Welcome to our INCOMING Students in summer semester 2025!

Welcome to the Forest Products Technology & Timber Construction Programme
Overview of courses that the Forest Products Technology & Timber Construction Bachelor Programme offers in English for incoming exchange students.
For further information on academic issues, courses, course selection and provisional learning agreements, please, contact the International Academic Advisor at the Department Green Engineering and Design, Günter Berger (guenter.berger@fh-salzburg.ac.at).
For administrative issues, please, contact the Incoming Students Coordinator at International Office.
Course Title: Data analysis for the Wood Industry
Course Code: HTBB3TDAVO
Number of Credits: 2 ECTS
Course Contents: Descriptive statistics and regression (graphic procedures, location and scattering parameters, correlation analysis and regression); principles of the calculus of probability and convergence in probability (deductive principles, basic space, event, probability, random variable, distributions and their properties); experimental execution of standard statistics procedures with software support and commenting on results.
Learning Outcomes: The students are able to: - create and evaluate statistic variables for the evaluation of production processes and for quality control - develop simple statistic test methods to control the production processes in ongoing productions and to derive procedures for carrying out quality checks.
Course Title: Introduction to Engineered Wood Products
Course Code: HTBB3HWGIL
Number of Credits: 2 ECTS
Course Contents: Students are familiar with the most frequently used materials made from wood, their identification, the relevant production volume, their composition as well as the basic production principles. Structure, properties and range of application for engineered wood products made of solid wood, boards and other composites made from squared timber, veneer. Structure, properties and range of application for engineered wood panels containing chips and fibres: Particle boards, Wafer boards, Oriented Strand Boards(OSB), Fibre boards (HDF, MDF, soft fibre board insulation panels). Structure, properties and range of application for engineered wood products: Laminated veneer lumber, laminated strand lumber (beams). Structure, properties and range of application for mineral-bonded wood composites containing wood-wool, chips and fibres. Structure, properties and range of application for wood plastic composites.
Course Title: Project 3 – Wood Technology
Course Code: HTBB3PROPT
Number of Credits: 3 ECTS
Course Contents: General description of the course “Project 3 - Construction, Technology or Furniture:
The project encompasses a complex task relating to a theme of the field of specialisation, which can only be carried out and completed in group project work. Wood Constructions Main Option/Specialisation: Draft of a building considering the requirements of the specific location and including basic mechanical services. The project work encompasses a detailed analysis of the various factors necessary to the task and demands that students focus on a highly complex construction project, which includes solving spatial, strategic, contextual and design problems and applying the correct structural physical methods. Forest Products Technology Main Option/Specialisation: The task is to plan and evaluate various processing and material options in the forest products industry by analysing and integrating technological, economic and social aspects. The project is carried out in close cooperation with companies and therefore promotes professional growth. The contents of scientific and technical lectures, as well as those of project management are essential in fulfilling the aims of the project. Furniture and Interior Design Main Option/Specialisation: Draft of an interior or a piece of furniture for a specific building area or room, including basic functional demands. The main tasks relate to the various aspects of the draft, the planning and the model making. Spatial, strategic and contextual factors are determined and evaluated regarding the production and application of the object or design.
Course Title: Project 3 – Construction / Furniture Project
Course Code: HTBB3PROPT
Number of Credits: 3 ECTS
Course Contents: General description of the course “Project 3 - Construction, Technology or Furniture:
The project encompasses a complex task relating to a theme of the field of specialisation, which can only be carried out and completed in group project work. Wood Constructions Main Option/Specialisation: Draft of a building considering the requirements of the specific location and including basic mechanical services. The project work encompasses a detailed analysis of the various factors necessary to the task and demands that students focus on a highly complex construction project, which includes solving spatial, strategic, contextual and design problems and applying the correct structural physical methods. Forest Products Technology Main Option/Specialisation: The task is to plan and evaluate various processing and material options in the forest products industry by analysing and integrating technological, economic and social aspects. The project is carried out in close cooperation with companies and therefore promotes professional growth. The contents of scientific and technical lectures, as well as those of project management are essential in fulfilling the aims of the project. Furniture and Interior Design Main Option/Specialisation: Draft of an interior or a piece of furniture for a specific building area or room, including basic functional demands. The main tasks relate to the various aspects of the draft, the planning and the model making. Spatial, strategic and contextual factors are determined and evaluated regarding the production and application of the object or design.
Course Title: Wood Chemistry
Course Code: HTBB3THCIL
Number of Credits: 1,5 ECTS
Course Contents: Elements and molecules in wood. Distribution in the cell. Photosynthesis and combustion. Cellulose and hemicelluloses. Lignin and aromatics. Extractives. UF and PF adhesives. Rayon (Regenerated cellulose).
Course Title: Best of Forest Products in Salzburg
Course Code: HTBB0BFPS
Number of Credits: 2 ECTS
Course Contents:
Course Title: Sustainability- A Systematic Approach
Course Code: GBDASAILWS25
Number of Credits: 3 ECTS
Course Contents: This course applies the relationship of cause and impact to the principle meaning of sustainability and shows how complex this is. Basically, systems with high complexity can be seen as a network made of relationships in which they communicate with and influence each other. For a better understanding of these systems, models with lower complexity are usually generated by setting boundaries ¿ that can refer to time, space and content ¿ beyond which no further bidirectional interaction and feedback is considered. However, with this approach, only symptoms can be assessed, that means the first cause is mostly out of sight, as well as the last impact. Within our planetary boundaries, sustainability, described with this principle of causes, is probably the most complex existing system. This leads to the question how much simplification is acceptable, or conversely, how much complexity is necessary to be able of developing a general understanding of sustainability?
Course Title: English for specific purposes
Course Code: HTBB2POOL
Number of Credits: 2 ECTS
Course Contents: classwork and homework, 4 quizzes (the best 3 count), vocab and grammar quizzes OR written assignments OR reading, speaking or listening exercises, final exam
Course Title: English 1
Course Code: HTBB1ENGUE
Number of Credits: 2 ECTS
Language Level: B1/B2 (CEFR)
Course Contents: Refresher course on basic linguistic elements, such as grammar, sentence structure and style.
Introduction to the language of the forest products and construction industries, using texts concerning globalisation and sustainability.
Students are required to discuss general business and ecological topics, using phrases and vocabulary practised.
Course Title: Engineered Wood Products 2
Course Code: HTBB4THWIL
Number of Credits: 3 ECTS
Course Contents: These lectures provide insight into the processing technology behind the manufacture of composite wood products and the specific subdivisions for each material covered. The most significant connections between the properties of raw materials, the production process and the product properties acquired in such manufacturing steps are described for various composites. Industrial plants for the production of selected boards are described and factory and plant tours are also an important factor in this course. Students produce various boards in the laboratory which they test according to EN regulations and then compare their specific properties.
Course Title: International Wood Production
Course Code: HTBB6IHWIL
Number of Credits: 2 ECTS
Observation: Only open for students with a background in Wood Technology / Wood Science
Course Contents: The worldwide development of the forest products industries - the sawmilling, panels, furniture till pulp&paper and pellets production - including the wood construction are presented. Specific aspects about the raw materials availability, installed production capacities and trade streams including the specific environmental regulations are explained. Some of the market leading groups, research centers and higher education institutions in this field as well as an introduction to the certification of raw materials and products are included.
Course Title: Structural Design Workshop
Course Code: HTBB0WTWIL
Observation: 3 – 5 places available. Kick-off meeting mandatory!
Number of Credits: 2 ECTS
Course Contents: In teams of two, develop an architectonical concept and a structural design draft for a permanent structure. The type of concept an construction may be freely chosen. The design takes into consideration the specific characteristics of the place. Parallel to the draft sketches it will be important to study and document the architectonical impact (Model 1:2000). The final version of the construction will be presented in a secon model (model 1:100/1:50). The model is part of the workshop. Materials to be used must be considered with particular care as they contribute substantially to the success of the workshop studies and has a particular influence on the construction model.
Course Title: Study trip
Course Code: HTBB6POOL
Number of Credits: 2 ECTS
Observation: Approximate costs 200€ - 300 €, limited availability!
Course Contents: The student excursion should provide an insight into the wide field of the wood industry. Following production methods are described: production of sawn timber, wood by products like pellets and energy production, production of wood based panels like chipboards, fiberboards, OSB and the finish of the boards, production of :doors, art furniture, music instruments. The excursion should also give an idea of traditional and high end production plants.
Course Title: Interior Design Project / Timber Construction Project
Course Code: HTBB4PBAPT
Observation: Topic announced several weeks before the term starts. For more information contact the International Academic Coordinator (Günter Berger, günter.berger@fh-salzburg.ac.at)
Number of Credits: 6 ECTS
Course Type: Project
Course Contents: The aim of this course is to guide the students to develop the concept, organisation and compilation of a complex, interdisciplinary project with clearly defined individual tasks, which should be finalised in their first bachelor thesis. Typical tasks or projects are: Production planning and development; Product development and branding; The further development of technological procedures and their holistic evaluation; Planning tasks in a specific location. It is permitted to develop a project which can be processed and completed with other degree courses.
Course Title: Best of Forest Products in Salzburg
Course Code: HTBB0BFPS
Number of Credits: 2 ECTS
Course Contents: Excusions to forestry and timber companies
Course Title: English 2
Course Code: HTBB2FENUE
Number of Credits: 2 ECTS
Level: B1/B2 (CEFR)
Course Contents: Expanding students’ vocabulary in a variety of specialised areas, for example: introduction to financial English, the language used in formal technical texts. Students give presentations on topics of interest to them from their future professional field.
Course Title: English for specific Purposes
Course Code: HTBB5ESPUE
Number of Credits: 2 ECTS
Level: B1/B2 (CEFR)
Course Contents: International communication - Meetings, negotiations an applications regarding the timber industry
Course Title: Wood Industry Comparison
Number of Credits: 2 ECTS
Course Contents: The lesson plan includes:
- Introduction video to the course
- Videos & Literature Hofstede
- Video and Literature Porters 5 Forces
- The reference video – sawmilling industry in Austria
- The upload area with the discussion platform
Course Title: International Timber Trade No.1
Number of Credits: 2 ECTS
Course Contents: The lesson plan includes:
- Practice distribution processes;
- International Wood Marketing
- The law of contract, the law of agency;
- The Export/Import quotation
- Incoterms
Course Title: International Timber Trade No.2
Number of Credits: 3 ECTS
Course Contents: The lesson plan includes:
- Freight forwarders, Modes of international Transport;
- Export documentation (Bill of lading, waybills, etc.)
- Export and import procedures and documents;
- Cargo insurance, physical-, credit and exchange risks;
- International Payment methods (Letter of Credit, etc.)
- Forms of countertrade;
Course Title: Entrepreneurship in the forest products sector
Number of Credits: 2 ECTS
Course Contents: The lesson plan includes:
- Introduction
- Ideation – how to create business ideas
- Business model canvas
- St. Gallen Business Model Navigator
- Development of new business ideas
- Business Model Canvas
- Business Plans
- Best practice examples in the wood-based sector
Course Title: Using All Your SENSES- Multisensual Marketing with WOOD
Number of Credits: 5 ECTS
Course Contents: 1. Introduction
Best Practice Examples
2. First Sense The Eyes
Application of Multisensual Marketing Exterior – For fassade systems
Application of Multisensual Marketing Interior – Trends in Furniture and
Interior Design
3. Second Sense – The Ears
4. Third Sense – The Nose
5. Fourth Sense The Skin
6. Fifth Sense The Tounge
Course Title: From the Forest to the Final Markets
Number of Credits: 5 ECTS
Course Contents: The lesson plan includes:
- The boreal forests;
- Forests and Forestry in Finland, Sweden, Estonia;
- The temperate deciduous forests;
- Forests and forestry in Germany and Austria;
- European Wood and Wooden products;
- Sawntimber-, Plywood-, Particleboard-, Fibreboard-, Gluelam-, CLT-
production processes;
- Forest Industries in Northern and Central Europe;
- International wood trade from Nordic countries, Germany and Austria;
Course Title: CLT & LVL Innovation Processes in the Forest Products Industries
Number of Credits: 2 ECTS
Course Contents: he lesson plan includes:
- Introduction
- Fiber orientation
- The value chains
- The production of CLT / LVL
- The processing / customization of the construction material
- The market developments
Course Title: Future Outlook of Woodproducts
Number of Credits: 5 ECTS
Course Contents: The lesson plan includes:
- Introduction to the topic
- Environmental regulations
- Technology changes in industry
- Emerging innovation from lab to industry
- Discussion platform for the students
- Feedback from the course
Course Title: Wood in Buildings
Number of Credits: 5 ECTS
Course Contents: The lesson plan includes:
- Wood products in interiors, exteriors, and in structural use
- Wood-based products in buildings
- Wood in construction in different regions
- New building and production practices
- Environmental aspects and the future
- - Discussion forum - cases
- Feedback from the course
Course Title: Carbon footprint of wood products
Number of Credits: 2 ECTS
Course Contents: The lesson plan includes:
- Introduction to carbon footprint and why it is important to reduce it
- Carbon footprint characteristic to wooden products
- Overall introduction to Estonian and Finnish forests and forest industry
- Environmental product declaration
- Carbon calculation principles
- Discussion of relevant topics regarding the course
Course Title: Circular Economy of Forest Products
Number of Credits: 3 ECTS
Course Contents: The lesson plan includes:
- Basics of circular economy
- Forest material flows
- Products and processes
- Discussion of relevant topics regarding the course
- Feedback from the course
See also courses offered in:
International Departmental Coordinator

International Academic Advisor
Department Design and Green Engineering
Location: | Campus Kuchl |
Room: | Kuchl - 1.03 |
T: | +43-50-2211-2018 |
E: | guenter.berger@fh-salzburg.ac.at |