Business Informatics and Digital Transformation
Basics of Computer Science
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | WINB1GLIIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Basics of how computer systems work; selected software development tools; Verbalisation, formalisation and representation of problems and their solutions; basics of command interpreters (e.g. bash); selected data structures (array, stack, queue, list, tree, ¿); search and sorting algorithms; runtime and memory complexity of programmes.
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Principles of information technology
Module description:
The graduates have a good understanding and command of the basics of procedural programming and know the most important data types and structures. They know the breadth of application opportunities for the programming language C and are able to understand, implement and debug algorithms in C. To do so, they use the industry-relevant development environments (IDEs) and are able to make a general estimate of the programming workload. The graduates can also methodically formalise problems and are able to derive functionally capable and efficient algorithms from the problem definition. They know the building blocks of a procedural program as well as the underlying data structures of modern information technology and can develop individual solutions with the help of these components. The graduates understand the basic functionalities of modern operating systems and can carry out a technical assessment and differentiation of operating systems in different environments. They understand the network functionalities of operating systems and can implement them in applications whilst taking the existing security concepts into account.
Computer Networks 1
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | WINB1CNEIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Basics and terms for network technology; OSI and TCP/IP models: Communications processes, IPv4: Addressing, subnetting, basic functionality, realisation of local networks with Ethernet technology; structure of a computer network; operating principle of important network components (hub, switch, router), sniffing and analysis of network traffic.
Learning Outcomes:
Graduates are familiar with the basics, structures and organisation of communication in computer networks and know the most important network components. They are proficient in IP addressing and can configure LANs and WLANs.
Superior module:
Computer Networks
Module description:
Graduates are familiar with the foundations, structures and construction of computer network communication, including important network components. They are proficient in IP addressing and can configure LANs and WLANs.
Fundamentals of information technology 1
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | WINB1GITIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Calculating with different number systems, logical links and gates, Boolean algebra, sequential logic, memory modules, addressing, bus systems, structure of a CPU, simple computer system (von Neumann), peripheral modules and interfaces.
Superior module:
Information Technologies
Module description:
Graduates are familiar with various numerical systems and their application in the field of IT. They understand the basic operations of digital systems through to the fundamental functionality of complex assemblies such as memory, CPUs, etc. They know the functional groups of a modern computer system and their interactions. They also understand the basic technical principles of digitising analogue signals and of hard-wired and mobile data transmission. They are familiar with the most important components of a modern IT infrastructure.
Introduction into business information technology
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | WINB1WINIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
The students learn the importance of IT infrastructure concepts for operational processes. In doing so, the fact that the operational use of IT systems involves socio-technical systems (human-task-technology-systems) in particular is also discussed. They achieve an understanding of the extent to which the best possible processing and assessment of data can be used as information for new ideas, products, services and organisational forms and that this capability is critical in terms of corporate success in the digital age. The following subject areas are dealt with in the course: What is business information technology? - General introduction and clarification of terms, information management, value contribution of IT, classification of IT within the company organisation, in-house and inter-company information systems, users and user systems, planning, development and management of information systems, data and knowledge management, future issues of business information technology
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Fundamentals of business information technology
Module description:
The graduates have an overview of the subject areas of business information technology and the content of the business information technology & digital transformation course. The field of business information technology can be classified as an interdisciplinary field between business administration and IT and that also contains IT and general technology as well as behavioural research learning and research objects. The graduates understand the basic principles of steering operational performance as well as the creation of information-based services through the operational information system. They can explain and differentiate between an information system and a communication system and what role these would play with regard to the discipline of business information technology as human-task-technology-system. They are familiar with concrete operational information systems such as ERP and CRM and can describe and compare their characteristics and components. They can explain and differentiate between business processes and explain why business processes management is necessary. The graduates have knowledge of the functionality of the digital economy (Industry 4.0, sharing economy, platform economy) and have a basic understanding of the importance of digital transformation for business processes and models. Through their familiarity with the main features, they are aware that within the course of digital transformation, customer benefits, value adding and 'market-making' will be complete re-thought and that competitive strategies will change completely. They have an overview of the current digital transformation and its effects on the corporate organisation, the organisation of the value adding chain, the setting of new standards in particular with the (product accompanying) services (remote maintenance, servitization, availability) or the creation of new products and services (solutionisation). The graduates are therefore able to analyse the challenges of digital business management and to contribute to corresponding solutions in the interests of corporate success.
Introduction to the Theory of Business and Administration
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | WINB1BWLIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 4 |
ECTS Credits | 5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
The course first discusses the epistemological and economic principles of business administration. It then explores the constitutive decisions of a company and describes the corporate structure as an institutional framework, followed by a brief overview of departments and positions related to business administration and the fundamentals of corporate management. Further, the fundamental calculi of economic thought patterns and the new institutional economics are also discussed. The course also covers questions of knowledge-basing company management in conjunction with the implicit knowledge of an organisation. The course also deals with the following topics: 1. Fundamental concept of business administration, business administration as a science, doing business & entrepreneurship, companies and economic order 2. Constitutive decisions, decision-making theory, corporate objectives, location-related decisions, decisions on legal form, collaboration between companies 3. Overview of functional areas in business administration 4. Knowledge-based company management, corporate constitution, corporate organisation, industrial relations / co-determination, corporate ethics 5. Theory-based calculi of business administration decisions, property rights agency theory, transaction cost theory, new institutional economics
Learning Outcomes:
Graduates understand the theoretical and institutional foundations and tools of business administra-tion. They recognize the links to the teaching content of other modules in functional business admin-istration as well as strategic management and corporate management. They have specialist and insti-tutional knowledge and methodological skills with regard to the fundamentals of business administra-tion and understand the basic principles of controlling operational performance. They can apply this knowledge to case studies and understand how to generate solution proposals in teamwork. Gradu-ates are trained in theory-based microeconomic analyses, have in-depth knowledge of current eco-nomic developments and are familiar with the decision-theoretical principles of consumption and pro-duction. They have a basic understanding of how markets work, enabling them to assess changes in the structure of production and consumption. They are able to analyze and interpret economic causal relationships. They are also familiar with the special structure of information goods, so that other forms of coordination (peer-to-peer production and exchange, sharing economy) can also be ex-plained in the context of the information economy in order to critically reflect on the transfer of micro-economic insights into current lifeworld practice. They have a sound economic approach to the topic of information markets and know about the special features of information goods (non-rivalry, market failure, network effects, experience characteristics).
Superior module:
Fundamentals of economics
Module description:
The graduates understand the theoretical and institutional fundamentals and tools of business administration. They recognise the links to the course content of other modules, both for business administration and also strategic management and company management. With regard to the fundamentals of business administration, they have professional and institutional knowledge, methodical skills and understand the basic principles of steering operational performance. They can apply this knowledge to case examples and understand how to generate solution suggestions in team situations. The graduates are schooled in theory-based micro-economical analyses, have a profound knowledge of current economic affairs and know the decision-theoretical fundamentals of consumption and production. They have a fundamental understanding with regard to the functioning of the market so that they are able to assess the changes in production and consumer structures. They are able to analyse and interpret economical causal relationships. In addition, they also know the special structure of the information assets so that other coordination (peer-to-peer production and exchange, Sharing Economy) can be explained within the scope of infonomics in order to critically reflect the transfer of micro-economic perspectives into current real-world practical scenarios. They have sound economical access to the topics of information markets and know about the peculiarities of information assets (non-rivalry, market failure, networking effects, experiential characteristics).
MINT Practice Lab
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | WINB1LABUE |
Type | UB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Application of mathematical methods from the course Mathematics; Mathematical Software. Software; application of concepts and methods from the courses Software Development and Fundamentals of Computer Science.
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Principles of information technology
Module description:
The graduates have a good understanding and command of the basics of procedural programming and know the most important data types and structures. They know the breadth of application opportunities for the programming language C and are able to understand, implement and debug algorithms in C. To do so, they use the industry-relevant development environments (IDEs) and are able to make a general estimate of the programming workload. The graduates can also methodically formalise problems and are able to derive functionally capable and efficient algorithms from the problem definition. They know the building blocks of a procedural program as well as the underlying data structures of modern information technology and can develop individual solutions with the help of these components. The graduates understand the basic functionalities of modern operating systems and can carry out a technical assessment and differentiation of operating systems in different environments. They understand the network functionalities of operating systems and can implement them in applications whilst taking the existing security concepts into account.
Mathematics 1
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | WINB1AMAIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 4 |
ECTS Credits | 5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Sets, mappings, functions, vectors and matrices, linear systems of equations, special chapters from mathematics (e.g. complex numbers)
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Mathematical Fundamentals
Module description:
Graduates understand central concepts in mathematics and have proficiency in abstract reasoning. They are proficient in elementary concepts and operations with vectors, matrices, determinants and their practical applications. They understand the characteristics of the most important functions, particularly the harmonic functions, in a real variable and understand their relevance in technical fields. They understand and can apply common procedures for calculating limits of functions and can apply them in practical scenarios. They are proficient in differential and integral calculus and are able to apply Fourier transforms to simple functions. They can calculate Taylor series for real-valued functions, determine the corresponding radius of convergence and find approximating functions.
Micro-economics & infonomics
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | WINB1MIKIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Based on the peculiar structure of the information assets, the associated effects on the market are analysed in the course, whereby the two current significant developments are highlighted (post-capitalism with respect to a possible "Zero marginal costs company" (Rifkin) and the diverse forms of a network and platform economy or sharing economy). In order to now be able to define these peculiarities of infonomics, a comprehensive discussion of the micro-economical fundamentals in the course is indispensable, i.e. that the specific information-economical transactions can be identified only against the backdrop of the functioning of the market as a whole. As a result, markets are analysed as decentralised coordination and interaction of micro-economic plans (consumer and production decisions, supply and demand plans). Furthermore, different forms of markets (perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly) are to be considered so that changes in individual and social welfare gains and efficiency gains can be discussed. In order to increase the method skills of the students, some conclusion and argumentation processes as well as methods (decision theory, game theory, behavioural economics, experimental economics) are explained so that the strategic thinking of the students is also promoted - and so that they are able to reflect critically on their own decisions.
Superior module:
Fundamentals of economics
Module description:
The graduates understand the theoretical and institutional fundamentals and tools of business administration. They recognise the links to the course content of other modules, both for business administration and also strategic management and company management. With regard to the fundamentals of business administration, they have professional and institutional knowledge, methodical skills and understand the basic principles of steering operational performance. They can apply this knowledge to case examples and understand how to generate solution suggestions in team situations. The graduates are schooled in theory-based micro-economical analyses, have a profound knowledge of current economic affairs and know the decision-theoretical fundamentals of consumption and production. They have a fundamental understanding with regard to the functioning of the market so that they are able to assess the changes in production and consumer structures. They are able to analyse and interpret economical causal relationships. In addition, they also know the special structure of the information assets so that other coordination (peer-to-peer production and exchange, Sharing Economy) can be explained within the scope of infonomics in order to critically reflect the transfer of micro-economic perspectives into current real-world practical scenarios. They have sound economical access to the topics of information markets and know about the peculiarities of information assets (non-rivalry, market failure, networking effects, experiential characteristics).
Software Development 1
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | WINB1SWEIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 4 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Input and output functions, conditional statements and branching, looping and functions, service life and validity ranges; pre-processor directives, pointer basics; fault handling, debugging; programming conventions. Basics of programming languages C, POSIX standard; data types and control structures in C, arrays and strings; unary and binary operators, precedence rules; calculating with C and operators.
Superior module:
Principles of information technology
Module description:
The graduates have a good understanding and command of the basics of procedural programming and know the most important data types and structures. They know the breadth of application opportunities for the programming language C and are able to understand, implement and debug algorithms in C. To do so, they use the industry-relevant development environments (IDEs) and are able to make a general estimate of the programming workload. The graduates can also methodically formalise problems and are able to derive functionally capable and efficient algorithms from the problem definition. They know the building blocks of a procedural program as well as the underlying data structures of modern information technology and can develop individual solutions with the help of these components. The graduates understand the basic functionalities of modern operating systems and can carry out a technical assessment and differentiation of operating systems in different environments. They understand the network functionalities of operating systems and can implement them in applications whilst taking the existing security concepts into account.
Bookkeeping and Accounting
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | WINB2BUBIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
The course first provides a basic understanding of accounting and financial reporting (legal requirements of accounting & financial reporting and how they are structured) and the relationship between accounting and financial reporting; it then explains the standard business transactions and how to record them. In detail, the course deals with the following: - Definition, structure, and tasks of corporate accounting - Purpose of keeping business records - Bookkeeping requirements and systems - Accounting treatment of key business transactions - Rollover to annual financial statements and related work.
Superior module:
Business functions 1
Module description:
The graduates know the basic structure and functionality of the human resource management department. Along with the conceptual foundations, this also includes the tasks and objectives of human resource management. They will have an overview of central instruments and topics (employer branding, recruitment, personnel selection, motivational and management theories, personnel development, remuneration) and can initiate a targeted change of the internal and external company influencing factors through measures and instruments of organisational development. They recognise the meaning of the term logistics with regard to the development opportunities of the future. In this module, they become familiar with and understand logistics in macroscopic consideration as a binding element between the components of the complete value-adding chain (procurement, production and distribution). The graduates know the rules and the systems of bookkeeping and account balancing and are able to register basic running business transactions. They have detailed knowledge of the basics of corporate accounting or operational accounting systems (financial accounting and operational accounting). The foundations are laid for the understanding of the interrelations of the various sub-areas. The depiction of goods and financial movements is demonstrated in accounting.
Business English 1
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | WINB2EN1UE |
Type | UB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | English |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Speech comprehension as well as oral and written language competence is increased and any gaps in grammar filled by means of current topics from science and information technology. Reading competence: Reading and understanding as well as oral/written summarising and clarifying of technical texts, interpreting simple overviews and diagrams. Oral skills acquisition: Discussions, meetings, presentations. Written skills acquisition: Correspondence (enquiries, price information), summaries, reports.
Superior module:
Business English
Module description:
The graduates have a proficient grasp of professional vocabulary particularly with regard to the IT business sector. They are able to describe procedural sequences. In addition, they are also able to carry our meetings, negotiations, pitches as well as professional correspondence and applicable papers in corresponding technical areas with verbal and written language proficiency.
Computer Networks 2
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | WINB2CNEIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Channel coding process, line codes, analogue and digital modulation/demodulation, particular aspects of the radio interface, fault handling, access methods. Basics of WLAN standards per IEEE 802.11, basics of IPv6. Basics of Cisco routers and switches, securing Cisco components, password recovery, IPv6 configuration, IPv6 tunnel.
Superior module:
Computer Networks
Module description:
Graduates are familiar with the foundations, structures and construction of computer network communication, including important network components. They are proficient in IP addressing and can configure LANs and WLANs.
Digital transformation: Functionalities & effects
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | WINB2DITIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
The digitalisation of the economy changed existing company and work structures (peer-to-peer production, platform and network economies, commons and/or sharing economy), business processes and the eco-system. With the help of a few examples (Google, Amazon, Uber etc.) the digital transformation of the economical organisational and strategic processes and procedures is assessed. This exemplary analysis highlights a few structure elements (user-orientation, prosumer, quantification of self and society, also with regard to an actor-system-environment-interaction) which are typical of digital business management with regard to different markets. So, this course discusses the effects of digital technologies on the business processes and functional areas (digital marketing, digitalisation of the value-adding chain, blockchain technology and alternative currencies) and their practical relevance (digital transformation as change management, also with regard to digital lock-in) is assessed. With digitalisation of the economy, a business model changes not only in practical terms but also epistemically because on the basis of the algorithms the semantic interpretation of the same becomes important for the business processes. In addition, the function of the knowledge and its digitalisation in business processes is explained so that implicit knowledge of the same can often be depicted - or the limits of a formalisation of the knowledge can be defined. The tension between the success factors of the implicit knowledge and the resultant explicit formalisations are thus also identified with regard to the competitive advantages.
Superior module:
Fundamentals of business information technology
Module description:
The graduates have an overview of the subject areas of business information technology and the content of the business information technology & digital transformation course. The field of business information technology can be classified as an interdisciplinary field between business administration and IT and that also contains IT and general technology as well as behavioural research learning and research objects. The graduates understand the basic principles of steering operational performance as well as the creation of information-based services through the operational information system. They can explain and differentiate between an information system and a communication system and what role these would play with regard to the discipline of business information technology as human-task-technology-system. They are familiar with concrete operational information systems such as ERP and CRM and can describe and compare their characteristics and components. They can explain and differentiate between business processes and explain why business processes management is necessary. The graduates have knowledge of the functionality of the digital economy (Industry 4.0, sharing economy, platform economy) and have a basic understanding of the importance of digital transformation for business processes and models. Through their familiarity with the main features, they are aware that within the course of digital transformation, customer benefits, value adding and 'market-making' will be complete re-thought and that competitive strategies will change completely. They have an overview of the current digital transformation and its effects on the corporate organisation, the organisation of the value adding chain, the setting of new standards in particular with the (product accompanying) services (remote maintenance, servitization, availability) or the creation of new products and services (solutionisation). The graduates are therefore able to analyse the challenges of digital business management and to contribute to corresponding solutions in the interests of corporate success.
Information Technology Fundamentals 2
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | WINB2GITIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Information theory: I.H. Redundancy, types of data transfer (analogue, digital), principles of AD/DA conversion, data coding, basics of data compression. Distributed IT systems, IT infrastructure.
Superior module:
Information Technologies
Module description:
Graduates are familiar with various numerical systems and their application in the field of IT. They understand the basic operations of digital systems through to the fundamental functionality of complex assemblies such as memory, CPUs, etc. They know the functional groups of a modern computer system and their interactions. They also understand the basic technical principles of digitising analogue signals and of hard-wired and mobile data transmission. They are familiar with the most important components of a modern IT infrastructure.
Mathematics 2
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | WINB2AMAIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 4 |
ECTS Credits | 5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Limes calculus, differential and integral calculus, linear and analytical transformations, eigenvalue calculus, abstract vector spaces, special capital from mathematics (e.g. graph theory)
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Mathematical Fundamentals
Module description:
Graduates understand central concepts in mathematics and have proficiency in abstract reasoning. They are proficient in elementary concepts and operations with vectors, matrices, determinants and their practical applications. They understand the characteristics of the most important functions, particularly the harmonic functions, in a real variable and understand their relevance in technical fields. They understand and can apply common procedures for calculating limits of functions and can apply them in practical scenarios. They are proficient in differential and integral calculus and are able to apply Fourier transforms to simple functions. They can calculate Taylor series for real-valued functions, determine the corresponding radius of convergence and find approximating functions.
Operating Systems
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | WINB2BTSIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Structure and basic concepts of modern operating systems, input/output management, command interpreter (shells); memory management in the operating system, working with parallel processes and threads; scheduling mechanisms; process management and synchronisation; memory addressing and address translation; security concepts of operating systems; real-time operating systems; basic network programmes; use of network functionalities of operating systems.
Superior module:
Principles of information technology
Module description:
The graduates have a good understanding and command of the basics of procedural programming and know the most important data types and structures. They know the breadth of application opportunities for the programming language C and are able to understand, implement and debug algorithms in C. To do so, they use the industry-relevant development environments (IDEs) and are able to make a general estimate of the programming workload. The graduates can also methodically formalise problems and are able to derive functionally capable and efficient algorithms from the problem definition. They know the building blocks of a procedural program as well as the underlying data structures of modern information technology and can develop individual solutions with the help of these components. The graduates understand the basic functionalities of modern operating systems and can carry out a technical assessment and differentiation of operating systems in different environments. They understand the network functionalities of operating systems and can implement them in applications whilst taking the existing security concepts into account.
Principles of Human Resource Management
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | WINB2GHRIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
The course deals with key aspects of human resource management. Contents: Goals, tasks and challenges of human resource management, employer branding, recruitment, selection, motivation, and leadership theories, personnel development, remuneration.
Superior module:
Business functions 1
Module description:
The graduates know the basic structure and functionality of the human resource management department. Along with the conceptual foundations, this also includes the tasks and objectives of human resource management. They will have an overview of central instruments and topics (employer branding, recruitment, personnel selection, motivational and management theories, personnel development, remuneration) and can initiate a targeted change of the internal and external company influencing factors through measures and instruments of organisational development. They recognise the meaning of the term logistics with regard to the development opportunities of the future. In this module, they become familiar with and understand logistics in macroscopic consideration as a binding element between the components of the complete value-adding chain (procurement, production and distribution). The graduates know the rules and the systems of bookkeeping and account balancing and are able to register basic running business transactions. They have detailed knowledge of the basics of corporate accounting or operational accounting systems (financial accounting and operational accounting). The foundations are laid for the understanding of the interrelations of the various sub-areas. The depiction of goods and financial movements is demonstrated in accounting.
Principles of Logistics
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | WINB2GLOIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Students will be given a comprehensive overview of the essential tasks, responsibilities, and disciplines of the logistics business. The course covers all core areas of logistics: Duties and goals of logistics, relevance and implications for a business enterprise, warehouse and transportation logistics, supply logistics, production logistics, distribution logistics, waste disposal logistics, IT systems in logistics. Students are acquainted with the theoretical models, procedures, methods, and instruments and will be able to apply them to simple logistical task assignments.
Superior module:
Business functions 1
Module description:
The graduates know the basic structure and functionality of the human resource management department. Along with the conceptual foundations, this also includes the tasks and objectives of human resource management. They will have an overview of central instruments and topics (employer branding, recruitment, personnel selection, motivational and management theories, personnel development, remuneration) and can initiate a targeted change of the internal and external company influencing factors through measures and instruments of organisational development. They recognise the meaning of the term logistics with regard to the development opportunities of the future. In this module, they become familiar with and understand logistics in macroscopic consideration as a binding element between the components of the complete value-adding chain (procurement, production and distribution). The graduates know the rules and the systems of bookkeeping and account balancing and are able to register basic running business transactions. They have detailed knowledge of the basics of corporate accounting or operational accounting systems (financial accounting and operational accounting). The foundations are laid for the understanding of the interrelations of the various sub-areas. The depiction of goods and financial movements is demonstrated in accounting.
Software Development 2
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | WINB2SWEIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 4 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
File-handling and format-strings, complex data types; implicit and explicit data type conversion; pointer use; buffer overflow and memory leaks; static and dynamic data structures, dynamic memory management, recursive functions; standard library; list, stack and heap; fault handling; programme documentation by means of C programming language.
Superior module:
Principles of information technology
Module description:
The graduates have a good understanding and command of the basics of procedural programming and know the most important data types and structures. They know the breadth of application opportunities for the programming language C and are able to understand, implement and debug algorithms in C. To do so, they use the industry-relevant development environments (IDEs) and are able to make a general estimate of the programming workload. The graduates can also methodically formalise problems and are able to derive functionally capable and efficient algorithms from the problem definition. They know the building blocks of a procedural program as well as the underlying data structures of modern information technology and can develop individual solutions with the help of these components. The graduates understand the basic functionalities of modern operating systems and can carry out a technical assessment and differentiation of operating systems in different environments. They understand the network functionalities of operating systems and can implement them in applications whilst taking the existing security concepts into account.
Business English 2
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB3EN2UE |
Type | UB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | English |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Speech comprehension as well as oral and written language competence is increased and any gaps in grammar filled by means of current topics from science and information technology. Reading competence: Reading and understanding as well as oral/written summarising and clarifying technical texts, interpreting different types of diagrams and deriving trend descriptions. Oral skills acquisition: Job interviews, simple negotiations, sales presentations. Written skills acquisition: CVs, correspondence (application cover letters, letters of reference), reports and summaries
Superior module:
Business English
Module description:
The graduates have a proficient grasp of professional vocabulary particularly with regard to the IT business sector. They are able to describe procedural sequences. In addition, they are also able to carry our meetings, negotiations, pitches as well as professional correspondence and applicable papers in corresponding technical areas with verbal and written language proficiency.
Cost and Activity Accounting
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB3KOLIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
The course first introduces the fundamentals of cost-performance accounting and then deals in more detail with its various components and the most widely used cost-performance systems: - Principles of cost-performance accounting (structure and purpose); components of cost-performance accounting (cost-type accounting, cost-centre accounting, cost-unit accounting, operating income statement); full costing versus variable costing and their application; contribution margin accounting analysis (single-level, multi-level) - Break-even analyses; determination of price limits.
Superior module:
Controlling & finance
Module description:
The graduates of the module are familiar with the most commonly used cost-performance accounting systems. They know how to use the cost-performance accounting systems for decision-making support and can select the most appropriate process to suit the respective application. The graduates have knowledge of the basics of controlling. They can use controlling as a management instrument for planning, steering and monitoring company activities. They know the tasks of the controller and the most important controlling instruments as well as the goals and tasks of operative controlling. In doing so, the focus remains on operative planning and budgeting. The graduates have a detailed knowledge of the basics of operational finance, investment appraisal and the tasks of financial management. They know the different forms of financing as well as their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages and are able to assess the suitability of the individual forms of financing for corporate financing based on the various influencing factors. They have the ability to ideally design the financial area of a company.
Internet Protocols and Services
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB3IPDIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Introduction and comparison of network architectures (ISO-OSI, TCP/IP); treatment of transfer errors (Stop and Wait ARQ, sliding window procedure); basics of IPv4 (NAT, multicasting, fragmentation) and IPv6 networks (migration, auto-configuration); routing (distance vector, link state); TCP (flow control, congestion control); application layer protocols (DNS, POP/IMAP, HTTP).
Superior module:
IT application
Module description:
The graduates master the evaluation of investment projects, the creation of investment and financial plans and can independently develop a comparison of the different types of financing. Building on the basic elements of the ERP, the graduates can apply and implement BPM (Business Project Management). Mastering the optimal design of the business processes (digital transformation) is the focal point here. In addition, the students know the scientific theories and applications of standard business software and can use these with practice-oriented tasks.
Legal basis & IT law
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB3RECIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
General introduction and the legal procedure, basics of the constitutional and administrative law (focal point telecommunications and media law, basics of data protection law). Introduction to copyright and criminal law, national and international jurisdiction as well as arbitration jurisdiction, introduction to civil law, whereby the focal point is contract law including cyber law and IT-specific legal matters.
Superior module:
IT collaboration
Module description:
The graduates know the models of modern employee management and the basics of project and quality management. Classic and innovative methods are mastered for project start, project implementation and project conclusion with sustainable consolidation of the project results and experiences; in particular "non-technical", i.e. methodical, organisational and management-oriented conditions. The graduates know project, programme and portfolio management in corporate contexts and including the parent organisation as a collaborative team-oriented challenge. The graduates know modern company forms in the IT sector. The graduates have knowledge of legal framework conditions as well as IT-specific legal matters. They have the necessary knowledge of financial criteria and the development of a modern IT infrastructure in a collaborative team-oriented environment. They can apply creativity techniques, self-organisation techniques and instruments for personal performance increase.
Modelling business data & processes
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB3MGPIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
In the course, the basic insights and aspects of ERP, with particular focus on BPMN (Business Project Management Notation) are presented and specified. The focus here is primarily on the optimum design of business processes. Firstly, they will look at what is new with Industry 4.0 from a business point of view. From this, the potential benefits of this digital transformation, primarily for the measurement and control of processes as well as the transparency, flexibility and prognostics capability of a company, are demonstrated with practical examples. Finally, they will examine the prerequisites that companies must achieve in order to be able to actually utilise the opportunities of Industry 4.0 Focal points here are the business strategies, key skills, platforms and maturity concepts as well as governance considerations.
Superior module:
IT application
Module description:
The graduates master the evaluation of investment projects, the creation of investment and financial plans and can independently develop a comparison of the different types of financing. Building on the basic elements of the ERP, the graduates can apply and implement BPM (Business Project Management). The masterly of the optimal design of the business processes (digital transformation) is the focal point here. In addition, the students know the scientific theories and applications of standard business software and can use these with practice-oriented tasks.
Object-Oriented Programming
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB3OOPVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Introduction of OO paradigms; classes and objects; object CV: Construction, destruction, late binding; dynamic memory management; abstraction; encapsulation and access attributes; generalisation and multiple inheritance; basics of meta-programming; implementation of the basic concepts mentioned in C++ programming language; interfaces; exception handling; overloading of functions and operators; OO programming conventions, C++ standard library; UML class diagram; module tests; documentation.
Superior module:
Object-oriented software development
Module description:
The graduates know the opportunities and limits of object-oriented programming and understand the characteristics of object-oriented paradigms. They will master the basic concepts of abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism and their depiction in the C++ programming language. They are able to develop simple class models, to describe these through UML class diagrams (Unified Modelling Language) and to independently implement them in an object-oriented programming language with the use of industry-relevant IDEs. They can use modern class libraries to implement tasks in object-oriented software as well as the technical opportunities of modern run-time environments (e.g. concurrency, introspection). Furthermore, the graduates are also able to assess the conceptional breadth of modern programming platforms and to utilise their added value for network-oriented commercial software development. They can use modern class libraries to implement tasks in object-oriented software as well as the technical opportunities of modern run-time environments (e.g. concurrency, security mechanisms, introspection). They know libraries and frameworks and can assess their suitability for use.
Object-Oriented Programming
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB3OOPLB |
Type | LB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Introduction of OO paradigms; classes and objects; object CV: Construction, destruction, late binding; dynamic memory management; abstraction; encapsulation and access attributes; generalisation and multiple inheritance; basics of meta-programming; implementation of the basic concepts mentioned in C++ programming language; interfaces; exception handling; overloading of functions and operators; OO programming conventions, C++ standard library; UML class diagram; module tests; documentation.
Superior module:
Object-oriented software development
Module description:
The graduates know the opportunities and limits of object-oriented programming and understand the characteristics of object-oriented paradigms. They will master the basic concepts of abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism and their depiction in the C++ programming language. They are able to develop simple class models, to describe these through UML class diagrams (Unified Modelling Language) and to independently implement them in an object-oriented programming language with the use of industry-relevant IDEs. They can use modern class libraries to implement tasks in object-oriented software as well as the technical opportunities of modern run-time environments (e.g. concurrency, introspection). Furthermore, the graduates are also able to assess the conceptional breadth of modern programming platforms and to utilise their added value for network-oriented commercial software development. They can use modern class libraries to implement tasks in object-oriented software as well as the technical opportunities of modern run-time environments (e.g. concurrency, security mechanisms, introspection). They know libraries and frameworks and can assess their suitability for use.
Operations Research
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB3OPRIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 3 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
The objective of the course is to be able record problems from the area of business management in suitable quantitative models. Students should be able to resolve problems with suitable methods and processes (algorithms) and develop a fundamental understanding of the interrelations recorded in the models and the procedures displayed. Limits of the methods are to be understood and recognised, when they cannot be used.
Superior module:
Business functions 2
Module description:
The graduates know the basic structure and functionality of the marketing area. Along with the conceptual foundations, this also includes an overview of the central operative marketing instruments (product, price, promotion, place). They know how companies can build long-term relationships with their customers. At the same time, they also know how an informational basis for marketing decisions can be created. The graduates are able to consider and jointly develop the processes and methods for establishing professional products and services from different perspectives. They know the basic models and algorithms for optimising business processes. The interrelationships between mathematical models and practices with business-related questions are conveyed within the scope of the course. As a result, the graduates can both analyse and optimise business processes. They are familiar with the instruments of operational research (mathematical budgeting, operations research or optimisation calculation) and are therefore able to develop and implement quantitative models and methods for decision-making support.
Principles of Marketing
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB3GMAIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
The students know the tasks to be managed by the person responsible for marketing within the scope of strategy development and successful development, design, maintenance and elimination of services or brands. Focal points are the question of information generation and process design. Furthermore, the students know that a company is dependent on different stakeholders (customers, consumers, advertising and media agents, dealers, sales partners, logistics service providers) during the development of a market position, without whose cooperation success would be impossible.
Superior module:
Business functions 2
Module description:
The graduates know the basic structure and functionality of the marketing area. Along with the conceptual foundations, this also includes an overview of the central operative marketing instruments (product, price, promotion, place). They know how companies can build long-term relationships with their customers. At the same time, they also know how an informational basis for marketing decisions can be created. The graduates are able to consider and jointly develop the processes and methods for establishing professional products and services from different perspectives. They know the basic models and algorithms for optimising business processes. The interrelationships between mathematical models and practices with business-related questions are conveyed within the scope of the course. As a result, the graduates can both analyse and optimise business processes. They are familiar with the instruments of operational research (mathematical budgeting, operations research or optimisation calculation) and are therefore able to develop and implement quantitative models and methods for decision-making support.
Standard Business Management Software
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB3BSSIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Students gain knowledge about the fundamental theories and applications of a standard business management software. Among others, they will: - Profile the requirements for a standard business management software and prepare catalogues of functional features, draw up the technical specifications, carry out Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) selection processes, perform cost effectiveness comparisons and evaluation processes, customise the SAP Hana cloud environment. The course also includes the application and customising of individual modules such as sales and procurement by means of example cases in an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system.
Superior module:
IT application
Module description:
The graduates master the evaluation of investment projects, the creation of investment and financial plans and can independently develop a comparison of the different types of financing. Building on the basic elements of the ERP, the graduates can apply and implement BPM (Business Project Management). The masterly of the optimal design of the business processes (digital transformation) is the focal point here. In addition, the students know the scientific theories and applications of standard business software and can use these with practice-oriented tasks.
Web Technologies
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB3WEBLB |
Type | LB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1.5 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Overview of web technologies and relevant protocols (HTML5, CSS/XSL, XML, SOAP, JSP, ASP, .NET, AJAX); design and implementation strategies for web applications, testing and optimising web applications; overview of the methods of the server-side programming; script languages for client-side and server-side development; overview and application of current frameworks from web development; JS-based frameworks for data visualisation; configuration options and logging; authentication and security problems; NoSQL databases as data repository for web applications; selected current chapter on web technologies.
Superior module:
IT application
Module description:
The graduates master the evaluation of investment projects, the creation of investment and financial plans and can independently develop a comparison of the different types of financing. Building on the basic elements of the ERP, the graduates can apply and implement BPM (Business Project Management). Mastering the optimal design of the business processes (digital transformation) is the focal point here. In addition, the students know the scientific theories and applications of standard business software and can use these with practice-oriented tasks.
Web Technologies
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB3WEBVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1.5 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Overview of web technologies and relevant protocols (HTML5, CSS/XSL, XML, SOAP, JSP, ASP, .NET, AJAX); design and implementation strategies for web applications, testing and optimising web applications; overview of the methods of the server-side programming; script languages for client-side and server-side development; overview and application of current frameworks from web development; JS-based frameworks for data visualisation; configuration options and logging; authentication and security problems; NoSQL databases as data repository for web applications; selected current chapter on web technologies.
Superior module:
IT application
Module description:
The graduates master the evaluation of investment projects, the creation of investment and financial plans and can independently develop a comparison of the different types of financing. Building on the basic elements of the ERP, the graduates can apply and implement BPM (Business Project Management). Mastering the optimal design of the business processes (digital transformation) is the focal point here. In addition, the students know the scientific theories and applications of standard business software and can use these with practice-oriented tasks.
Communication & Rhetoric
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB4KRHUE |
Type | UB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Human perception and communication. Principles, models and techniques of rhetoric (voice, body language, gestures, facial expression), questioning techniques for effective interviews and negotiations. Principles, models and techniques of teamwork, encouraging achievement, roles in teams. Conflict management in teams. Principles, models and techniques of conducting negotiations and persuasion strategies.
Superior module:
Social Skills
Module description:
Graduates are able to define personal development goals (soft skills) after self-assessment. They are able to self-reflect, identify and discuss their personal and professional tasks. They can evaluate their academic and social progress in the university setting and determine ways to improve. _Presentation techniques: Their speech is articulate, clear and well modulated. They use coherent, descriptive phrasing to explain essential information in a few words. They support their verbal communication with appropriate use of gestures and expressions. They can adapt their content to a target audience. _Career planning: They are able to identify their strengths and weaknesses and present them in a structured CV. They can reflect on their role and experiences, refer to concrete example and use appropriate self-descriptions to apply for a specific position, as well as communicate those qualities to others. Graduates are sensitised to different communications situations and are proficient in the basics of negotiations and argumentation techniques. They will find their own individual, effective styles of communication and presentation and are able to communicate genuinely but also appropriate to the situation and system. They can design impressive and effective presentations with their own individual presentation style. Graduates are proficient in efficient moderation of work groups. They are familiar with team processes in order to be able to work optimally in a team.
Database Systems
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB4DBSLB |
Type | LB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Requirements for a DBMS; historic development of databases; relational model and NoSQL approaches; standard forms; referential integrity; physical data organisation; ER modelling with UML2; transformation of ER models into relations models; SQL DDL (Data Definition Language); SQL DML (Data Manipulation Language); saving and polling of geo-data (spatial queries); integration of data sources. Enhanced database architectures such as object-relational, object-oriented and distributed database models as well as different NoSQL databases. Relevance of NoSQL systems for Big Data and real-time web applications.
Superior module:
Database Systems
Module description:
Graduates have a basic understanding of logical and physical data management and how database systems work. They are capable of designing and physically implementing relational database structures, key-value databases and graph or document oriented database systems (NoSQL). Graduates are able to retrieve information from database systems using SQL (Structured Query Language). They have a basic understanding of database and application interactions.
Database Systems
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB4DBSVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Requirements for a DBMS; historic development of databases; relational model and NoSQL approaches; standard forms; referential integrity; physical data organisation; ER modelling with UML2; transformation of ER models into relations models; SQL DDL (Data Definition Language); SQL DML (Data Manipulation Language); saving and polling of geo-data (spatial queries); integration of data sources. Enhanced database architectures such as object-relational, object-oriented and distributed database models as well as different NoSQL databases. Relevance of NoSQL systems for Big Data and real-time web applications.
Superior module:
Database Systems
Module description:
Graduates have a basic understanding of logical and physical data management and how database systems work. They are capable of designing and physically implementing relational database structures, key-value databases and graph or document oriented database systems (NoSQL). Graduates are able to retrieve information from database systems using SQL (Structured Query Language). They have a basic understanding of database and application interactions.
Digitalisation & Communication
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB4DIKIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Even with increasing digitalisation, the goals in communication remain the same: Contact and customer acquisition. However, social selling does not follow conventional market-orientation, but rather sets entertaining and inspiring content as standard with content marketing. Storytelling via content and web-targeting becomes a key competence both for B2C and B2B companies. Topics in this presentation include optimum interface management, online/offline communication in multichannel environments, mobile communication and measurement (in real-time). Further content includes operation and maintenance of communication platforms, web-usability engineering (usability / accessibility / user experience) and interrelations with conversion optimisation processes, end devices and channels in mobile communication.
Superior module:
Digital business management 1
Module description:
The thinking in processes, the understanding of operational interrelations and their interactions, as well as the potential to optimise the service provision processes, stand at the centre-point of imparted skills The graduates have a basic knowledge of the subject of operations management and are able to apply basic methods and optimisation processes. In this module, the concept of the company communications in general, and the social media communications in particular, are theoretically presented and opportunities and limits analysed. The graduates know the individual instruments of offline and online communication as well as the various user types. They are also able to apply basic success measurements for social media marketing.
Financial management
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB4FIMIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2.5 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
The course initially introduces the basics of operational finance and investment appraisal. After that, the various sub-areas of financial management are outlined and the individual financial forms explained in detail. Tasks and objectives of operational finance and financial management; forms of financing; forms of internal financing and cash flow statements; forms of external financing (equity financing, debt financing); definition of equity and debt capital; financial theories and optimum financial structure.
Superior module:
Controlling & finance
Module description:
The graduates of the module are familiar with the most commonly used cost-performance accounting systems. They know how to use the cost-performance accounting systems for decision-making support and can select the most appropriate process to suit the respective application. The graduates have knowledge of the basics of controlling. They can use controlling as a management instrument for planning, steering and monitoring company activities. They know the tasks of the controller and the most important controlling instruments as well as the goals and tasks of operative controlling. In doing so, the focus remains on operative planning and budgeting. The graduates have a detailed knowledge of the basics of operational finance, investment appraisal and the tasks of financial management. They know the different forms of financing as well as their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages and are able to assess the suitability of the individual forms of financing for corporate financing based on the various influencing factors. They have the ability to ideally design the financial area of a company.
IT project management & IT quality management
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB4PQMIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Planning product innovation: Project definition, task structure, quality assurance, work packages, organisation, roles, phases, milestones/results, flowcharts, multi-project steering; implementation and controlling: Conflict line/project, progress checking, prognostics, risk analysis, reporting, qualitative and quantitative assessment, documentation, software models and tools; social competence: Teamwork, challenge, expectations, self-organisation, moderation, feedback, management styles, roles in the team, coaching of projects, certification for the process manager by "Project Management Austria" is optional. Significant focus on process-oriented and agile procedure models (Scrum), multi-project management, management of outsourcing projects, IT project manager as change agent, systematic planning and structuring of projects, profitability analysis, project marketing, analysis and influence of behavioural patterns in the project organisations. Detailed explanation of the EN ISO 9000ff set of standards and other standards relevant for the IT-relevant standards; implementation of quality management systems (best practices), application of appropriate methods for fulfilling the individual normative requirements, application of methods for continuous improvement of business efficiency with regard to the quality of the organisation, quality monitoring in distributed systems. Furthermore, the legal basis for "impairment of performance" area of civil law is also conveyed to the students. The presentation of quality management as a cross-disciplinary function is a major objective.
Superior module:
IT collaboration
Module description:
The graduates know the models of modern employee management and the basics of project and quality management. Classic and innovative methods are mastered for project start, project implementation and project conclusion with sustainable consolidation of the project results and experiences; in particular "non-technical", i.e. methodical, organisational and management-oriented conditions. The graduates know project, programme and portfolio management in corporate contexts and including the parent organisation as a collaborative team-oriented challenge. The graduates know modern company forms in the IT sector. The graduates have knowledge of legal framework conditions as well as IT-specific legal matters. They have the necessary knowledge of financial criteria and the development of a modern IT infrastructure in a collaborative team-oriented environment. They can apply creativity techniques, self-organisation techniques and instruments for personal performance increase.
Management Accounting
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB4CONIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
The course provides an introduction to the theoretical basics of controlling such as development and organisation of controlling, areas of responsibility of controllers as well as goals and tasks of strategic and operative controlling. Subsequently, the following topics are discussed in detail: Controlling as a management tool for planning, controlling and monitoring corporate activities, information supply, strategic and operative planning and control. Interfaces between controlling and information technology are also in focus, as are current aspects of digitalisation in controlling.
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Controlling & finance
Module description:
The graduates of the module are familiar with the most commonly used cost-performance accounting systems. They know how to use the cost-performance accounting systems for decision-making support and can select the most appropriate process to suit the respective application. The graduates have knowledge of the basics of controlling. They can use controlling as a management instrument for planning, steering and monitoring company activities. They know the tasks of the controller and the most important controlling instruments as well as the goals and tasks of operative controlling. In doing so, the focus remains on operative planning and budgeting. The graduates have a detailed knowledge of the basics of operational finance, investment appraisal and the tasks of financial management. They know the different forms of financing as well as their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages and are able to assess the suitability of the individual forms of financing for corporate financing based on the various influencing factors. They have the ability to ideally design the financial area of a company.
Network-Oriented Software Development
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB4NWSIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Java basics and interfaces to the operating system; run-time detection and introspection; type conversion (e.g. boxing and unboxing); serialisation; iterators as well as containers and their use; delegates and local classes; threads; class libraries and frameworks; network programming; servlets; systematic tests (e.g. unit tests); documentation (e.g. with JavaDoc); development conventions; overview of best practice concepts.
Superior module:
Object-oriented software development
Module description:
The graduates know the opportunities and limits of object-oriented programming and understand the characteristics of object-oriented paradigms. They will master the basic concepts of abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism and their depiction in the C++ programming language. They are able to develop simple class models, to describe these through UML class diagrams (Unified Modelling Language) and to independently implement them in an object-oriented programming language with the use of industry-relevant IDEs. They can use modern class libraries to implement tasks in object-oriented software as well as the technical opportunities of modern run-time environments (e.g. concurrency, introspection). Furthermore, the graduates are also able to assess the conceptional breadth of modern programming platforms and to utilise their added value for network-oriented commercial software development. They can use modern class libraries to implement tasks in object-oriented software as well as the technical opportunities of modern run-time environments (e.g. concurrency, security mechanisms, introspection). They know libraries and frameworks and can assess their suitability for use.
Operations Management
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB4OPMIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
The course provides an overview of the most important tasks, objectives and methods for optimising the value-adding processes of a company. Learning objective is the basic operational functions such as production, capacity planning, lean management. This includes the planning and optimisation of value-adding processes.
Superior module:
Digital business management 1
Module description:
The thinking in processes, the understanding of operational interrelations and their interactions, as well as the potential to optimise the service provision processes, stand at the centre-point of imparted skills The graduates have a basic knowledge of the subject of operations management and are able to apply basic methods and optimisation processes. In this module, the concept of the company communications in general, and the social media communications in particular, are theoretically presented and opportunities and limits analysed. The graduates know the individual instruments of offline and online communication as well as the various user types. They are also able to apply basic success measurements for social media marketing.
Presentation & Moderation
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB4PMOUE |
Type | UB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Define and analyse presentation goals and target groups. Target group orientation of presentations. Determine composition (structure, organization, common thread, dramatics) of presentations. Apply rhetorical means. Use of presentation media. Prepare and make a presentation. Fundamentals and techniques for successfully moderating working groups. Typical phases of a moderator assignment. Employ techniques and tools for moderators. Prepare for and perform a moderator assignment.
Superior module:
Social Skills
Module description:
Graduates are able to define personal development goals (soft skills) after self-assessment. They are able to self-reflect, identify and discuss their personal and professional tasks. They can evaluate their academic and social progress in the university setting and determine ways to improve. _Presentation techniques: Their speech is articulate, clear and well modulated. They use coherent, descriptive phrasing to explain essential information in a few words. They support their verbal communication with appropriate use of gestures and expressions. They can adapt their content to a target audience. _Career planning: They are able to identify their strengths and weaknesses and present them in a structured CV. They can reflect on their role and experiences, refer to concrete example and use appropriate self-descriptions to apply for a specific position, as well as communicate those qualities to others. Graduates are sensitised to different communications situations and are proficient in the basics of negotiations and argumentation techniques. They will find their own individual, effective styles of communication and presentation and are able to communicate genuinely but also appropriate to the situation and system. They can design impressive and effective presentations with their own individual presentation style. Graduates are proficient in efficient moderation of work groups. They are familiar with team processes in order to be able to work optimally in a team.
Statistics & probability calculation
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | WINB4SWRIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 3 |
ECTS Credits | 4 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Descriptive statistics and regression (histograms, location and scatter parameters, correlation analysis and regression); implementation of statistical standard procedures with software support and commenting of the results; probability calculation and stochastic modelling (basic area, event, probability and conditional probability, combinatorics, random variable, distribution, moments, important discrete and constant distributions); MATLAB (CLI and programming).
Superior module:
Statistics & data analysis
Module description:
The graduates have a mastery of selected mathematical fundamentals of the field in the areas of descriptive statistics, probability calculation and number theory as well as theoretical basics and formal methods or dealing with mathematical software. The graduates have a mastery of the conversion of data into information (data mining) as a basis for decision and prognosis processes. Depending on the quality of the data, they can generate significant knowledge and a basis for operational decisions from this with the help of applied data analysis (business analytics). In the context of market research, they know the survey methods of primary research (survey, observation, experiment and panel study) and also have the skills to create questionnaires, to use data acquisition and analysis methods and to correctly evaluate the generated variables with the help of univariate, bivariate and multivariate data analysis processes with help of SPSS.
Applied data analysis
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | WINB5ADAIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
The students deal with the interface between IT and management and develop prototype applications of the techniques from the field of data mining (the conversion of data into information) for decision and prognosis processes. Opportunities, technologies and framework conditions for data mining are developed as examples, by means of prognoses for the customer behaviour. The students are therefore able to develop concepts for a centralised data management and to design a clearly regulated acquisition, maintenance and utilisation management and to implement this with modern tools.
Superior module:
Statistics & data analysis
Module description:
The graduates have a mastery of selected mathematical fundamentals of the field in the areas of descriptive statistics, probability calculation and number theory as well as theoretical basics and formal methods or dealing with mathematical software. The graduates have a mastery of the conversion of data into information (data mining) as a basis for decision and prognosis processes. Depending on the quality of the data, they can generate significant knowledge and a basis for operational decisions from this with the help of applied data analysis (business analytics). In the context of market research, they know the survey methods of primary research (survey, observation, experiment and panel study) and also have the skills to create questionnaires, to use data acquisition and analysis methods and to correctly evaluate the generated variables with the help of univariate, bivariate and multivariate data analysis processes with help of SPSS.
Digitalisation & Sales
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | WINB5DIVIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
The objective of the course is to understand which opportunities and risks occur through the digitalisation of offers and newly arising sales channels or what added customer value can be achieved through digitalised interaction models (eCommerce). The new internal company processes or requirements for resources and skills arising through data-driven sales structures will be discussed. Students will learn the innovative and process-oriented use of new technologies within the scope of fundamental decisions in sales strategy. Further topics include technologies and techniques in mobile and electronic commerce, analysis of the requirements for content, structure and technology (requirements engineering), web-controlling and implementation support for mobile and electronic commerce platforms.
Superior module:
Digital business management 2
Module description:
The graduates have a mastery of the open innovation approach to change and the development of products in the digitised environment (new governance methods, design thinking approach, disruptive changes) and are ideally prepared to detect and resolve the effects on distribution (platforms, blockchain, etc.). They have a mastery of the basics of innovation management, know how innovation sources (offline and digital) can be utilised and know the advantages and potential of crowd-sourcing. The resultant business models and business model types in the digital business will be discussed, primarily in the context of changing corporate cultures. The graduates have developed a feel for the importance of the interlinking between marketing/communications and sales, which is becoming ever more important through increasing digitalisation. They recognise opportunities and risks occurring through the digitalisation of offers and newly arising sales channels and can implement added customer value through digitalised interaction models.
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | WINB5ENTIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
The focal point of the course lies with the planning and development phase of founding ideas. In addition, parameters and criteria for assessing the ideas are presented. The students are accompanied through a systematic analysis and evaluation process of business ideas and business models. Conditions of resource acquisition for realising business ideas are discussed. Theoretical constructs of entrepreneurial thinking (who actually is an entrepreneur and what distinguishes them as such) serve as the basis. In addition, it is necessary to check whether an entrepreneur must always invent something anew, or whether they can fall back on the existing and present this to the market in a new arrangement, in a sense making a profit through diverse "new combinations" (J.A. Schumpeter). The objective is now to incorporate the knowledge gained within the course of study into the student's own thought processes in a critical manner but also in practical terms. There should likewise also be space for business ideas in this presentation. On the one hand, so-called business plans should be generated, but should also be critically examined. This area should clarify the market-oriented section of this course and should also allow the potential for "marketable entrepreneurs" to arise from pure "developers".
Superior module:
Strategic management & corporate activity
Module description:
The graduates can assess the strategic position of a company, develop strategic alternatives and communicate a future strategic repositioning. In detail, the graduates have mastery of the following dimensions of strategic management: Target system of the management (normative, strategic and operative management), target figures and research methods approach of the strategic management, core elements of the strategic planning, "tools and techniques" of the strategic management. The graduates are able to assess business ideas and business models by means of a systematic analysis and evaluation process. They are able to determine the business potential of new digital technologies.
IT Management and IT Security
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | WINB5MSEIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
IT portfolio as strategic controlling instrument; products and services calculation "service level agreements", service level management, strategic IT controlling; IT billing; resource planning and capacity management; TCO analysis; procurement management; IT departments and organisation structures; IT in/out-sourcing; knowledge management, ERP systems (SAP), IT governance (Sarbanes-Oxley Act, BASELII, legal provisions), ITIL (optional: ITIL foundation certification), T-finance management, ISO17799 and ISO20000, change management, problem management (help desk), security management, life-cycle management, disaster-recovery measures; backup/restore plans; emergency planning. Basic principles, information-risk management, information and data classification, national and international information security standards and frameworks (e.g. ISO27000, IT basic protection), cyber security strategies, security life-cycle, security policies/standards/guidelines/procedures, access control models, cloud security, industrial control systems (ICS), ethical hacking and penetration testing, IT and malware forensics, incident handling and computer emergency response team (CERT), special legal bases and legal characteristics from the telecommunications laws and data protection laws, patent law.
Superior module:
IT management & IT security
Module description:
The graduates have the necessary knowledge to successfully design and manage the IT in a company (strategic IT management and IT controlling). As future IT managers, they understand the relevant operational, legal and social environment and have mastery of the structure and management (roles and access rights) of an IT infrastructure in order to comply with the EU data protection laws. They are able to align the IT with the company organisation and requirements and understand the IT as part of the business process. Furthermore, they can manage the IT as a business and enable improvement of the core business processes through innovative technologies (technology business management). They also have a mastery of the planning and controlling of IT projects (product and services calculation), the customer-oriented design of IT services. The profile is rounded off with knowledge in the field of information security management and dealing with new and changing threats and their effects on the cyber security strategy of companies. The graduates are familiar with the cryptographic basics of IT security. They can assess security threats and know current countermeasures. The students are also able to implement technical measures for IT security themselves.
IT Project, Bachelor thesis 1 and Accompanying Seminar
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | WINB5BA1SE |
Type | SE |
Kind | Bachelor thesis |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Bachelor thesis 1 encompasses a field and topic oriented appraisal of knowledge attained during the course. The subject matter is the subject area of business information technology in particular, whereby a technical project with a business problem will be worked through by the students. This processing will be implemented in accordance with the basic principles of the scientific working course. Presentation and reflection on the work progress, "defence" of the work in front of course leaders and colleagues.
Superior module:
Scientific Working Methods
Module description:
Graduates can independently compile scientific papers; analyse and describe problems; identify and formulate objectives. They methodically developed their specialisation-related Bachelor thesis. They are able to distinguish between their own and others' intellectual property and to justify their personal approach.
IT Security Engineering
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | WINB5ISEIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Classification of IT security, tasks of IT security, basics of cryptography, cryptographic algorithms and protocols, security engineering algorithms and protocols, security protocols in practice, security engineering, evaluation of security, security in a company context, basics of security management; Implementation of security policies, types of attacks, structure of basic security mechanisms (firewalls, encryption, authentication, logging, etc.)
Superior module:
IT management & IT security
Module description:
The graduates have the necessary knowledge to successfully design and manage the IT in a company (strategic IT management and IT controlling). As future IT managers, they understand the relevant operational, legal and social environment and have mastery of the structure and management (roles and access rights) of an IT infrastructure in order to comply with the EU data protection laws. They are able to align the IT with the company organisation and requirements and understand the IT as part of the business process. Furthermore, they can manage the IT as a business and enable improvement of the core business processes through innovative technologies (technology business management). They also have a mastery of the planning and controlling of IT projects (product and services calculation), the customer-oriented design of IT services. The profile is rounded off with knowledge in the field of information security management and dealing with new and changing threats and their effects on the cyber security strategy of companies. The graduates are familiar with the cryptographic basics of IT security. They can assess security threats and know current countermeasures. The students are also able to implement technical measures for IT security themselves.
Open Innovation
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | WINB5OINIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
The objective of this course is to understand how digitalisation in the innovation management influences the development of new business models in the digital economy as well as the process of innovation development and management (keyword: innovation lab). The students understand the huge challenge of being active across all areas, to permit the clash of different corporate cultures and to accept it as a potential for change within the company.
Superior module:
Digital business management 2
Module description:
The graduates have a mastery of the open innovation approach to change and the development of products in the digitised environment (new governance methods, design thinking approach, disruptive changes) and are ideally prepared to detect and resolve the effects on distribution (platforms, blockchain, etc.). They have a mastery of the basics of innovation management, know how innovation sources (offline and digital) can be utilised and know the advantages and potential of crowd-sourcing. The resultant business models and business model types in the digital business will be discussed, primarily in the context of changing corporate cultures. The graduates have developed a feel for the importance of the interlinking between marketing/communications and sales, which is becoming ever more important through increasing digitalisation. They recognise opportunities and risks occurring through the digitalisation of offers and newly arising sales channels and can implement added customer value through digitalised interaction models.
Scientific Working Methods
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | WINB5WIAIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Overview of scientific theories, composition and structure of a written scientific work, topic identification and development, elements of scientific work (hypotheses, definition, theory, conceptualisation and implementation), sources for systematic acquisition of knowledge (state-of-the-art technology and method selection, literature study, introduction of qualitative and quantitative methods), individual knowledge management, best practice examples.
Superior module:
Scientific Working Methods
Module description:
Graduates can independently compile scientific papers; analyse and describe problems; identify and formulate objectives. They methodically developed their specialisation-related Bachelor thesis. They are able to distinguish between their own and others' intellectual property and to justify their personal approach.
Software Design
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | WINB5SWDVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | English |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Software life-cycle; UML as standard notation for software; software specification; light and heavily weighted as well as agile procedure models; requirements engineering; software metrics; testing software; software quality; software design pattern; configuration management; CASE tool collections; main features of model-driven development.
Superior module:
Module description:
Graduates are proficient in object-oriented design techniques and can independently perform the design and implementation of class hierarchies. They understand and can use UML diagrams. They are proficient in an industry-specific UML tool and understand the concepts of small-scale programming in terms of its implementation, e.g. version management and concurrent development. They have an overview of the tasks and responsibilities in the software development process. They are familiar with classic and agile software development methods.
Software Design
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | WINB5SWDLB |
Type | LB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | English |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Software life-cycle; UML as standard notation for software; software specification; light and heavily weighted as well as agile procedure models; requirements engineering; software metrics; testing software; software quality; software design pattern; configuration management; CASE tool collections; main features of model-driven development.
Superior module:
Module description:
Graduates are proficient in object-oriented design techniques and can independently perform the design and implementation of class hierarchies. They understand and can use UML diagrams. They are proficient in an industry-specific UML tool and understand the concepts of small-scale programming in terms of its implementation, e.g. version management and concurrent development. They have an overview of the tasks and responsibilities in the software development process. They are familiar with classic and agile software development methods.
Strategic Management 1
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | WINB5UF1IL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
The course provides an introduction to the logic of strategic management from the perspective of scientific theory and its practical application. It provides an understanding of the methodical research approaches and paradigms of strategic management and, building on that, focuses on critical reflection and use of the tools and techniques of strategic management in heuristic and hermeneutic ways. The contents in detail: 1. Characteristics of successful companies 2. The strategic planning process 3. Market and resource-oriented approach, core skills 4. Analysis of the environment and company: Analysis of the global environment and regulatory groups Market analysis Competitive analysis Value chains and business system SWOT analysis Strategic groups Analysis of supplier relationships Company analysis 5. Forecasting and strategic foresight, definition, significance, and goals of strategic foresight, vulnerability and opportunities workshop, scenario technique, discontinuities survey, cross-Impact Analysis 6. Comprehensive company appraisal and portfolio management, core problems in strategic planning; The Experience Curve Concept; The Profit Impact of Market Strategies (PIMS) Study, determinants of company success, market share / market growth portfolio, market attractiveness / business segment portfolio, further portfolio models, possibilities and limitations of portfolio appraisals 7. Derivation and development of strategies, categories of strategic decisions, central conception according to Porter, planning approaches and basic orientations, management tools in the development of strategies, knowledge management Benchmarking Business 8. Strategy implementation and Balanced Scorecard.
Superior module:
Strategic management & corporate activity
Module description:
The graduates can assess the strategic position of a company, develop strategic alternatives and communicate a future strategic repositioning. In detail, the graduates have mastery of the following dimensions of strategic management: Target system of the management (normative, strategic and operative management), target figures and research methods approach of the strategic management, core elements of the strategic planning, "tools and techniques" of the strategic management. The graduates are able to assess business ideas and business models by means of a systematic analysis and evaluation process. They are able to determine the business potential of new digital technologies.
Bachelor Exam
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | WINB6KABBP |
Type | BP |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 0 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
The final bachelor examination will be conducted within the scope of a board examination. An examination committee will be employed for the implementation of the final bachelor examination and for the composition of the examination board, with all of the examiners involved in the bachelor board examinations as examination commissioners. The course leader(s) or a nominated person from the examination committee will assume the chair of the examination board. The board-based final bachelor examination comprises an oral examination about the subject area, the written bachelor theses and their cross-connections to relevant subject areas of the curriculum. The composition of the examination board is regulated in exactly the same way as the detailed examination procedure in the course-specific bachelor guidelines.
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Scientific Working Methods
Module description:
Graduates can independently compile scientific papers; analyse and describe problems; identify and formulate objectives. They methodically developed their specialisation-related Bachelor thesis. They are able to distinguish between their own and others' intellectual property and to justify their personal approach.
Bachelor thesis 2 and Accompanying Seminar
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | WINB6BA2SE |
Type | SE |
Kind | Bachelor thesis |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 10 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Bachelor thesis 2 is a consolidated theoretical, reflected, empirically based scientific work on a relevant topic from the core areas of the business information technology course with focus on technical implementation. It will create links between practical and theory-led actions for at least one subject-specific question.
Superior module:
Scientific Working Methods
Module description:
Graduates can independently compile scientific papers; analyse and describe problems; identify and formulate objectives. They methodically developed their specialisation-related Bachelor thesis. They are able to distinguish between their own and others' intellectual property and to justify their personal approach.
Professional Placement and Accompanying Seminar
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | WINB6BPRIT |
Type | IT |
Kind | Internship (N) |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 16 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
The work placement takes the form of a continuous practical semester established as 6 semesters and with a duration of at least 360 hours. The students shall employ the knowledge attained in a company and shall process concrete tasks in the work placement. In doing so, they should attain a deep insight into the applied work and production techniques as well as into the operational and social environment. The tasks in the company must be relevant to the focal points of the course, should be carried out in relation to a project and should be designed such that the work can be carried out and documented within the stipulated time.
Superior module:
Professional Placement
Module description:
Graduates participate in an internship (min. 360 hours) in the 6th semester at a professional firm and apply knowledge and skills in core programme related tasks. They gain experience in development and production techniques, as well as social interactions in a work environment. The supervised project work is completed, documented and confirmed by the company management. Part-time students are able to fulfil this requirement at their work place if proven that they carry out tasks related to the content of the degree programme.
Strategic Management 2
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | WINB6UF2IL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
The course in Strategic Management II confronts students with complex and unstructured business problems either Harvard Business School (HBS) case studies or projects which arise from cooperation with partners in practice which they must systematically analyze using business management methods, develop independent problem-solving suggestions and evaluate as well as present professionally. The course aims to bring together specialized content from all areas of the core study program to solve specific problems and develop a case study in a holistic way (integration competence) Produce a proposed solution for a case study as a team and b) present the essential contents of this solution to a critical audience in a way that is geared to the target group (social competence) Acquire language skills in Business English by working on case-study texts in English Enhance individual skills in time management and rhetoric.
Superior module:
Strategic management & corporate activity
Module description:
The graduates can assess the strategic position of a company, develop strategic alternatives and communicate a future strategic repositioning. In detail, the graduates have mastery of the following dimensions of strategic management: Target system of the management (normative, strategic and operative management), target figures and research methods approach of the strategic management, core elements of the strategic planning, "tools and techniques" of the strategic management. The graduates are able to assess business ideas and business models by means of a systematic analysis and evaluation process. They are able to determine the business potential of new digital technologies.
Legend | |
Semester | Semesters 1, 3, 5: courses held only in winter semester (mid-September to end of January), Semesters 2, 4, 6: courses held only in summer semester (mid-February to end of June) |
SWS | weekly contact hours over 14 weeks in semester (example SWS 2 equals 28 contact hours for the whole course |
ECTS Credits | Work load in ECTS credits, 1 ECTS credit equals an estimated 25 hours of work for the student |
Type | BP = Bachelor final exam DP/MP = Master final exam IL = Lecture with integrated project work IT = Individual training/phases LB = Lab (session) PS = Pro-seminar PT = Project RC = Course with integrated reflective practice RE = Revision course SE = Seminar TU = Tutorial UB = Practice session/Subject practical sessions VO = Lecture |