The degree program Information Technology and Systems Management offers a comprehensive university education in the field of information technologies complemented by management and social skills training.
Our Bachelor Students profit from
- excellent career prospects in all industry sectors
- a unique future-oriented educational concept with the specialization modules that are based on recent research results and geared to industry demand
- advanced industry certifications (Cisco, First European Nortel Academy, Total Quality Management. Project Management)
- over 50 international partner institutions in the Americas, Australia, Asia and Europe
- research competence through active participation in national and international research and development projects
Curriculum Structure

Our graduates are IT experts with solid business and management expertise. In addition, there is a special focus on social and communicative competences as well as proficiency in English.
The first year covers foundation courses in transmission and digital technologies, electronical engineering and microcontroller, computer networks, informatics and GUI programming, experimental physics as well as applied mathematics.
The second year extends and deepens this knowledge in the fields of informatics, networking and protocols, systems and signal theory as well as mechatronics.
In the third year students may additionally focus on their chosen areas of specialization in the fields of informatics, networking and protocols, systems and signal theory.
Project work under industry conditions and in cooperation with partner companies or within the context of research projects enables students to practically apply their acquired knowledge and skills. Teamworking and problem-solving capabilities are a further focus with a view to enhancing our students' employability.
The interdisciplinary approach in our curriculum is reflected in the fact that the technical core subjects are complemented by courses in business administration, legal issues and social skills. Proficiency in English is a further objective.
The professional placement in the 5th and 6th semester gives students valuable insight and practical experience in their professional fields.