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ARAM Toolbox
Consolidating our research advances in the area of Domain Specific Systems Engineering the current version of the ARAM Toolbox provides a model-based systems engineering approach for developing automotive systems.
The Generic Smart City Architecture Model (GSCAM) Toolbox aims to provide some support for architecting Smart City Systems in reference to the emerging standard Smart City Reference Architecture Methodology (SCRAM), as being currently developed by the International Electrotechnical Comission (IEC 63188). It is implemented as extension for the modeling tool “Enterprise Architect” from Sparx Systems.
The SGAM-Toolbox aims to be a little help for architecting Smart Grid Systems in reference to the Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) as introduced by the “Smart Grid Coordination Group”. It is implemented as extension for the modeling tool “Enterprise Architect” from Sparx Systems.
The RAMI-Toolbox deals with the complexity that comes up with Industrie 4.0. Implemented as extension for the modeling tool “Enterprise Architect” from Sparx Systems it provides a framework for modelling an architecture based on cyber physical systems.
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