Smart Buildings in Smart Cities - Energy Infrastructure and District Renovation


Architecture and Building Culture

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM1AUBVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Examples are used to convey the connection between cultural-historical backgrounds and concrete architectural solutions as well as basic criteria for assessing the cultural significance of buildings (historical, artistic or other cultural significance). Cultural and technical circumstances and conditions of structural transformation (such as change of use and floor plan, appropriate new use, supporting structure, development, energy requirements and thermal refurbishment, lighting) are dealt with by way of example in order to be able to develop the process of iterative optimization in the area of tension between new use and cultural significance in a living building stock. An analysis of a renovation project with regard to one of the following aspects concludes the course: functional transformation, structural-technical transformation, thermal renovation and energy demand, architectural-cultural transformation, transformation of the built environment. Translated with (free version)

Learning Outcomes:

After completing the course, alumni are able to recognize basic connections of cultural backgrounds and architectural examples. Circumstances and boundary conditions of architectural transformation can be classified and explained.

Superior module:

Building in Existing Contexts - Fundamentals

Module description:


Basics of Urban Planning

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM1STBIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

The core of the lecture is the communication of current European tendencies and principles of urban development. In the course of the lecture, the participants are taught the recognition of urban design quality of urban scales such as street space, square, cityscape, quarter, district and city as a whole. In the context of the in-depth exercise, the theoretically learned principles are analytically fed back.

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni recognize urban and open space planning as an organizational basis for the optimal design of living spaces and neighborhoods. They understand the meaning of planning and can read and interpret it. They know the importance of defining and designing public spaces.

Superior module:

Neighborhood development - fundamentals

Module description:


City in climate change

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM1SKLIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

In this course, the basic knowledge of urban climate is taught. With the help of simulation and visualization software, urban environmental influences (e.g. heat island effect, air flows, comfort and coziness, noise, particulate matter) are investigated. City models are used to illustrate the effects described.

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni are able to understand the importance of urban ecosystems and the significance for neighborhoods and buildings. They will be able to describe the effect of climatic change and its consequences. They acquire basic knowledge of how to apply measures to improve the urban climate and adapt climate change.

Superior module:

Urban Ecology

Module description:


Ethic and Sustainability

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM1EUNUE
Type UB
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Basic knowledge of professional discourses on ethics and sustainability in the context of health and social affairs, information technologies, engineering, media and design, as well as business and tourism is conveyed with the aim of analyzing, evaluating, arguing and reflecting on relevant contexts and integrating them into one's own future-oriented and responsible options for action.

Learning Outcomes:

Through the basic skills and abilities taught, alumni are able to reflect on projects and content in terms of ethical and sustainable aspects.

Superior module:

Ethics and Science

Module description:


Fundamentals of Urban Infrastructure Systems

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM1UIFIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Students gain knowledge of a wide variety of infrastructure systems, for example: Energy infrastructure (energy generation, storage, and distribution), water supply, and wastewater systems, transportation systems, waste treatment and recycling. In addition, essential principles and methods for the operation and maintenance of the infrastructure systems in this area are taught.

Learning Outcomes:

In this module, alumni are taught the basics of urban infrastructure systems. The aim is to give the alumni an overview of the different types of infrastructures in an urban environment.

Superior module:

Urban Systems

Module description:


Fundamentals of energy consumer structures

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM1EVSIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

In order to be able to plan energy infrastructure systems, it is necessary to identify the consumer structures in the areas supplied and to be able to assess their characteristics. Different consumers are businesses (industry, trade, service), households and mobility, as well as municipalities. Their consumption characteristics are determined by the buildings used and the processes required for operation and can be described by corresponding load profiles, but also by supply reliability (e.g. voltage quality) or interactions with supply systems (e.g. required supply and return temperatures).

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni are taught the necessary skills to identify, analyze and evaluate energy-relevant consumer structures and to assess their interaction with the existing energy infrastructure.

Superior module:

Urban Systems

Module description:


Geoinformation Systems and Urban Data Management

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM1UDMIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Geoinformatics is the study of the nature and function of spatial information (geoinformation) and its acquisition, storage, analysis, visualization, interpretation and dissemination. It forms the scientific basis for geographic information systems (GIS). The spectrum ranges from the modeling of geo-objects in space to their schematization in databases against the background of typical GIS applications. The aim of the course is to work out those aspects of geoinformation that deserve special attention when embedded in the general environment of information technology. The course covers the development and management of geographic information databases, analysis and modeling of geospatial data, visualization of geospatial data and information, and application of GIS-based tools. The use of geographic information systems enables quantitative and qualitative methods for spatially distributed analysis of interacting processes occurring at different scales. These range from global urban change, to climate change, to local land use decisions. The main focus of the course is the collection and linking of spatially relevant data, with the aim of revealing problems and issues in order to develop data-based solutions.

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni are able to use the elementary specific application possibilities of geoinformation systems (GIS) for their field of activity and know additional possibilities which are given by the use of GIS systems for example in planning processes. The alumni can use the elementary specific application possibilities of geoinformation systems (GIS) for their field of activity and can link these with spatial questions. In this way, they develop possibilities that are given by the use of GIS systems, for example in planning processes.

Superior module:

Urbane Governance

Module description:


Open Space Planning

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM1FRPIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Introduction to open space planning in an urban context, historical background, current practice. Basic knowledge as well as methodological approaches on different scale levels (city, neighborhood, object) are taught. This includes planning and design at the neighborhood level and is underpinned by current practical examples. Essential is a differentiated consideration of different approaches and procedures, depending on the goal, the planning level and the problems and size of the area to be addressed. The aim of the course is the knowledge of different open space systems, their different users, accessibility, equipment, design quality, spatial, socio-cultural and ecological effects in urban space.

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni recognize urban and open space planning as an organizational basis for the optimal design of living spaces and neighborhoods. They understand the meaning of planning and can read and interpret it. They know the importance of defining and designing public spaces.

Superior module:

Neighborhood development - fundamentals

Module description:


Revitalization, protection of townscape and architectural monuments

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM1SRDIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Based on the different protection goals of townscape protection and structural monument protection, the design, legal, organizational and technical aspects of townscape and monument protection are dealt with and illustrated with examples. On the basis of a self-selected example project of a redevelopment measure in the local image or monument protection, the concrete legal and organizational framework conditions as well as the design and technical solutions are analyzed and described and possible alternatives are shown.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, alumni will be able to explain and differentiate processes and legal frameworks in the protection of sites and monuments as well as to analyze and fundamentally assess simple questions under guidance.

Superior module:

Building in Existing Contexts - Fundamentals

Module description:


Scientific Writing

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM1SWRUE
Type UB
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 1
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Detailed teaching and discussion of the methods that can be used in the context of the master's thesis to be written. In addition to methods of simulation, tools of empirical social research (quantitative and qualitative research methods) are applied. In a further step, the combination and sequence of different methods will be taught. The course serves as a content-related basis for the following modules, therefore no grading is given. This will be done within the processing of homework or similar certificates of achievement in the respective modules.

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni acquire a basic knowledge and overview of the methods of scientific work and the ability to work on a self-chosen task in a theory-related manner using and combining scientific methods.

Superior module:

Ethics and Science

Module description:


Spatial Planning

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM1RAPIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Participants will learn the basic legal principles of spatial planning and current strategies of Austrian and European cities. The focus is on teaching the Austrian and European legal framework and the associated spatial planning processes such as regional development concept, urban development concept, zoning plans and development plan and building guidelines.

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni recognize spatial planning as an organizational basis for the optimal design of living spaces and regions. They understand the significance of zoning plans and development plans and can read and interpret them. They know about the meaning and effects of the plans in the built environment.

Superior module:

Urbane Governance

Module description:


Urban Ecology

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM1SÖKIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

The importance of blue and green infrastructure in the urban environment as a basis for planning is explained to the students. For this purpose, the basic terms of the respective areas are explained in order to enable a fundamental understanding. In addition, the perception regarding the quality of human stay in the city (e.g. emissions, climate, etc.) will be sensitized by city walks. In the course of this, the previously theoretically described infrastructure elements are also considered in their actual form.

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni know how green and blue infrastructure can be used in planning as necessary measures to improve the urban climate. They have knowledge of various factors influencing the city and can identify problems arising from urban environmental influences and can accordingly call in experts to develop improvement measures.

Superior module:

Urban Ecology

Module description:


Urban Lab

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM1SPOPT
Type PT
Kind Project
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

The Urban Lab is the entry project, which pursues an integral planning approach. Based on a common task that combines the focus areas of building in the existing fabric, neighborhood development, and the urban system.

Learning Outcomes:

The project introduces alumni to the topics and problems from the fields of building in existing structures, neighborhood development or urban systems and shows the interconnectedness from each field.

Superior module:

Start project

Module description:


Urban Sociology

Semester 1
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM1SOZIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Students will gain a comprehensive insight into the history of urban sociology and current urban sociological topics. These include the field and issues of migration, demography, segregation, gentrification, as well as changes in neighborhood structures and the resulting urban consequences.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing the module, they understand the basic features of demography, demographic change and social change processes, they comprehend the problem of limited natural resources and they can assess the influence of sociological aspects on urban development processes.

Superior module:

City and Society

Module description:



Change and Transformation

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM2UTRAIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Within the framework of the courses, the students deal with the topic of the implementation of the sustainability goals in the different levels of society. The course is divided into a theoretical part, which includes how processes can be integrated and implemented in the levels of governance (administration and companies) and citizens (individuals and society). Thereby it will be discussed reflexively how structure - process - result of projects are to be classified. On the basis of projects that have already been implemented in practice, methods and approaches will be discussed that can be directly applied to the students' projects. The course is related to the module Participation and Conflict Resolution Strategies.

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni receive an overview of how they should address the various topics of transformation (e.g. from the areas of climate and energy change) in terms of content and argumentation in their studies and professional practice, and how already successful courses of action can be implemented in practice.

Superior module:


Module description:


Energy grids & decentralized energy supply

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM2ENEVO
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

This module teaches in-depth competencies in the areas of energy infrastructure and urban energy planning. Depending on the selected courses, the students are able to plan and model electrical transmission and distribution networks as well as thermal local and district heating networks in interaction with various energy supply systems and consumer structures. They know about the possible applications of different electrical and thermal supply and storage technologies and can take these into account in the respective models. Furthermore, the integration of district and local heating networks into the overall urban concept is demonstrated under ecological and economic aspects. The use of renewable energy sources in combination as well as possible line losses are analyzed and included in the holistic view. In addition, district and local heating and cooling networks are modeled and balanced, taking into account the integration of renewable technologies. The understanding for the analysis of such load profiles is trained and applied. Decentralized micro-grids as well as low-temperature district heating networks with cascading heat utilization are also modeled.

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni are able to estimate the limits of use of renewable energy sources in urban areas and can develop application-oriented measures to improve their use. They know the essential components of energy planning and can evaluate the different energy sectors (heat, electricity and gas).

Superior module:

Energy supply

Module description:


Master thesis preparation seminar

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM2MVOUE
Type UB
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Systematic structure of an exposé and discursive defense of the same in group situations; characteristics of a scientific working style; literature phase and thematic breadth (variants); analysis of current publications; handling of scientific literature sources incl. referencing; quality aspects of scientific work.

Learning Outcomes:

In preparation for the master's thesis, a preparatory seminar is held at the end of the second semester. In the course, alumni are enabled to develop independent scientific questions and to proceed systematically and methodically. Within the framework of the seminar, there is a regular exchange with other alumni and lecturers on the development of the research question for the master's thesis.

Superior module:

Ethics and Science

Module description:


Methods of conflict resolution

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM2KOFUE
Type UB
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

The course provides students with knowledge about different methods for the prevention and resolution of conflicts. By working on different cases, students are prepared for conflict situations in groups and companies, especially in the context of planning processes, and learn about possible solutions for crisis and problem situations.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this module, alumni will be able to use various methods to develop conflict situations or solution strategies. They will be able to recognize how a clearly structured line of argument can be created to solve conflicts, especially in public participation procedures or in project work. You are able to argue in a solution- and benefit-oriented way and to formulate criticism in a factual and constructive way. You are able to accept criticism and to report it back accordingly.

Superior module:

Personal Skills I

Module description:


Neighborhood development

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM2UEWIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

In this course, students learn the procedure for the creation of project concepts, whereby the general methodology is applied independently in interdisciplinary teams using an example from the field of integrated neighborhood concepts. Based on an analysis of the existing situation, a potential analysis is carried out and a concept for action is derived.

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni are taught the necessary skills to identify, analyze and evaluate neighborhoods and to assess their interactions with the existing context. They will be able to assess the quality of the existing building structure and recognize potential for improvement. They are able to create qualitative renovation concepts for neighborhoods and energy supply systems and to plan action and implementation strategies.

Superior module:

Neighborhood development - fundamentals

Module description:


Participation strategies

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM2PASUE
Type UB
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Teaching of guidelines for the practical implementation of participation procedures by means of practical exercises within the framework of several block events, in which real projects are carried out. In the process, a simulation game is carried out, which is aligned with a real project. In this course, students learn how to prepare, implement and evaluate various participation procedures. Questions relevant to practice, such as the redensification of developed inner areas, the removal of car parking spaces and similar issues are dealt with.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this module, alumni can choose between different participation methods to moderate processes. They learn methods to develop conflict situations or solution strategies. They recognize the structure and characteristics of citizen participation processes and can take an active role in them. The alumni are able to present complex contents in a target group-oriented way and to develop clearly structured lines of argumentation. They can argue in a solution- and benefit-oriented manner and formulate criticism in a factual and constructive manner. They are able to accept criticism and report it back accordingly.

Superior module:

Personal Skills I

Module description:


Real estate business and project development

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM2IUPIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

This course deals with project development in the context of planning processes. This includes: Basics of investment in real estate, market situation, terms, phases, types of property (residential, commercial, logistics, hotel), profitability, location analyses and market data; market participants (developers, planners, investors, construction companies, property owners, tenants, lessees, operators, brokers, key figures); valuation and financing of real estate (asset value, capitalized earnings value, market value); forms of contract, operator models (PPP, etc.)

Learning Outcomes:

The module focuses on project development for initiation, conception and marketing. You take into account relevant economic and legal framework conditions in their implementation.

Superior module:

Neighborhood development - fundamentals

Module description:


Refurbishment of existing buildings

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

On the basis of selected examples, typical functions and floor plan typologies of existing buildings intended for conversion are discussed and the associated technical-functional aspects such as structural design and modification, access and escape routes and their adaptation, lighting and energy requirements and associated changes to the thermal building envelope are examined. Based on these theoretical principles, conversion and expansion scenarios are developed for an existing building and functionally and technically evaluated. For the best evaluated scenario, a conversion proposal is prepared as a design plan and as a basis for subsequent courses.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing the course, alumni are able to classify and explain relationships between functional and technical aspects of existing buildings and to differentiate and assess their changes in structural transformation processes with their effects, as well as to reflect on transformation processes and design them under guidance.

Superior module:

Building in Existing Contexts - Fundamentals

Module description:


Specialisation Project

Semester 2
Academic year 1
Course code SMCM2OROPT
Type PT
Kind Project
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 8
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

The project from the field of building in the existing fabric, neighborhood development or urban systems builds a bridge from theoretical content to practical implementation and introduces students to the diversified distribution of tasks in a planning and construction task.

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni can implement the theoretically acquired competences in a practical project. In doing so, the competences in the technical area are used as well as the economic, work methodical and social competences.

Superior module:

Specific project

Module description:



Building construction and building physics in existing buildings

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code SMCM3BKOIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Based on typical existing structures (standard structures typical for the region, depending on the age of the building, or concrete applications), different renovation solutions are developed and planned ready for execution, whereby the conversion design from the LV Typologies of Renovation usually serves as the starting point. A structural and physical concept and detailed structural solutions are to be developed. The renovation proposals are evaluated in terms of building physics (heat, moisture, sound, fire protection and air tightness) and feasibility.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of the course, the alumni are able to work out technical solutions for individual questions of renovation and revitalization and to evaluate them methodically from the point of view of building physics.

Superior module:

Building in Existing Contexts

Module description:


Building services engineering in existing buildings

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code SMCM3GIBIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

The contents of the course are the existing building services systems in existing buildings, with the focus on residential buildings, and how these can be converted to renewable energies in the course of renovation or revitalization. Based on an example, usually the conversion design from the course Typologies of Rehabilitation, various building services solutions are conceptualized and evaluated. An energy concept is to be developed, which also takes into account potentials regarding waste heat and generation of renewable energy at the building, but also in the surrounding area. The energy concept deals with all trades of the building services engineering. (The concept proposals are evaluated in terms of energy, CO2 emissions and feasibility.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of the course, alumni will be able to develop comprehensive building energy concepts for refurbishment and revitalization under supervision and to carry out an energy assessment and evaluate the feasibility.

Superior module:

Building in Existing Contexts

Module description:


Energy technologies

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code SMCM3ENEIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Elektrische, thermische und chemische Speichertechnologien werden in dieser Lehrveranstaltung ebenso erläutert, sowie die Nutzung erneuerbarer Energieressourcen. Die Studierenden sind nach dieser Lehrveranstaltung in der Lage einzelne Speichertechnologien detailliert energetisch zu bilanzieren und im Kontext von dezentralen Energiekonzepten anzuwenden. Es werden zentrale und dezentrale Speicher für mehrere Stunden, Tage, sowie geothermische Saisonspeicher analysiert und berechnet. Die Auswertung von Lastgängen soll dazu dienen, die Speicher an die entsprechenden Energieerzeugern und Energieverbrauchern anzupassen.

Learning Outcomes:

In this module, alumni acquire in-depth competencies in the areas of generation, provision and storage of energy from renewable resources. They are able to evaluate the possible applications of various energy resources, as well as their economy and efficiency.

Superior module:

Urban Systems

Module description:


Funding, legal and normative framework

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code SMCM3FRRIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

In this course, different dimensions of funding, legal and normative frameworks and their impact on urban and planning projects will be highlighted. The legal aspects of the administrative structure with a special focus on municipalities and relevant regulations will be discussed. This should enable the participants to have an overview of the administrative structures with the central responsibilities and to grasp the basic patterns of political and legal interaction between the administrative units.

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni receive an overview of the basic structures of relevant funding mechanisms and learn to understand and apply legal and normative frameworks.

Superior module:

Spatial economics

Module description:


Master thesis seminar

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code SMCM3MBEUE
Type UB
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

The purpose of the seminar accompanying the master's thesis is to establish a regular exchange between students and teachers and, within this framework, to argue the student's own research topic investigated in the master's thesis. At the same time, milestones are defined through fixed interim presentations in order to ensure continuous progress.

Learning Outcomes:

Parallel to the Master's thesis, the module Seminars on the Master's thesis is held, which accompanies the alumni in a project format during the preparation of the Master's thesis. The module enables alumni to prepare independent scientific work and to proceed systematically. In addition to analyzing and presenting problems, alumni are able to identify and formulate goals and to argue project content scientifically. In the context of a regular exchange of interim results with other alumni and teachers, critical, argumentative and discussion skills are further strengthened.

Superior module:

Master thesis

Module description:


Municipal technology

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code SMCM3KOMIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

In this course, students acquired detailed knowledge of a wide variety of municipal systems, such as: Drinking water supply, wastewater treatment and purification, transportation systems, waste treatment and recycling. In addition, the technological aspects are explained. The aim is to determine the material, substance and energy flows on the basis of the population and cloud density of municipalities/cities in order to determine the plant size and the space requirements of municipal systems.

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni have knowledge of the possible applications of municipal systems and are able to estimate the scale of these systems in urban areas and can work out necessary measures for their improved use in an application-oriented manner. They know the essential components of municipal systems and are able to independently develop energy utilization plans.

Superior module:

Urban Systems

Module description:


Neighborhood redevelopment

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code SMCM3QASIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

The students acquire relevant basic knowledge for the evaluation and renewal of building structures in the course of neighborhood redevelopment projects. Different types of urban space types, neighborhood typologies and energy standards are explained, which subsequently also determine the consumption structure of a neighborhood and significantly influence the applicability of different renovation concepts. Different types of neighborhood redevelopment concepts (redevelopment, replacement construction, redensification, etc.) are presented and their advantages and disadvantages in relation to different building and neighborhood structures are explained.

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni are taught the necessary skills to identify, analyze and evaluate neighborhoods and to assess their interactions with the existing spatial context. They will be able to assess the quality of the existing building structure and recognize potential for improvement. They are able to create qualitative redevelopment concepts for neighborhoods and to plan action and implementation strategies.

Superior module:

Neighborhood development

Module description:


Raw materials and recycling

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code SMCM3RURVO
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Students are taught the importance of mineral and renewable raw materials and their recycling for planning and development within a curricular economy. Special attention is given to classes of raw materials that are important for sustainability transformations, such as raw materials for the 'Energy Transition' or construction raw materials. Methodological and planning approaches such as Life Cycle Assessments, Urban Mining Indicators or Design for Recycling show the students practical possibilities for a careful use of primary and secondary resources.

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni understand the difference and challenges of managing selected raw material groups renewable and mineral raw materials, primary and secondary materials. They understand the principles of different LCAs and design for recycling and can apply them exemplarily.

Superior module:

Raw materials and recycling

Module description:


Real estate geography

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code SMCM3IMOVO
Type VO
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

The course deals with the development of real estate markets on a local and global scale. The markets are very diverse and are influenced by different factors. The course deals with internationalization and financial factors that influence urban development in the areas of segregation, displacement or differentiation of residential environments, also due to demographic change.

Learning Outcomes:

Alumni gain an overview of the effectiveness and processes of international real estate markets. They put this knowledge into the context of local planning processes.

Superior module:

Spatial economics

Module description:


Specialisation Project

Semester 3
Academic year 2
Course code SMCM3OROPT
Type PT
Kind Project
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 8
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

The students can implement the theoretically acquired competences in a practical project. In doing so, the competences in the technical area are used as well as the economic, work methodical and social competences.

Learning Outcomes:

The project from the field of building in existing structures, neighborhood development or ur-ban systems builds a bridge from the theoretical content to practical implementation and introduces the alumni to the diversified distribution of tasks in a planning and building task.

Superior module:

Specific project

Module description:



Circular Economy

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code SMCM4CREIL
Type IL
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

In the course, a specific subject project from the 2nd and 3rd semester is examined with regard to its effectiveness in terms of circular economy. The basic principles of circular economy are taught and presented in different contexts. They recognize the role of product materials for a circular economy. Furthermore, they know about necessary 1) individual and 2) entrepreneurial skills that are needed to get into a circular economy.

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni know the basic principles of the circular economy understanding and can define them in comparison to the linear economy. They can understand used materials as a resource and know about the role of product design for the circular economy. The review of the subject project makes the alumni realize that systemic thinking, the ability to cooperate and the competence to involve diverse actors along the value chain in the process of product design is the key to go into the circular economy.

Superior module:

Personal Skills II

Module description:


Commission final examination

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code SMCM4KAIT
Type DP
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 3
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

This course is designed to prepare students for the final examination. Students will be given sufficient time to prepare for the master's examination.

Learning Outcomes:

The master's thesis demonstrates the alumni' ability to work on a problem from the field of building in the existing stock, neighborhood development and urban systems using scientific methods. They are able to develop, present and document projects independently and to present and critically evaluate the results in an appropriate manner. They are able to argue and justify the approach scientifically.

Superior module:

Master thesis

Module description:


International Excursion

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code SMCM4IEXEX
Type EX
Kind Compulsory
Language of instruction English
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

The aim of the study excursion is to deepen the students' knowledge in the field of building in the existing fabric, neighborhood development or urban systems and to supplement it with application-specific aspects. The excursion to a specific field provides exemplary insights into the concrete design of new and innovative conditions and environments. Students learn to understand and reflect on innovative approaches in the field of building in the existing fabric, neighborhood development or urban systems.

Learning Outcomes:

Through the intensive study of examples of existing buildings, neighborhood development or urban systems, the alumni deepen their knowledge and skills from the previously held relevant modules. Due to the international character of the excursion, the language skills of the alumni are additionally trained.

Superior module:

International projects

Module description:


Master thesis

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code SMCM4MASIT
Type IT
Kind Diploma/master thesis
Language of instruction German
ECTS Credits 17
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

Development and independent processing of questions and content-related analysis of a subject-relevant topic (core subject areas are the specializations from the areas of building in existing structures, neighborhood development and urban systems) with special consideration of the innovation potential of the targeted solutions, taking into account a scientifically structured and argued at the current state of the literature.

Learning Outcomes:

The master's thesis demonstrates the student's ability to work on a problem from the field of building in the existing fabric, neighborhood development and urban systems using scientific methods. They are able to develop, present and document projects independently and to present and critically evaluate the results in an appropriate manner. They are able to argue and justify their approach scientifically.

Superior module:

Master thesis

Module description:


International projects

Free elective

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code SMCM6FRWIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 0.5
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

The students are familiar with specific topics in the field of building in the existing fabric, neighborhood development or urban systems, but also with specialized topics in related fields and can successfully apply this knowledge to specific questions in the course of study and the final thesis.

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni are familiar with specific topics in the field of building in the existing fabric, neighborhood development or urban systems, but also with specialized topics in related fields and can successfully apply this knowledge to specific questions in the course of study and the final thesis.

Superior module:

International projects

Module description:


Free elective 1.4

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code SMCM4FRWIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction English
SWS 2.5
ECTS Credits 4
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

The students are familiar with specific topics in the field of building in the existing fabric, neighborhood development or urban systems, but also with specialized topics in related fields and can successfully apply this knowledge to specific questions in the course of study and the final thesis.

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni are familiar with specific topics in the field of building in the existing fabric, neighborhood development or urban systems, but also with specialized topics in related fields and can successfully apply this knowledge to specific questions in the course of study and the final thesis.

Superior module:

International projects

Module description:


Free elective 2.2

Semester 4
Academic year 2
Course code SMCM5FRWIL
Type IL
Kind Elective
Language of instruction German
SWS 0.5
ECTS Credits 2
Examination character immanent

Lecture content:

The students are familiar with specific topics in the field of building in the existing fabric, neighborhood development or urban systems, but also with specialized topics in related fields and can successfully apply this knowledge to specific questions in the course of study and the final thesis.

Learning Outcomes:

The alumni are familiar with specific topics in the field of building in the existing fabric, neighborhood development or urban systems, but also with specialized topics in related fields and can successfully apply this knowledge to specific questions in the course of study and the final thesis.

Superior module:

International projects

Module description:


SemesterSemesters 1, 3, 5: courses held only in winter semester (mid-September to end of January), Semesters 2, 4, 6: courses held only in summer semester (mid-February to end of June)
SWSweekly contact hours over 14 weeks in semester (example SWS 2 equals 28 contact hours for the whole course
ECTS CreditsWork load in ECTS credits, 1 ECTS credit equals an estimated 25 hours of work for the student
TypeBP = Bachelor final exam
DP/MP = Master final exam
IL = Lecture with integrated project work
IT = Individual training/phases
LB = Lab (session)
PS = Pro-seminar
PT = Project
RC = Course with integrated reflective practice
RE = Revision course
SE = Seminar
TU = Tutorial
UB = Practice session/Subject practical sessions
VO = Lecture