in 2019 4th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS), 2019, p. 1–9.

M. Fischinger, C. Neureiter, C. Binder, N. Egger, and M. Renoth, “FREDOSAR: Towards a security-aware open system architecture framework supporting model based systems engineering,” in 8th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS), Heraklion, Crete – Greece, 2019, pp. 108-115.

M. Gadermayr, L. Gupta, B. M. Klinkhammer, P. Boor, D. Merhof, "Unsupervisedly Training GANs for Segmenting Digital Pathology with Automatically Generated Annotations", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL), 2019.

M. Gadermayr, B. M. Klinkhammer, P. Boor, "Virtually Redying Histological Images with Generative Adversarial Networks to Facilitate Unsupervised Segmentation: a Proof-of-Concept Study", In Proceedings of the International Congress on Digital Pathology (ECDP), 2019.

L. Gupta, B. Klinkhammer, P. Boor, D. Merhof, M. Gadermayr, "Iterative learning to make the most of unlabeled and quickly obtained labeled data in histology", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL), 2019.

L. Gupta, B. Klinkhammer, P. Boor, D. Merhof and M. Gadermayr, "GAN-Based Image Enrichment in Digital Pathology Boosts Segmentation Accuracy", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2019.

P. Haber, T. Lampoltshammer, & M. Mayr, "Data science - analytics and applications: proceedings of the 2nd International Data Science Conference - iDSC2019. Wiesbaden, Springer Vieweg.

M. Schnöll, C. Ferner, and S. Wegenkittl, "The Effectiveness of the Max Entropy Classifier for Feature Selection". In Data Science – Analytics and Applications, 2019, 37–39.

M. E. Tschuchnig, D. Radovanovic, E. Hirsch, A. Oberluggauer and G. Schäfer, "Immutable and Democratic Data in Permissionless Peer-to-Peer Systems," 2019 Sixth International Conference on Software Defined Systems (SDS), Rome, Italy, 2019, pp. 294-299.


  • A. Aichhorn, B. Etzlinger, A. Unterweger, R. Mayrhofer, and A. Springer, “Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Secure Communication for Line Current Differential Protection Systems over Packet Switched Networks,” International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 2018.
  • A. Aichhorn, A. Unterweger, D. Engel, and R. Mayrhofer, “Investigating the Impact of Network Se-curity on the Line Current Differential Protection System,” The Journal of Engineering, 2018.
  • V. Azarova, D. Engel, C. Ferner, A. Kollmann, and J. Reichl, “Exploring the impact of network tariffs on household electricity expenditures using load profiles and socio-economic characteristics,” Nature Energy, 2018.
  • M. Buchecker, E. Müller, S. Wegenkittl, G. Sattlecker, and T. Stöggl, "An entropy approach for evaluating adaptive motor learning processes while walking with unstable footwear," Human Movement Science, vol. 60, p. 48-56, 2018. 
  • M. Buchecker, S. Wegenkittl, T. Stöggl, and E. Müller, "Unstable Footwear Affects Magnitude and Structure of Variability in Postural Control," Motor Control, vol. 22, iss. 1, p. 1-17, 2018.
  • G. Eibl, K. Bao, P. Grassal, D. Bernau, and H. Schmeck, “The influence of differential privacy on short term electric load forecasting,” Energy Informatics, vol. 1, iss. 1, p. 93–113, 2018.
  • F. Knirsch, G. Eibl, and D. Engel, “Error-resilient Masking Approaches for Privacy Preserving Data Aggregation,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 9, iss. 4, p. 3351–3361, 2018.

Konferenzbeiträge und Conference Proceedings

  • A. Aichhorn, A. Unterweger, D. Engel, and R. Mayrhofer, "Investigating the Impact of Network Se-curity on the Line Current Differential Protection System," in 2018 14th International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP), Belfast, UK, 2018, p. to appear.
  • S. Burkhart, A. Unterweger, G. Eibl, and D. Engel, "Detecting Swimming Pools in 15-Minute Load Data," in IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communi-cations 2018, New York, New York, USA, 2018, p. 1641–1655.
  • M. Csar, "Organisationen im Umbruch: Zur Aktualität gruppendynamischen Lernens in der Ausbildung von MitarbeiterInnen der Zukunft,“ in Tagungsband, 12. Forschungsforum der Österreichischen Fachhochschulen 2018, 

  • T. Gawron-Deutsch, F. Kintzler, F. Kupzog, F. Tullenburg and U. Pache, "Grid Based Routing - VirtueGrid SDN Whitepaper," 2018 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS), Bilbao, 2018, pp. 1-6,
  • G. Eibl, S. Burkhart, and D. Engel, "Unsupervised Holiday Detection from Low-Resolution Smart Me-tering Data," in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, ICISSP 2018, 2018, p. 477–486.
  • J. Schwarzer, D. Engel, and S. Lehnhoff, "Conceptual Design of an Agent-based Socio-technical Demand Response Consumer Model," in International Conference on Industrial Informatics, Porto, Portugal, 2018.
  • A. Unterweger, F. Knirsch, C. Leixnering, and D. Engel, "Lessons Learned from Implementing a Privacy-Preserving Smart Contract in Ethereum," in 2018 9th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), Paris, France, 2018.
  • A. Veichtlbauer, U. Pache, O. Langthaler, H. Kapoun, C. Bischof, F. v. Tüllenburg, and P. Dorfinger, "Enabling Application Independent Redundancy by Using Software Defined Networking," in 10th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems (ICUMT), Moscow, Russia, 2018.


  • F. Knirsch, A. Unterweger, K. Karlsson, D. Engel, and S. B. Wicker, “Evaluation of a blockchain-based proof-of-possession implementation,” Center for Secure Energy Informatics, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Technical Report 2018-01, 2018-03-23 2018.


  • G. Eibl and D. Engel, “Differential privacy for real smart metering data,” Computer Science — Research and Development, vol. 32, iss. 1, pp. 173-182, 2017.
  • D. Engel and G. Eibl, “Wavelet-Based Multiresolution Smart Meter Privacy,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 8, iss. 4, pp. 1710-1721, 2017.
  • F. Knirsch, G. Eibl, and D. Engel, “Multi-Resolution Privacy-Enhancing Technologies for Smart Metering,” EURASIP Journal on Information Security, vol. 2017, iss. 1, p. 6, 2017.
  • F. Knirsch, A. Unterweger, and D. Engel, “Privacy-preserving blockchain-based electric vehicle charging with dynamic tariff decisions,” Computer Science – Research and Development, 2017.
  • F. Knirsch, A. Unterweger, G. Eibl, and D. Engel, “Privacy-Preserving Smart Grid Tariff Decisions with Block-Chain-Based Smart Contracts,” in Sustainable Cloud and Energy Services: Principles and Practices, W. Rivera, Ed., Springer International Publishing, 2017.
  • ​​​​​​​M. Csar, "Holacracy – Heilsbringer für die Organisation der Zukunft oder gut verkauftes Rollenspiel", Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation, Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO), 2017.

Konferenzbeiträge und Conference Proceedings

  • K. Böhmer, F. Stertz, T. Hildebrandt, S. Rinderle-Ma, G. Eibl, C. Ferner, S. Burkhart, and D. Engel, “Application and Testing of Business Processes in the Energy Domain,” in Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), 2017, pp. 25-32.
  • G. Eibl, C. Ferner, T. Hildebrandt, F. Stertz, S. Burkhart, S. Rinderle-Ma, and D. Engel, “Exploration of the Potential of Process Mining for Intrusion Detection in Smart Metering,” in 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, 2017. to appear.
  • C. Ferner, W. Pomwenger, S. Wegenkittl, M. Schnöll, V. Haaf, and A. Keller, “Information Ex-traction Engine for Sentiment-Topic Matching in Product Intelligence Applications,“ in Proceedings of the 1st International Data Science Conference (iDSC 2017), 2017.
  • M. Gruber, E. Birnbacher, and T. Fellner, "ouRframe - A Graphical Workflow Tool for R," in Proceedings of the 1st International Data Science Conference (iDSC 2017), 2017.
  • P. Haber, Thomas Lampoltshammer, and Manfred Mayr, "Data Science – Analytics and Applications” Proceedings of the 1st International Data Science Conference – iDSC2017, Springer Verlag, Hardcopy ISBN 978-3-658-19286-0, eBook: ISBN 978-3-658-19287-7, 2017.
  • D. Hofer "Sentiment Analysis - A Students Point of View," in Proceedings of the 1st International Data Science Conference (iDSC 2017), 2017.
  • F. Knirsch, D. Engel, and Z. Erkin, “A Fault-tolerant and Efficient Scheme for Data Aggregation Over Groups in the Smart Grid,” in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security, 2017, pp. 1-6.
  • S. Kranzer, D. Prill, D. Aghajanpour, R. Merz, R. Strasser, R. Mayr, H. Zoerrer, M. Plasch, and R. Steringer, "An Intelligent Maintenance Planning Framework Prototype for Production Systems," in Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Toronto, Canada, 2017.
  • D. Prill, S. Kranzer, and R. Merz, "Improving Maintenance Processes with Data Science," in Proceedings of the 1st International Data Science Conference (iDSC 2017), 2017.
  • J. Reichl, V. Azarova, D. Engel, C. Ferner, and A. Kolmann, “Network Tariff Challenge: Who Pays the Piper?,” in Meeting the Energy Demands of Emerging Economies, 40th IAEE International Conference, 2017.
  • A. Veichtlbauer, M. Ortmayer, and T. Heistracher, “OPC UA Integration for Field Devices,” in Proceedings of the IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2017), Emden, Germany, 2017.


  • D. Draxler, “Architekturentwicklung im Smart Grid,” Josef Ressel Center for User-Centric Smart Grid Privacy, Security and Control, Technical Report 2017-02, 2017-08-21 2017.
  • P. Haber, E. Hirsch, M. Mayr, and M. Tschuchnig, „Offline Strategien für mobile Anwendungen im Big Data Umfeld,“ ITS.TR.2017.5.
  • E. Hirsch, M. Mayr, P. Ott, and S. Wegenkittl, „User centric graphical user interface,“ ITS.TR.2017.1.
  • F. Knirsch, A. Unterweger, G. Eibl, and D. Engel, “Privacy-Preserving Smart Grid Tariff Decisions with Block-Chain-Based Smart Contracts,” Josef Ressel Center for User-Centric Smart Grid Privacy, Security and Control, Technical Report 2017-01, 2017-05-12 2017.
  • A. Unterweger, F. Knirsch, C. Leixnering, and D. Engel, "Update: Lessons Learned from Implementing a Privacy-Preserving Smart Contract in Ethereum," Josef Ressel Center for User-Centric Smart Grid Privacy, Security and Control, Technical Report 2017-03, 2017-11-27 2017.
  • A. Veichtlbauer, O. Langthaler, E. Hirsch, T. Strasser, F. Pröstl Andrén, C. Kasberger, and G. Felbauer, "Communication Infrastructure Concept Specification Report," OpenNES Deliverable D6.1, ITS.TR.2017.2.
  • A. Veichtlbauer, O. Langthaler, E. Hirsch, T. Strasser, F. Pröstl Andrén, C. Kasberger, and G. Felbauer, "Communication and Adapter Model," OpenNES Deliverable D6.2, ITS.TR.2017.3.
  • A. Veichtlbauer, O. Langthaler, E. Hirsch, T. Strasser, F. Pröstl Andrén, C. Kasberger, and G. Felbauer, "Validation Report," OpenNES Deliverable D7.1, ITS.TR.2017.4.


  • D. Engel, "Methods for User-Centric Smart Grid Privacy, Security and Control," Habilitation Treatise, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Salzburg, Austria, 2017.
  • S. Hoher, "Ein gekoppeltes Materialflussmodell zur durchgängigen Entwicklungsunterstützung von Materialflusssteuerungen," Universität Stuttgart, 2017.
  • C. Neureiter, "A Domain-Specific, Model Driven Engineering Approach for Systems Engineering in the Smart Grid," Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, 2017.