Social Work (Bachelor)

Focus on humanity

Guiding and supporting people in difficult life situations and strengthening social cohesion in the process: Our Bachelor's degree programme at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences provides you with the necessary skills for professional social work. Whether in child and youth welfare, social work, or migration research, this well-founded training lays the basis for modern, future-oriented social work.

Study mode:part-time
Degree awarded:Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSc)
Duration:6 semesters / 180 ECTS
Study places per year:50
Location:Campus Urstein, Meierei
Language of instruction:German
Tuition:Tuition fee Euro 363,- per semester + Euro 25.20 student union fee per semester
Instruction:two evenings every week (Tuesday and Wedenesday 16:00-20:15*) and 6-8 weekends (Friday afternoon and Saturday all-day) *new lesson times from winter semester 2024/25
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Why study Social Work at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences?

Our Bachelor's degree in Social Work combines theoretical action knowledge with a practice-oriented methodology. Based on the principles of pedagogy, sociology, psychology, and other disciplines, you will learn to activate and help people in difficult life situations in a solution-oriented manner. Legal and economic know-how are conveyed, as well as personal skills around delimitation and reflection in order to be able to act professionally in conflict-rich environments.

Among others, our Bachelor's degree in Social Work covers the following topics:

  • Basic knowledge of basic concepts and theories of social work
  • Research-oriented knowledge and corresponding competences
  • Social framework conditions
  • Socio-political and managerial knowledge

The most important aspects of our Bachelor's degree in Social Work

Study content and focus areas

Our training for social workers conveys theoretical and practical knowledge of social phenomena, social milieus, and the resource-oriented handling of deadlocked situations.

Through our course, you will learn about different methods of social work and use them in a contextual manner. The ability to self-reflect, which is important in the profession, is also worked upon through work in small groups and discussions.

Our Bachelor's degree programme is based on five macro modules:

  • General basics
  • Economic, social, and legal implications
  • Reference sciences
  • Theories of action & methods
  • Deepening your knowledge from the fourth semester: “Childhood, youth, and family” or “Social inequality and social space”

Semester abroad

Take advantage of the chance to do a semester abroad and learn about social work in other countries to improve your intercultural skills. You have the opportunity to do this in your fourth semester through a stay at one of ourpartner universities.

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Job prospects & career

As the need for qualified specialists in the social sector is constantly increasing, graduates of our Bachelor's degree programme in Social Work benefit from attractive career prospects.

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Further education: In addition to starting your career, you also have the opportunity to complete our part-time Master's degree course in “Social Innovation” at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.