Team & Contact


Please send all enquiries to

Office Salzburg

Portrait of: Tuttas Sabine
Sabine Tuttas
Head of Departmentoffice
Departmentoffice Health Sciences
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Hilfswerk, 2. OG, Stiege 19/3
Portrait of: Grubmüller Cynthia
Cynthia Grubmüller
Departmentoffice employee
Departmentoffice Health Sciences
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Hilfswerk, 2. OG, Stiege 19/2
Portrait of: Kandolf Sabine , BA
Sabine Kandolf, BA
Departmentoffice employee
Departmentoffice Health Sciences
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Hilfswerk, 2. OG, Stiege 19/3
Portrait of: Dipl. oec. Kraft Snjezana
Dipl. oec.
Snjezana Kraft
Departmentoffice employee
Departmentoffice Health Sciences
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Hilfswerk, 2. OG, Stiege 19/3
Portrait of: Nussdorfer Wolfgang , BA
Wolfgang Nussdorfer, BA
Departmentoffice employee
Departmentoffice Health Sciences
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Hilfswerk, 2. OG, Stiege 19/3
Portrait of: Obermayr Rebecca
Rebecca Obermayr
Departmentoffice employee
Departmentoffice Health Sciences
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Hilfswerk, 2. OG, Stiege 19/3
Portrait of: Pászner Lívia , B.A., M.A., M.Sc.
Lívia Pászner, B.A., M.A., M.Sc.
Departmentoffice employee
Departmentoffice Health Sciences
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Hilfswerk, 2. OG, Stiege 19/3
Portrait of: Penninger Sonja
Sonja Penninger
Departmentoffice employee
Departmentoffice Health Sciences
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Hilfswerk, 2. OG, Stiege 19/3
Portrait of: Mag. phil. Pfisterer Viktoria
Mag. phil.
Viktoria Pfisterer
Departmentoffice employee
Departmentoffice Health Sciences
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Hilfswerk, 2. OG, Stiege 19/3
Portrait of: Rainer Kristina
Kristina Rainer
Departmentoffice employee
Departmentoffice Health Sciences
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Hilfswerk, 2. OG, Stiege 19/3
Portrait of: Rest Verena
Verena Rest
Departmentoffice employee
Departmentoffice Health Sciences
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Hilfswerk, 2. OG, Stiege 19/3
Portrait of: Seewald Christina
Christina Seewald
Departmentoffice employee
Departmentoffice Health Sciences
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Hilfswerk, 2. OG, Stiege 19/3
Portrait of: Tiras Emine
Emine Tiras
Departmentoffice employee
Departmentoffice Health Sciences
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Hilfswerk, 2. OG, Stiege 19/3
Portrait of: Wechselberger Christina
Christina Wechselberger
Departmentoffice employee
Departmentoffice Health Sciences
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Hilfswerk, 2. OG, Stiege 19/3
Portrait of: Wimmer Lisa , BA
Lisa Wimmer, BA
Departmentoffice employee
Departmentoffice Health Sciences
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Hilfswerk, 2. OG, Stiege 19/3

Office Schwarzach

Portrait of: Etzer Cornelia
Cornelia Etzer
Degree programme office employee
Nursing Schwarzach
Location: Kardinal Schwarzenberg Klinikum
Room: KSA - K E14, EG
Portrait of: Sepperer Claudia
Claudia Sepperer
Degree programme office employee
Nursing Schwarzach
Location: Kardinal Schwarzenberg Klinikum
Room: KSA - K E14, EG
Portrait of: Spörr Silvia
Silvia Spörr
Degree programme office employee
Nursing Schwarzach
Location: Kardinal Schwarzenberg Klinikum
Room: KSA - K E15, EG
Portrait of: Stöckl Christina
Christina Stöckl
Nursing Schwarzach
Location: Kardinal Schwarzenberg Klinikum
Room: KSA - K E12, EG
Portrait of: Stuefer Tanja
Tanja Stuefer
Degree programme office employee
Nursing Schwarzach
Location: Kardinal Schwarzenberg Klinikum
Room: KSA - K E14, EG

Teaching & Research

Portrait of: Mag. Wimmer Agnes , Bakk.
Agnes Wimmer, Bakk.
Academic Programme Director
Nursing Schwarzach
Location: Kardinal Schwarzenberg Klinikum
Room: KSA - K E13, EG
Portrait of: Baumgartner Renate , MSc
Renate Baumgartner, MSc
Senior Lecturer
Nursing Schwarzach
Location: Kardinal Schwarzenberg Klinikum
Room: KSA - K E14, EG
Portrait of: Egger-Rainer Andrea , B.A., MScN, Ph.D
Andrea Egger-Rainer, B.A., MScN, Ph.D
Senior Lecturer
Nursing WS
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Techno-Z, 2. OG, Stiege 15/1
Portrait of: Förster Nadine , MHPE
Nadine Förster, MHPE
Head of Acadamic Course Child and Youth Care
Child and Youth Care

Senior Lecturer
Nursing WS
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Techno-Z, 2. OG, Stiege 15/1
Portrait of: FH-Prof. Mag. Grabner Babette
FH-Prof. Mag.
Babette Grabner
Head of Degree Programme Nursing

Head of Acadamic Course Basic module nostrification health care and nursing
Basic module nostrification health care and nursing

Senior Lecturer
Nursing WS
Location: Campus Urstein
Portrait of: FH-Ass.Prof. Haug Thomas Michael , MSc
Thomas Michael Haug, MSc
Senior Lecturer
Nursing WS
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Techno-Z, 2. OG, Stiege 15/1
Portrait of: Hettegger Nicole , BSc, MSc
Nicole Hettegger, BSc, MSc
Senior Lecturer
Nursing WS
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Techno-Z, 2. OG, Stiege 15/1
Portrait of: Hiebl Daniela , BScN, MScPH
Daniela Hiebl, BScN, MScPH
Senior Lecturer
Nursing WS
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Techno-Z, 2. OG, Stiege 15/1
Portrait of: Hollaus Pauline , BScN, MSc
Pauline Hollaus, BScN, MSc
Senior Lecturer
Nursing Schwarzach
Location: Kardinal Schwarzenberg Klinikum
Room: KSA - K E14, EG
Portrait of: Hölzl Martin , MHPE
Martin Hölzl, MHPE
Head of Acadamic Course Mental Health Nursing
Mental Health Nursing

Senior Lecturer
Nursing WS
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Techno-Z, 2. OG, Stiege 15/1
Portrait of: Huber Madeleine , BScN, MA
Madeleine Huber, BScN, MA
Senior Lecturer
Nursing Schwarzach
Location: Kardinal Schwarzenberg Klinikum
Room: KSA - K E14, EG
Portrait of: Kern Christine , BScN
Christine Kern, BScN
Senior Lecturer
Nursing WS
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Hilfswerk, 2. OG, Stiege 19/3
Portrait of: Kraus Luca , BSc, MSc
Luca Kraus, BSc, MSc
Senior Lecturer
Nursing WS
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Techno-Z, 2. OG, Stiege 15/1
Portrait of: Kubesch Christina , Bakk., MSc, MBA
Christina Kubesch, Bakk., MSc, MBA
Senior Lecturer
Nursing WS
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Techno-Z, 2. OG, Stiege 15/1
Portrait of: Lienbacher Katharina , BScN, MScN
Katharina Lienbacher, BScN, MScN
Senior Lecturer
Nursing WS

Senior Lecturer
Nursing SS
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Techno-Z, 2. OG, Stiege 15/1
Portrait of: Loitfellner Maria , BScN, MSc
Maria Loitfellner, BScN, MSc
Junior Lecturer
Nursing Schwarzach
Location: Kardinal Schwarzenberg Klinikum
Room: KSA - K E14, EG
Portrait of: Margreiter-Fels Susanne , MHPE
Susanne Margreiter-Fels, MHPE
Senior Lecturer
Nursing SS
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Hilfswerk, 2. OG, Stiege 19/3
Portrait of: Mayer Beate , BScN, MSc
Beate Mayer, BScN, MSc
Nursing SS

Nursing WS
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Techno-Z, 2. OG, Stiege 15/1
Portrait of: Meinhart Christoph , BSc, MScN
Christoph Meinhart, BSc, MScN
Head of Degree Programme Nursing

Head of Acadamic Course Evidence-based Nursing
Evidence-based Nursing

Senior Lecturer
Nursing WS

International Academic Advisor
Department Health Sciences
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Techno-Z, 2. OG, Stiege 15/1
Portrait of: Mitterling Judith
Judith Mitterling
Senior Lecturer
Nursing WS
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Techno-Z, 2. OG, Stiege 15/1
Portrait of: Obermair-Ramp Melissa , B.Sc., M.Sc.
Melissa Obermair-Ramp, B.Sc., M.Sc.
Senior Lecturer
Nursing WS
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Techno-Z, 2. OG, Stiege 15/1
Portrait of: Onz Isabella , BScN, MHPE
Isabella Onz, BScN, MHPE
Senior Lecturer
Nursing Schwarzach
Location: Kardinal Schwarzenberg Klinikum
Room: KSA - K E14, EG
Portrait of: Reingruber Jacqueline , M.Ed.
Jacqueline Reingruber, M.Ed.
Nursing WS
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Techno-Z, 2. OG, Stiege 15/1
Portrait of: Reingruber Werner , M.Ed.
Werner Reingruber, M.Ed.
Senior Lecturer
Nursing WS
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Techno-Z, 2. OG, Stiege 15/1
Portrait of: Resch Madlene Diana , BEd, BSc, M.Ed.
Madlene Diana Resch, BEd, BSc, M.Ed.
Senior Lecturer
Nursing WS
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Techno-Z, 2. OG, Stiege 15/1
Portrait of: Dipl. Pflegew. (FH) Schreier Magdalena
Dipl. Pflegew. (FH)
Magdalena Schreier
Senior Lecturer
Nursing WS
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Techno-Z, 2. OG, Stiege 15/1
Portrait of: Schuh Brigitte , MSc
Brigitte Schuh, MSc
Senior Lecturer
Nursing Schwarzach
Location: Kardinal Schwarzenberg Klinikum
Room: KSA - K E14, EG
Portrait of: Dipl. Pflegew. (FH) Schulze Joachim
Dipl. Pflegew. (FH)
Joachim Schulze
Senior Lecturer
Nursing WS
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Techno-Z, 2. OG, Stiege 15/1
Portrait of: Tiefgraber Luisa-Marie , BSc, MSc
Luisa-Marie Tiefgraber, BSc, MSc
Senior Lecturer
Nursing WS
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Techno-Z, 2. OG, Stiege 15/1

Gender & Diversity

You can reach the Gender & Diversity Officers at at the mobile number +43 (0)676 847795 583.

Further info "Gender & Diversity"