Social Work
Academic Research and Writing
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB1WASUE |
Type | UB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Alumni know the basic rules of academic work and demonstrate its techniques.
Superior module:
Reflecting and working in Social Sciences
Module description:
Basics of Communication
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB1GDKVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Communication and counselling 1
Module description:
Basics of Social Work
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB1GSAVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Basics of social work profession
Module description:
Current social issues
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB1SFGVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 0.5 |
ECTS Credits | 0.5 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Reflecting and working in Social Sciences
Module description:
Diversity and Intersectionality
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB1DUIIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Diversity and Intersectionality
Module description:
Ethical Principles of social work
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB1BGSIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Social philosophy and ethics
Module description:
History of Social Workk
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB1EGSVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Basics of social work profession
Module description:
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB1PRAIT |
Type | IT |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 4 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Module description:
Professionalisation and science
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB1SAWVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Reflecting and working in Social Sciences
Module description:
Reflection on Practice
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB1PRXRC |
Type | RC |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 0.5 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Reflection on Practice and Self-Reflection 1
Module description:
Social Group Work and Dynamics
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB1GRPRC |
Type | RC |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
The work with, and also working in groups plays in many ways a special role in social work: both as a methodological approach as well as in various network and staff settings on the professional side. In this course, the aim is to be able to configure group processes meaningfully and in a goal-oriented manner, both as a participant, but also in management functions. There is also a theoretical foundation of the functions, structures and dynamics provided in self-experience groups, which focus on the role and influence of students in their own groups. This course uses the group of students as a self-experience platform: On a study weekend (excursion), a workable and cooperative group is created according to modern pedagogical methodology and questioned and analyzed for resource-oriented group processes. Typical groups and management processes should be visible, understandable and easily influenced. In any case, background makes up the theory of theme-centred interaction (Ruth Cohn) as well as more analytical and explanatory models. At the same time, the social work method is provided, the action-oriented "social group work".
Superior module:
Basics of professional methods in social work
Module description:
Studying social issues
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB1SFSIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 0.5 |
ECTS Credits | 0.5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Reflecting and working in Social Sciences
Module description:
Symposium on Ethics and Sustainability
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB1SENVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Social philosophy and ethics
Module description:
Action Theories of Social Work
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB2HTSIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Basics of professional methods in social work
Module description:
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB2EFBUE |
Type | UB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Communication and counselling 1
Module description:
Counselling 2
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB2EGFUE |
Type | UB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Communication and counselling 1
Module description:
Diversity and Intersectionality: Dis/Ability and Age(ing)
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB2DUAIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2.5 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Diversity and Intersectionality
Module description:
Diversity and Intersectionality: Gender and (Post-)Migration Society
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB2GUMIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2.5 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Diversity and Intersectionality
Module description:
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB2PRAIT |
Type | IT |
Kind | Internship (S) |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 4 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Module description:
Recent Developments in Social Work
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB2RDSVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | English |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
The alumni know newer concepts and theories of social work and applied so-cial sciences. They deal with research findings and new approaches.
Superior module:
Basics of social work profession
Module description:
Reflection on Practice
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB2PRXRC |
Type | RC |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 0.5 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Reflection on Practice and Self-Reflection 1
Module description:
Research Process and Methods
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB2WPMIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Reflecting and working in Social Sciences
Module description:
Social diagnosis and Case Work
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB2SUFIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Basics of professional methods in social work
Module description:
Social work in the context of social economyeconomy
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | SOZB2SPSVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Management and Organisation of Social Work 1
Module description:
Students acquire basic knowledge on the relationship between professional social work in its organizational constitution. Social work is clarified in the contexts of organization, financing and management, which have a significant impact on the professional life and yet are intrinsically bound by this. The vital function of social work within the social economy plays a role here just as do the question of legal forms of social institutions, support institutions and enterprises and their financing in the public-private funding mix. Students learn that institutions of social work are steered by management-related control instruments and how this control is connected with the educational and client-orientated tasks in terms of targets and results.
Basics of social insurance law of social workrance law in social work
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB3SRGIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Introduction to General and Selected Legal Foundations of Social Work
Module description:
Using concrete case studies, students learn about those areas relevant for social work pertaining to law and legislation in an international context and on a regional basis. They will develop skills for the application of legal provisions and legal texts in the various fields of action. In particular: Insurance-, supply- and welfare system; Competence-legal provisions; Introduction to the private and public law; Labour law; Family law; Health insurance; Accident insurance; Pension insurance; Unemployment insurance; Care allowance; Child care allowance.
Counselling - specific topics
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB3SPBUE |
Type | UB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
In this course, students deal with small group workshops on the topic counselling, in depth with specific questions and problems as well as exemplary cases from the field. Students test theory-driven and methodologically difficult situations from daily relationship work with clients, for example, with resistance, aggression or lack of motivation. The issues defining the own person and professional attitude as well as the individual role and self-awareness are important cornerstones within the scope of this course.
Superior module:
Communication and counselling 1
Module description:
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB3ZUEIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Management and Organisation of Social Work 2
Module description:
General Legal Foundations of Social Work
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB3ARGVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Introduction to Austrian law, in particular in terms of family law, constitutional and administrative law and labour law, which are set in relation to the individual areas of social work and international contexts.
Superior module:
Introduction to General and Selected Legal Foundations of Social Work
Module description:
Using concrete case studies, students learn about those areas relevant for social work pertaining to law and legislation in an international context and on a regional basis. They will develop skills for the application of legal provisions and legal texts in the various fields of action. In particular: Insurance-, supply- and welfare system; Competence-legal provisions; Introduction to the private and public law; Labour law; Family law; Health insurance; Accident insurance; Pension insurance; Unemployment insurance; Care allowance; Child care allowance.
Group and community-based methods
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB3GGMUE |
Type | UB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 0.5 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
In this course, students have the choice of two in-depth services. In both a theoretical overview is given first in each case, which is then connected to an exemplary implementation: a) Group-focused methods (e.g. social group work, social training programs, peer coaching, peer-to-peer-culture, anti-aggression training, arbiters programs, theme-centred interaction) b) Community-based methods (e.g. socio-spatial analysis, SWOT analysis, activating survey, project and idea workshop, town hall meeting, initiative groups, facilitation and mediation, conflict management, public relations) Both choices are distinguished less by the applicable methodology than by the different structural embedding: group related methods (e.g. "social group work") tend to form closed and individualized offers, community-based methods tend towards open offers within social work. Thus in both variants, network cards, supervision, intervision, intercultural methods, mediation, future workshop, world cafe, etc. can be a methodological focus and when each conceptually and differently integrated, presented and practical analyzed.
Superior module:
Professional methological interventions 1
Module description:
ISpecific Legal Foundations of Social Work
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB3EAGVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Introduction to General and Selected Legal Foundations of Social Work
Module description:
Using concrete case studies, students learn about those areas relevant for social work pertaining to law and legislation in an international context and on a regional basis. They will develop skills for the application of legal provisions and legal texts in the various fields of action. In particular: Insurance-, supply- and welfare system; Competence-legal provisions; Introduction to the private and public law; Labour law; Family law; Health insurance; Accident insurance; Pension insurance; Unemployment insurance; Care allowance; Child care allowance.
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB3PRAIT |
Type | IT |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 4 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Module description:
Organisation and management of social economy institutions
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB3OUMIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Management and Organisation of Social Work 2
Module description:
Reflection on Practice
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB3PRXRC |
Type | RC |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 0.5 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Reflection on Practice and Self-Reflection 2
Module description:
Selected Fields of Social Work 1
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB3PAHVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Fields of Social Work
Module description:
Students receive a broad overview of areas of action in social work. They experience the large heterogeneity of the working field and can make informed and confident decisions, in which fields they want to complete their internships or which career prospects emerge after studying in these fields of action. In connection with the presentation of fields of action in other courses as well as in the two consolidation subjects, the students have at the end of their studies a good overview of the traditional and current areas of activity in social work.
Self-reflexive understanding and acting
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB3BASUE |
Type | UB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Communication and counselling 1
Module description:
Elective subject: Community-based methods
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB3GWOUE |
Type | UB |
Kind | Elective |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1.5 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Professional methological interventions 1
Module description:
Elective subject: Group-related methods
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB3GRUUE |
Type | UB |
Kind | Elective |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1.5 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Professional methological interventions 1
Module description:
Developmental Psychology
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB4ELAIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Socialization and Education
Module description:
The students have the necessary knowledge to accomplish a theoretical change of perspective from the micro to the macro level, and thus to put the relationship aspect of social worker and client into a larger (total) social (impact) connection. The content of the courses in this module are based on key aspects of the reference disciplines psychology, education and sociology and their significance for the problems of social work clarified from a transdisciplinary perspective. In this way, students learn to recognise and apply both scientific as well as integrative, multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary thinking.
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB4EUBVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Socialization and Education
Module description:
The students have the necessary knowledge to accomplish a theoretical change of perspective from the micro to the macro level, and thus to put the relationship aspect of social worker and client into a larger (total) social (impact) connection. The content of the courses in this module are based on key aspects of the reference disciplines psychology, education and sociology and their significance for the problems of social work clarified from a transdisciplinary perspective. In this way, students learn to recognise and apply both scientific as well as integrative, multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary thinking.
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB4PRAIT |
Type | IT |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 4 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Module description:
Reflection on Practice
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB4PRXRC |
Type | RC |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 0.5 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Reflection on Practice and Self-Reflection 2
Module description:
Selected Fields of Social Work 2
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB4PAHVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Fields of Social Work
Module description:
Students receive a broad overview of areas of action in social work. They experience the large heterogeneity of the working field and can make informed and confident decisions, in which fields they want to complete their internships or which career prospects emerge after studying in these fields of action. In connection with the presentation of fields of action in other courses as well as in the two consolidation subjects, the students have at the end of their studies a good overview of the traditional and current areas of activity in social work.
Seminar Bachelor thesis
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB4BBAVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Bachelor thesis |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 0.5 |
ECTS Credits | 5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Bachelor thesis and final examination
Module description:
Social diagnosis and case management
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB4SPRPT |
Type | PT |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Professional methological interventions 1
Module description:
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB4SOZIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Socialization and Education
Module description:
The students have the necessary knowledge to accomplish a theoretical change of perspective from the micro to the macro level, and thus to put the relationship aspect of social worker and client into a larger (total) social (impact) connection. The content of the courses in this module are based on key aspects of the reference disciplines psychology, education and sociology and their significance for the problems of social work clarified from a transdisciplinary perspective. In this way, students learn to recognise and apply both scientific as well as integrative, multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary thinking.
Socio-legal Foundations of Social Work 2
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB4VSRIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Social legal foundations of social work
Module description:
Building on the basics set out in Module "Introduction to General and Selected Legal Foundations of Social Work", Module "Social-Security Foundations of Social Work" deals with skills training in the competent handling of social legal knowledge, with references to the respective client systems in an international context. In particular: Insurance-, care- and welfare system; Legal-competent provisions; Social assistance: service overview, financing of care; Guaranteed minimum: performance overview and performance calculations; Child and youth services: performance overview and introduction to the Salzburg youth welfare living regulations; Youth promotion and protection; Disabled support: performance overview; Home Residence Act; Administrator law and Placement Act. The area of regulation of provision basics for child and youth services will be expanded and consolidated in a following focus module.
Socio-legal foundations of Social Work
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | SOZB4ESRIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Social legal foundations of social work
Module description:
Building on the basics set out in Module "Introduction to General and Selected Legal Foundations of Social Work", Module "Social-Security Foundations of Social Work" deals with skills training in the competent handling of social legal knowledge, with references to the respective client systems in an international context. In particular: Insurance-, care- and welfare system; Legal-competent provisions; Social assistance: service overview, financing of care; Guaranteed minimum: performance overview and performance calculations; Child and youth services: performance overview and introduction to the Salzburg youth welfare living regulations; Youth promotion and protection; Disabled support: performance overview; Home Residence Act; Administrator law and Placement Act. The area of regulation of provision basics for child and youth services will be expanded and consolidated in a following focus module.
Concepts of Social Policy
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB5KSPVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Globalisation, democracy and social justice
Module description:
Health-related Social Work
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB5SPGVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Health and Social Work
Module description:
Students are able to recognize the essential relationships between social work and health and to reflect on this critically. They acquire a sound knowledge of health-related social work, its foundations, areas of activity and achievements. Students are aware of major theories and models of health and disease. With regard to the professional approach to mental disorders and suicide, they also have the necessary knowledge. They have knowledge of psychosocial crises, stress reactions, such as trauma, coping strategies and necessary forms of intervention. They know the methods and fields of public health, prevention and health promotion, and are aware of the importance of basic arguments and strategies in the public health discourse. Students acquire in-depth knowledge with regard to the psychosocial aspects of health behaviour and risk factors of an individual as well as in global health. They can develop health-related strategies and represent their own arguments conclusively.
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB5PRAIT |
Type | IT |
Kind | Internship (S) |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 4 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Module description:
Methods of social work
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB5HOMUE |
Type | UB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 0.5 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Professional methological interventions 2
Module description:
Psychiatry Basics
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB5PBSIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Health and Social Work
Module description:
Students are able to recognize the essential relationships between social work and health and to reflect on this critically. They acquire a sound knowledge of health-related social work, its foundations, areas of activity and achievements. Students are aware of major theories and models of health and disease. With regard to the professional approach to mental disorders and suicide, they also have the necessary knowledge. They have knowledge of psychosocial crises, stress reactions, such as trauma, coping strategies and necessary forms of intervention. They know the methods and fields of public health, prevention and health promotion, and are aware of the importance of basic arguments and strategies in the public health discourse. Students acquire in-depth knowledge with regard to the psychosocial aspects of health behaviour and risk factors of an individual as well as in global health. They can develop health-related strategies and represent their own arguments conclusively.
Reflection on Practice
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB5PRXRC |
Type | RC |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 0.5 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Reflection on Practice and Self-Reflection 3
Module description:
Seminar Bachelor thesis 2
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB5BBAVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Bachelor thesis |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Bachelor thesis and final examination
Module description:
Social work, democracy and human rights
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB5DFMVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Globalisation, democracy and social justice
Module description:
Child and Youth Protection and Welfare
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB5KJSIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Elective |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Focus area: Childhood, Youth and Family
Module description:
Living Situations and Contexts of Children, Youth and Families
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB5LKJVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Elective |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Focus area: Childhood, Youth and Family
Module description:
Basics of community work and public space
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB5MBSIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Elective |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Focus area: Social Inequality and Social Space/Community Work
Module description:
Social inequality and education
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB5SEBVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Elective |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Focus area: Social Inequality and Social Space/Community Work
Module description:
Elective subject: Creative methods
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB5HOMUE |
Type | UB |
Kind | Elective |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1.5 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Professional methological interventions 2
Module description:
Elective subject: Media-related methods
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB5HOMUE |
Type | UB |
Kind | Elective |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1.5 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Professional methological interventions 2
Module description:
Elective subject: Biography-related methods
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB5HOMUE |
Type | UB |
Kind | Elective |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1.5 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Professional methological interventions 2
Module description:
Elective subject: Body-related methods
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB5HOMUE |
Type | UB |
Kind | Elective |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1.5 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Professional methological interventions 2
Module description:
Crisis Intervention and Psychological Trauma
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB6KPTIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Health and Social Work
Module description:
Students are able to recognize the essential relationships between social work and health and to reflect on this critically. They acquire a sound knowledge of health-related social work, its foundations, areas of activity and achievements. Students are aware of major theories and models of health and disease. With regard to the professional approach to mental disorders and suicide, they also have the necessary knowledge. They have knowledge of psychosocial crises, stress reactions, such as trauma, coping strategies and necessary forms of intervention. They know the methods and fields of public health, prevention and health promotion, and are aware of the importance of basic arguments and strategies in the public health discourse. Students acquire in-depth knowledge with regard to the psychosocial aspects of health behaviour and risk factors of an individual as well as in global health. They can develop health-related strategies and represent their own arguments conclusively.
Final Exam
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB6ABS00 |
Type | BP |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 0 |
ECTS Credits | 4 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Die Studierenden können ihr im Studium erlerntes Wissen und Handeln präsen-tieren.
Superior module:
Bachelor thesis and final examination
Module description:
International Social Work
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB6ISWIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | English |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Alumni can name and explain basic approaches, theories and methods of in-ternational social work as well as international social work associations.They can outline different dimensions such as practice and advocacy, professional exchange, international practice and policy and global citizenship. They can de-rive and reflect on important content for a socio-ecological transformation.
Superior module:
Globalisation, democracy and social justice
Module description:
Open Window
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB6OWIVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Health and Social Work
Module description:
Students are able to recognize the essential relationships between social work and health and to reflect on this critically. They acquire a sound knowledge of health-related social work, its foundations, areas of activity and achievements. Students are aware of major theories and models of health and disease. With regard to the professional approach to mental disorders and suicide, they also have the necessary knowledge. They have knowledge of psychosocial crises, stress reactions, such as trauma, coping strategies and necessary forms of intervention. They know the methods and fields of public health, prevention and health promotion, and are aware of the importance of basic arguments and strategies in the public health discourse. Students acquire in-depth knowledge with regard to the psychosocial aspects of health behaviour and risk factors of an individual as well as in global health. They can develop health-related strategies and represent their own arguments conclusively.
Reflection on Practice
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB5PRXRC |
Type | RC |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 0.5 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Reflection on Practice and Self-Reflection 3
Module description:
Social Work and Globalization
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB6SAGVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | English |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
The alumni know the effects of globalization and can relate them to approaches to action in social work.
Superior module:
Globalisation, democracy and social justice
Module description:
Social Work and transformative education
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB6STBVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | English |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Alumni know different educational scenarios and can locate and apply them in different fields of social work.
Superior module:
Professional methological interventions 2
Module description:
Care planning in children's and youth Services
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB6KJHVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Elective |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Focus area: Childhood, Youth and Family
Module description:
In-depth case work
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB6FHPPT |
Type | PT |
Kind | Elective |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 4 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Focus area: Childhood, Youth and Family
Module description:
Socio-educational interventions
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB6SPHIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Elective |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Focus area: Childhood, Youth and Family
Module description:
Methods of community work and public space
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB6SKMIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Elective |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Focus area: Social Inequality and Social Space/Community Work
Module description:
Political Considerations in Social Work
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB6PMIVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Elective |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | final |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Focus area: Social Inequality and Social Space/Community Work
Module description:
Projects in Community-based work
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | SOZB6SRFPT |
Type | PT |
Kind | Elective |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 4 |
Examination character | immanent |
Learning Outcomes:
Superior module:
Focus area: Social Inequality and Social Space/Community Work
Module description:
Legend | |
Semester | Semesters 1, 3, 5: courses held only in winter semester (mid-September to end of January), Semesters 2, 4, 6: courses held only in summer semester (mid-February to end of June) |
SWS | weekly contact hours over 14 weeks in semester (example SWS 2 equals 28 contact hours for the whole course |
ECTS Credits | Work load in ECTS credits, 1 ECTS credit equals an estimated 25 hours of work for the student |
Type | BP = Bachelor final exam DP/MP = Master final exam IL = Lecture with integrated project work IT = Individual training/phases LB = Lab (session) PS = Pro-seminar PT = Project RC = Course with integrated reflective practice RE = Revision course SE = Seminar TU = Tutorial UB = Practice session/Subject practical sessions VO = Lecture |