Biomedical Sciences
Analytical Chemistry
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB1ANCIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1.5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Definitions and main principles used in analytical chemistry. Analytical chemistry methods and practical applications in the laboratory (for example titration and buffer preparation). Calculation of turnover, molecular formulations, ion products from water, pH-, pKs- and pKb-values, buffer solutions, electrolysis. Basic knowledge in methods such as chromatography, mass spectrometry and spectrometry.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name basic definitions and principles in the field of analytical chemistry and can explain the theoretical and applied interrelations within this field. They can apply and explain the use of analytical chemistry in the laboratory.
Superior module:
Basic Knowledge in Chemistry
Module description:
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB1ANAVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Basic knowledge in anatomy, based on the organs and the organ-apparatus. From the cells to the tissues, from the tissues to the organs: cardiovascular system, nerve system, respiratory tract, kidney and urinary tract, musculoskeletal system, lymphatic organs, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive organs, skin, sensory organs and the hormone system.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name the human organs and organ systems, as well as explain and interpret theoretical and applied interrelations within this field.
Superior module:
Basic Knowledge in Biomedical Analytics
Module description:
Basic Laboratory Course
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB1LBBLB |
Type | LB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 3 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Hygiene and safety, consumables and first aid (including needle injuries) in the laboratory. Laboratory analytical process (pre- and post-analysis, analysis, influencing variables and interfering factors). Instructions for working in a laboratory, including the management of dangerous substances. Waste management (infectious materials and other dangerous goods). Relevant physical and related measures and units. Calculation and preparation of solutions. Volume determination, pipetting. Overview of the laboratory infrastructure and equipment. Water in the laboratory context. Examination materials and methods. Photometer and photometry. Microscope and microscopy, and optical basics.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course have theoretical and practical knowledge on general laboratory equipment and are able to use these tools. They are familiar with the analysis processes in a laboratory and the correct way of working in a clinical diagnostic laboratory and can apply these skills in a laboratory setting.
Superior module:
Basic Knowledge in Biomedical Analytics
Module description:
Basics in Biochemistry
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB1GBCVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1.5 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Definitions and nomenclature of carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins and lipids.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name the most important terms and definitions in the field of biochemistry and can explain the theoretical and applied interrelations within this field.
Superior module:
Basic Knowledge in Chemistry
Module description:
Basics in Cell Biology
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB1GZBIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Basic knowledge in the field of cell biology. Differentiation between pro- and eukaryotic cells. Organisation of cellular structures and functions of cell organelles. Relevance of biological membranes and the cell nucleus, structure and interaction of cellular macro-molecules.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name the cell biological basics as well as the function of the cells and can explain the theoretical and applied interrelations within this subject.
Superior module:
Basic Knowledge in Biomedical Analytics
Module description:
Basics in Hygiene
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB1GHYIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Fundamental definitions (bacteriology, virology, parasitology) and areas of responsibility in the field of infection hygiene, environmental hygiene and epidemiology. Measures to avoid infections - prophylaxis, vaccination/ immunisation, anti-septic agents, disinfection/ sterilisation. Nosocomial infections and hospital hygiene, environmental hygiene, water hygiene and waste management. Protection of and first aid measured for occupational infections.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to describe the basic terminologies in the field of hygiene (for example bacteriology, virology, parasitology, vaccination, epidemiology), they know the responsibilities of the infection hygiene as well as the basics in the hospital hygiene and can take action to avoid infections that are relevant to their specific occupation (including hygiene, disinfection, sterilisation, vaccination, prophylaxis). The graduates can perform personal hygiene measures, especially hand hygiene. They know the basics of environmental hygiene (including water hygiene) and waste management.
Superior module:
Basic Knowledge in Biomedical Analytics
Module description:
Basics in Radiation Protection
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB1GSSIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Basic knowledge in nuclear physics and physics of ionising radiation, radioactive sources, radiation biology, radiation damage, prevention and detection, dosimetry, radiation protection, statutory provisions in the field of radiation protection, measuring instruments, medical and physical control measures, radiation accidents and first aid in case of such accidents.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to explain basic knowledge regarding the handling of radioactive compounds.
Superior module:
Basic Knowledge in Biomedical Analytics
Module description:
Calculations in Clinical Laboratories
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB1RKLIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Measures and units used in the field of biomedical analysis, concentrations, dilutions, mixtures, error calculations, data analysis (for example MS-Excel). Stoichiometric basics such as quantity of substances, molecular weight, molecular volumes, concentration units for solutions, mixture calculations.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of the course are able to perform calculations in a clinical laboratory setting and apply this knowledge in the general laboratory.
Superior module:
Basic Knowledge in Biomedical Analytics
Module description:
Case Studies Clinical Chemistry Laboratory Diagnostics 1
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB1FK1IL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Independent performance of clinical chemical laboratory analysis methods by the use of laboratory protocols. Interpretation of the results with a connection to the thus far gained biomedical knowledge. Elaboration on clinical case reports.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to judge and evaluate basic parameters and reference values in the field of clinical chemistry by the use of (clinical or practically applied) cases. They can compare analysis methods related to these parameters, evaluate interrelated laboratory-diagnostical pathways and design improvements in the analytical process.
Superior module:
Clinical Chemistry
Module description:
Case Studies Haematological Laboratory Diagnostics 1
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB1FH1IL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1.5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Independent performance of haematological laboratory analysis methods by the use of laboratory protocols. Interpretation of the results with a connection to the so far gained biomedical knowledge. Elaboration on clinical case reports.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to judge and evaluate basic parameters and reference values in the field of haematology by the use of (clinical and/ or practically-applied) case studies. The graduates can compare these parameters, evaluate interrelated laboratory diagnostic pathways and design improvements for the analysis process.
Superior module:
Haematology and Haemostaseology
Module description:
General Chemistry
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB1ACHIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2.5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Classification within the field of chemistry, chemical definitions, composition of materials, radioactivity, atomic model, periodic system, types of molecular bonds, electronegativity, aggregation forms, chemical reactions (energy and kinetics, molecular weight), redox reactions, acid, base, pH values, buffers, electrochemistry.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name the basic definitions in the field of chemistry and explain theoretical and applied interrelations within this field. They can describe several chemical reactions.
Superior module:
Basic Knowledge in Chemistry
Module description:
Introduction in Clinical Psychology
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB1KPSIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Bio-psycho-social disease model, psychosomatics, behavioural medicine, health and disease, salutogenesis versus pathogenesis, coping and compliance, empowerment.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name the most important terms in the field of clinical psychology and explain as well as use theoretical and applied interrelations within this field in their personal (work-) setting.
Superior module:
Social Competences 1
Module description:
Laboratory Practise Clinical Chemistry 1
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB1LK1LB |
Type | LB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 3 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Handling of infectious specimens (self-protection and protection of others). Analytical laboratory processes. Quality management processes in a laboratory. Capillary blood collection. Basics in potentiometric measurements, photometric analysis (end-point and kinetic measurements). Function and principle of measurements performed with analytical equipment and point-of-care equipment. Internal quality control and standards. Quality assurance (precision, accuracy, sensitivity and specificity). Interpretation and documentation of the results.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to determine basic parameters in the field of clinical chemistry using the appropriate analysis methods and the quality controls needed. They are able to transfer their knowledge regarding the interrelated laboratory diagnostical pathway and can recognise mistakes in the analysis process and solve these.
Superior module:
Clinical Chemistry
Module description:
Laboratory Practise Haematology 1
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB1LH1LB |
Type | LB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2.5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Capillary and venous blood drawing techniques. Pre-analytics in haematology and the handling of patients. Parameters of blood counts. Anaemia (classifications, pathology and differential blood count). Manual and automated (for example Sysmex) cell counting, including the interpretation of the results. Preparation of differential blood counts (blood smear techniques, staining). Differentiation of normal blood cells. Quality assurance and documentation.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to determine the basic parameters in the field of haematology in a quality assured manner. They can apply the analysis methods for these parameters correctly and implement the interrelated laboratory diagnostic pathways. Moreover, the graduates can recognise and solve mistakes in the analysis process using quality control systems.
Superior module:
Haematology and Haemostaseology
Module description:
Learning Process Evaluation 1
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB1RL1RC |
Type | RC |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Learning at applied universities. Reflexion on the organisation and implementation of the courses held during the 1st semester. Getting to know communication methods to give and take feedback. Historical development of the profession, professional profile, fields of occupation, possibilities and limitation in the profession of biomedical scientists. Getting to know the developmental potential and cooperation possibilities, law for health professionals, other health care professions and professional ethics.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to evaluate and discuss their learning progress in the degree program in a professional manner. In addition, they know the position of the biomedical scientists in the health care system.
Superior module:
Social Competences 1
Module description:
Organic Chemistry
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB1OCHVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1.5 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Nomenclature and definition of carbohydrates and their derivatives (for example alcohols and carbon acids), biochemically relevant examples, characteristics and reactions.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name basic definitions in the field of organic chemistry and explain theoretical and applied interrelations within this field. They can describe characteristics and reactions in the field of organic chemistry.
Superior module:
Basic Knowledge in Chemistry
Module description:
Physiology and Pathology
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB1PPAVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Basic knowledge of the subject physiology, based on the organs and the organ apparatus. Pathology: general knowledge of the definitions within this field, principle, definition and epidemiology of diseases, causes of the diseases, their progression, prognosis and therapy. Basic knowledge on pathological responses such as inflammation, tumour development, immunopathology and infectious diseases.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to explain morphological and functional relationships in a healthy human being. They can name defined pathological processes in the human body and explain the theoretical and applied interrelations within this field.
Superior module:
Basic Knowledge in Biomedical Analytics
Module description:
Theory Clinical Chemistry 1
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB1TK1VO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Detailed physiology, pathophysiology and laboratory parameters belonging to the following areas: water and electrolyte balances, trace elements, acid-base-balance, carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism, protein metabolism, enzymes, iron metabolism including haemoglobin, purine and pyrimidine metabolism.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name basic parameters and their reference values in the field of clinical chemistry, including the definition of the analysis methods needed to determine these values. The graduates can explain interrelations in the diagnostic pathways and can recognise and interpret physiological and pathological values within this field.
Superior module:
Clinical Chemistry
Module description:
Theory Haematology 1
Semester | 1 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB1TH1VO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Introduction into the field of haematology: function and composition of blood, organs involved in the production of blood, haematopoiesis, morphology and physiological function of the cellular components of blood, blood count parameters (including differential blood counts), alterations in the red blood count, reactive alterations in the white cell blood count, interpretation of diagnostic constellations.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name basic parameters and their reference ranges and values in the field of haematology, define the analysis methods of these parameters and explain the interrelations in the laboratory diagnostical pathways as well as recognise and interpret the physiological and pathological values.
Superior module:
Haematology and Haemostaseology
Module description:
Basics in Pharmacology
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB2GPKIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1.5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Basics in pharmacology. Drug design and drug detection. Basic principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Mode of action of drugs on different organs and tissues. Pharmaceuticals for the treatment of selected diseases (for example antibiotics).
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name the basic principles in the field of pharmacology and can explain the theoretical and applied interrelations in this field. They can explain the importance of pharmacology for laboratory diagnostics.
Superior module:
Basic Knowledge in Chemistry
Module description:
Case Studies Clinical Chemistry Laboratory Diagnostics 2
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB2FK2IL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Elaboration on clinical case studies related to organ specific questions. Development of clinical case studies related to analytical separation methods including the use of hospital information systems. Reading and understanding of manuals and recent literature written in English.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to judge and evaluate relevant parameters in the field of clinical chemistry by the use of (clinical or practically-applied) cases in an independent manner. They can compare analysis methods for these parameters and evaluate interrelated laboratory diagnostical pathways. They can design improvements in the analysis process.
Superior module:
Clinical Chemistry
Module description:
Case Studies Functional Diagnostics
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB2FFDIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Application of functional diagnostic working techniques and findings in relation to subject specific case studies.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to judge and interpret the most important parameters and their reference ranges and values in the field of functional diagnostics by the use of (clinical or practically-applied) cases. They can compare different analysis methods with each other, evaluate interrelated diagnostic pathways and design improvements in the analysis process.
Superior module:
Functional Diagnostics
Module description:
Case Studies Haemostaseological Laboratory Diagnostics
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB2FHSIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Execution of clinical case studies in the field of haemostaseology. Independent performance of analysis on different kinds of equipment (for example by use of the Coagu-Check). Preparing and interpretation of haemostaseological laboratory values. Searching for relevant and recent literature.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to judge and evaluate the most important parameters in the field of haemostaseology by the use of (clinical and/or practically-applied) cases. They can compare the analysis methods for these parameters, evaluate interrelated laboratory diagnostic pathways and design improvements in the analysis process.
Superior module:
Haematology and Haemostaseology
Module description:
Case Studies Histopathological Laboratory Diagnostics
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB2FHIIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Processing of clinical cases from patient material to a completely prepared histological preparation (including specialised staining and preliminary diagnostics). Literature research and presentation. Suject areas: inflammation, tumours, immune pathology, infectious diseases and their pathologies, endocrine disorders and metabolic syndromes.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to judge and evaluate staining methods, tissue and organ structures with their typical components and cell structures in the field of histopathology by use of (clinical or practically applied) cases. They can solve and perform problem-based cases based on their physiological and pathological knowledge in the field of histology.
Superior module:
Module description:
Laboratory Practise Clinical and Analytical Chemistry 2
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB2LK2LB |
Type | LB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 5 |
ECTS Credits | 6 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Manual and automated analysis of blood, urine, liquor and punctates, including microscopic evaluation. Basics on and performance of analytical separation methods (manual and automated), such as chromatography, electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. Performance of the analysis for organ specific inquiries, including step-by-step and point-of-care diagnostics. Interpretation of laboratory values, documentation and quality assurance. Introduction into the field of laboratory computer systems.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to determine the main parameters in the field of clinical chemistry in a quality controlled and mostly independent manner. The analysis methods can be applied correctly. The graduates can apply interrelated laboratory diagnostics pathways and can recognise and solve errors in the analysis process by using quality control systems.
Superior module:
Clinical Chemistry
Module description:
Laboratory Practise Haemostaseology
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB2LHSLB |
Type | LB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Methods in coagulation diagnostics. Pre-analytics in haemostaseology. Global coagulation tests (for example Quick and PTT). Activity and concentration analysis. Clotting tests and immunological coagulation detection methods. Point-of-care diagnostics in haemostaseology. Interpretation of the findings, documentation and quality assurance.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to determine the most important parameters in the field of haemostaseology in a quality assured manner. They can apply the analysis methods correctly and apply interrelated laboratory diagnostical pathways. They can recognise and solve mistakes in the analysis process by the use of quality control systems.
Superior module:
Haematology and Haemostaseology
Module description:
Laboratory Practise Histology
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB2LHILB |
Type | LB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 3 |
ECTS Credits | 4 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Pre-analytics and preparation of histological tissues. Diverse histological cutting and staining techniques, fixation and embedding methods (including frozen section diagnostics). General and specialised histological detection methods. Storage of samples. Quality assurance and documentation. Plausibility and interpretation. Microscopy and interpretation of histological preparations of normal and pathologically changed tissues. Laboratory safety in histology and first aid actions. Correct use and handling of the guidelines for waste management of chemicals with a health risk.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to practically apply laboratory-based histology methods, principles and skills. They can perform the analysis methods correctly, apply interrelated laboratory pathways and recognise and solve mistakes in the analysis process by use of a quality control system.
Superior module:
Module description:
Learning Process Evaluation 2
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB2RL2RC |
Type | RC |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 0.5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Reflection on the organisation and implementation of the courses held during the 2nd semester. Exercises to practice communication skills related to situations arising as part of the degree course, observations and reflections of different situations of communication, failures in communication and their effects.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to evaluate their own learning process as well as the complete completed part of the degree course in a professional manner. In addition, they can apply different methods of communication.
Superior module:
Social Competences 1
Module description:
Practise Functional Diagnostics
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB2UFDUB |
Type | UB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 3 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Basics and performance of functional diagnostic investigations in the fields of electro-cardiology, electro-neurophysiology and pulmonology. Indications and contraindications for functional diagnostic investigations. Meaning of the results and consequences for therapeutic measures. Importance of functional diagnostic investigations. Aspects of hygiene, instrument handling, quality assurance and documentation. Introduction into the field of patient conversations and patient oriented process organisation.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to practically determine the most important parameters and their reference values in the field of functional diagnostics in a quality assured manner. They can correctly apply the analysis methods and their interrelated diagnostical pathways as well as recognise and solve mistakes in the analyses processes using quality control systems.
Superior module:
Functional Diagnostics
Module description:
Specialisation in Biochemistry
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB2VBCVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Kinetics and inhibition of enzymes. Relevant biochemical reaction pathways of carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids and lipids. Bio-synthesis of organic-biochemical molecules relevant for human medicine.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name relevant biochemical reaction pathways and explain the theoretical and applied interrelations within this field.
Superior module:
Basic Knowledge in Chemistry
Module description:
Team Project Laboratory Diagnostics 1
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB2TL1LB |
Type | LB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2.5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Simulation of a functioning clinical laboratory using all thus far obtained skills. Implementation of clinical chemistry, haematology, haemostaseology, histology and basic immunology laboratory methods. Implementation of laboratory computer systems. Promotion of self-organisation skills.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to, independently and as part of a team, analyse laboratory values in a quality-controlled manner. They can correctly perform the analysis methods for these parameters and apply the interrelated laboratory pathways. Moreover, they can recognise and solve mistakes in the analytical process using quality control systems.
Superior module:
Social Competences 1
Module description:
Theory Clinical Chemistry 2
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB2TK2VO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Organ specific laboratory diagnostics, with a focus on the heart, liver, kidneys, digestive organs, thyroid gland, and bones. Inflammation diagnostics. Oncological laboratory diagnostics. Hormone diagnostics.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name advanced parameters and their reference values in the field of clinical chemistry and define the analysis methods needed to determine these parameters. The graduates can explain the interrelations in the laboratory diagnostical pathway and recognise and interpret physiological and pathological values.
Superior module:
Clinical Chemistry
Module description:
Theory Functional Diagnostics
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB2TFDIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Physical basics and clinical meaning of pulmonary, cardiovascular, electro-neurophysiological, nuclear medical and other functional diagnostic examinations. Physical and instrumental basics within these fields. Parameters relevant for the practice and diagnostically relevant measurement units for pulmonary, cardiovascular and neurological diseases.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name the most important parameters and reference values in the field of functional diagnostics. They can define the analysis methods within this field and explain interrelations in the diagnostic pathway. They can recognise and interpret physiological and pathological values.
Superior module:
Functional Diagnostics
Module description:
Theory Haemostaseology
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB2THSVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1.5 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Primary and secondary haemostasis, plasmatic coagulation including the factors involved, fibrinolysis, primary and secondary haemorrhagic diatheses, therapies affecting laboratory tests and examples of pathologies.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name the most important parameters and their reference values in the field of haemostaseology and define these parameters. The graduates can explain interrelated laboratory diagnostical pathways and recognise and interpret physiological and pathological values within this field.
Superior module:
Haematology and Haemostaseology
Module description:
Theory Histology and Histopathology
Semester | 2 |
Academic year | 1 |
Course code | BMAB2THHVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Recognise and name the components and characteristics of tissues and organspecific tissue systems. General and specific organ histology and morphological changes of diseased tissues. Organ-specific diseases and their morphological characteristics. Microscopy of selected normal and pathological tissue sections as well as extra-genital cytological preparations.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to comprehend and recognise human tissues, organ systems and cell structures. They can explain the analysis methods and the interrelations in the laboratory diagnostical pathways as well as the basic differences between physiological and pathological structures.
Superior module:
Module description:
Case Studies Haematological Laboratory Diagnostics 2
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB3CH2IL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Performance and interpretation of haematological analysis. Linking the obtained information to other relevant disciplines (for example haemostaseology and clinical chemistry). Literature research for relevant and recent publications in English. Presentation of haematological case reports.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to judge and evaluate pathologies and the associated reference values within the field of haematology by the use of (clinical and practically-applied) cases. They can compare analysis methods for these parameters, evaluate interrelated laboratory diagnostical pathways and design improvements in the analysis procedure.
Superior module:
Haematology and Immunohaematology
Module description:
Case Studies Immunological Laboratory Diagnostics 1
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB3FI1IL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Application of immunological techniques related to subject-specific case studies.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to judge and evaluate basic parameters in the field of immunology by the used of (clinical or practically applied) cases. They can compare the analysis methods for these parameters and evaluate interrelated laboratory diagnostic pathways. They can design improvements in the analysis procedure.
Superior module:
Module description:
Case Studies Microbiological Laboratory Diagnostics
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB3FMBIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Processing of clinical microbiological case studies from patient materials for the identification of bacterial pathogens. Application of the correct working process algorithms based on germ spectra and sample localisation. Use of biochemical manual and automized identification methods, including the appropriate staining methods. Establishing valid microbiological diagnostic findings, including plausibility controls and documented quality assurance (including literature searches and presentation). Presentation of errors and the measures needed for correction and trouble-shooting.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to judge and evaluate the most important entities in the field of microbiology by the use of (clinical and/or practically-applied) cases. They can compare analysis methods with each other, evaluate interrelated laboratory diagnostic pathways and design improvements in the analysis process.
Superior module:
Module description:
Human Genetics
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB3HUGIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Characterisation and visualisation of the human chromosomes, chromosomal disorders (development of numerical and structural chromosome disorders and clinical examples), cytogenetic and molecular-cytogenetic analytical methods in theory and practice.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name the most important parameters and their results in the field of human genetics. They can define the analysis methods for these parameters, explain the interrelated laboratory diagnostical pathways and evaluate and interpret the results.
Superior module:
Molecular Biology and Genetics
Module description:
Internationalisation in Biomedical Sciences
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB3IBSIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | English |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Understanding and explaining of medical English texts. Enhancing biomedical sciences-specific language skills. Working on internationalization subjects in the field of biomedical sciences.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name the most important terms and definitions in the field of internationalisation, they know the possibilities of internationalisation and can actively use biomedical terms in English.
Superior module:
Social Competences 2
Module description:
Laboratory Practise Bacteriology
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB3LBALB |
Type | LB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 4 |
ECTS Credits | 3.5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Performance of different culturing, isolation, propagation and identification of aerobe and anaerobe bacteria based on culture morphology, staining characteristics, biotypes and microscopy. Use of specific equipment and working under sterile conditions by maintaining basic hygiene standards. Single and multiple staining methods, automated biochemical and mass spectrometric identification, including resistance examination and clinical pathologies, quality assurance, plausibility check and interpretation. Basic principles in hygiene to maintain the microbiological working standard.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to recognise and apply the classification of several microbiological samples to their spectrum. This includes the primary culture on different media and the use of the appropriate identification algorithms to determine the germ and the antibiogram. The alumni can explain the interrelations in the laboratory diagnostical pathway and can recognise and solve mistakes in the analysis procedure using quality control systems.
Superior module:
Module description:
Laboratory Practise Gynaecological Cytology
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB3LZYLB |
Type | LB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 1.5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Sampling, staining methods and microscopic evaluation of cellular images (benign and malignant) in the field of gynaecological cytology. Preparation of the findings report and quality assessment using different nomenclatures.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to process and analyse cytological smear test samples. They can correctly apply staining and screening methods and prepare quality assured clinical results according to the state-of-the-art regulations. They can perform and interpret the analysis of mistakes.
Superior module:
Cell Biology and Cell Diagnostics
Module description:
Laboratory Practise Haematology 2
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB3LH2LB |
Type | LB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Application of advanced analyses in haematology. Morphological microscopic criteria for the differentiation of normal and pathologic blood counts such as anaemia and leukaemia. Introduction into the interpretation of bone marrow smears. Manual and automated analysis of normal and pathogenic blood counts, including the microscopic differentiation. Introduction into the validation of bone marrow smears. Quality assurance, documentation and interpretation of the results.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to determine advanced pathologies in the field of haematology in a quality assured manner. They can apply the analysis methods for these parameters correctly and recognise and solve mistakes in the analysis procedure using quality control systems.
Superior module:
Haematology and Immunohaematology
Module description:
Laboratory Practise Immunology 1
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB3LI1LB |
Type | LB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Immunological basics and diagnostic immunological methods (for example ELISA, agglutination tests, immune precipitation, indirect immune fluorescence) including pre- and post-analytics, documentation and quality assurance.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to analyse basic parameters and their reference values in a practical setting in the field of immunology in a quality assured manner. They can apply the analysis methods for these parameters correctly and apply interrelated laboratory diagnostical pathways. They can recognise and solve mistakes in the analysis process using quality control systems.
Superior module:
Module description:
Learning Process Evaluation 3
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB3RL3RC |
Type | RC |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 0.5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Subject specific reflection of the contents and methods used in the degree course. Stimulation of the reflective potential of the students. Overall view on the contextual and didactical contents of the studies for biomedical sciences. Preparation for the external clinical internships.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course can evaluate their learning process as well as the part of the degree course that has been completed at this stage. The know their role as interns during the external internships.
Superior module:
Social Competences 2
Module description:
Parasitology and Mycology
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB3PUMIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Classification of protozoans, helminths and arthropods, as well as their pathogenicity, exemplary treatment in the clinic and laboratory diagnostics. Classification of fungi, growing patterns, propagation. Sample collection as part of the laboratory diagnostics, preparation of microscopic preparations from selected fungi cultures, including microscopic identification. Discussion of selected mycological pathogens, their culturing, microscopic and biochemical identification and the pathology of these fungi.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name the most important parasites and mycota and their detection possibilities in the field of parasitology and mycology. They can define the analysis methods for these entities and explain the interrelations in the laboratory diagnostical pathway. In addition, they can recognise and interpret physiological and pathological values.
Superior module:
Module description:
Scientific Work and Presenting
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB3WAPIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Subjects and research questions for written works in the scope of the degree course. Study design, selection and processing of relevant literature and the application of this literature for the own work. Instructions towards the compilation of a scientific work. Methods of presentation, structure of a presentation, preparation, media, interactions with the audience, speech and presentation techniques.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to apply natural scientific research methods for theoretical and practical assignments.
Superior module:
Scientific Work and Bachelor Thesis 1
Module description:
Specialisation in Cell Biology
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB3TZBVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
DNA-Replication (definition and basic principles), transcription and translation, RNA and proteins, DNA-damage and repair, telomeres and senescence, cell cycle, mitosis/ meiosis, cellular communication, cell differentiation, specialised cells, apoptosis/ necrosis, stem cells.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name detailed information on and the exact function of cells and can explain theoretical and applied interrelations within this field.
Superior module:
Cell Biology and Cell Diagnostics
Module description:
Theory Bacteriology
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB3TBAVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Basics in bacteriology, structure, morphology and biotypes of bacteria. Culturing, identification and resistance testing of germs. Molecular biological methods. Specialised bacteriology and clinical diseases from selected germs. Serological basics. Interpretation of antibiograms, multi-resistant pathogens and basics in resistance mechanisms. Multi-resistance classification. Microbiome, knowledge on the materials and sample collection.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name the most important germs and their detection possibilities in the field of bacteriology. The alumni can define the analysis methods for these germs. They can explain interrelations within the laboratory diagnostical pathway and can recognise and interpret physiological and pathological germs.
Superior module:
Module description:
Theory Gynaecological Cytology
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB3TZYVO |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Advanced knowledge on the biology and morphology of organ specific cells, criteria of benign and malignant cell changes, pathomechanisms of tumour development, cytological analysis processes (pre-analytics, analytics, post-analytics), nomenclature, quality assurance.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name pathological changes and their causes in organ-specific cell types. They know the analysis process and interpretation nomenclature in the field of gynaecological cytology and can interpret the screening results.
Superior module:
Cell Biology and Cell Diagnostics
Module description:
Theory Haematology 2
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB3TH2VO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Pathogenesis of different diseases and the corresponding systems, including clinical pathologies and diagnostics (for example anaemia, acute and chronic leukaemia, lymphomas, myelodysplastic syndromes, myeloproliferative syndromes, thrombocytic diseases and myelomas). Basics in flow cytometry.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name advanced pathologies and their diagnostic characteristics in the field of haematology. They can define the associated analysis methods, explain the interrelated laboratory diagnostical pathways and recognise as well as interpret physiological and pathological values.
Superior module:
Haematology and Immunohaematology
Module description:
Theory Immunology 1
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB3TI1IL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Development and function of the immune system (immunisation, immune response, immunity); structure and function of molecules and cells of the immune system (antigen-antibody; immune competent cells, cytokines, chemokines, receptors, complement system); active and passive immunisation.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name basic parameters in the field of immunology. They can define the analysis methods for these parameters and explain the interrelated laboratory diagnostical pathways. They can recognise and interpret physiological and pathological values.
Superior module:
Module description:
Theory Molecular Biology and Genetics
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB3TMGIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
General basics in genetics (genome, chromosomes, structure and function of genes, chemical structure of nucleic acids, replication, transcription, translation, genetic alterations), rules of inheritance (dominant vs. recessive), application in diagnostics, research and development, teaching of subject-specific genetic contents, methods and guidelines in human genetics, gene-technology, biotechnology, gene-therapy, as well as legal basics and ethics in genetics.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name the most important theoretical terms and definitions in the field of molecular biology and genetics, they can explain and interpret theoretical and applied interrelations.
Superior module:
Molecular Biology and Genetics
Module description:
Theory Quality Management Systems
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB3TQSIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1.5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Definitions, philosophies, legal basis, models, norms (for example ISO 9001:2015, ISO 15189), guidelines (GLP, GMP, GCP, GSP), process- and risk-management as part of QM systems, documentation (structure of a QM-manual), certification, accreditation, audit process, QM-tools, ethics and data protection.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name the most important definitions and terms in the field of quality management and can explain and interpret theoretical and applies interrelations within this field.
Superior module:
Quality Management
Module description:
Semester | 3 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB3VIRIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Definition and structure of DNA and RNA viruses. Development of the pathogenicity, basics in the immunological and infection diagnostics of selected viruses, including the clinic and associated special diagnostic procedures. Direct and indirect antigen detection, antibody detection, molecular biological methods for the detection of viruses.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name the most important viruses and the analysis methods for these in the field of virology. They can define the analysis methods, explain interrelated laboratory diagnostical pathways and recognise and interpret physiological and pathological values in this field.
Superior module:
Module description:
Applied Quality Management Systems
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB4AQSIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1.5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Structure and implementation of a quality management system or a quality assuring structure in a diagnostic laboratory using the DIN ISO 9001:2015 and/ or the ISO 15189 norms. Creating of concepts and master documents (such as standard operating protocols and checklists), system controlling, planning and implementation of improvement strategies based on the requirements, preparations and performance of certification measures (internal and external audits).
Learning Outcomes:
The graduated of this course are able to apply the most important terms and conditions in the field of quality management as well as explain and interpret the practical interrelations within this field.
Superior module:
Quality Management
Module description:
Basics in Biostatistics
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB4GBSIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Descriptive statistics, main data types, discrete data, visualisation of correlations, visualisation of continuous data, histograms, position and dispersion mass, probability calculations, testing of hypothesis, statistical tests, correlation and regression calculations.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name the most important terms and conditions in the field of biostatistics, as well as explain, interpret and apply theoretical and applied interrelations by the use of examples.
Superior module:
Scientific Work and Bachelor Thesis 1
Module description:
Case Studies Cellular Biological Laboratory Diagnostics
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB4CSCIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | English |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Case studies in the field of gynaecological cytology. DNA-cytometry in gynaecological cytology. Independent application of theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the field of cell culture.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to judge and evaluate important parameters in the field of cell biology using (clinical or practically-applied) cases. They can compare analysis methods, evaluate interrelated laboratory diagnostical pathways and design improvements in the analysis process within this field.
Superior module:
Cell Biology and Cell Diagnostics
Module description:
Case Studies Immunological Laboratory Diagnostics 2
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB4CSIIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | English |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Application of the obtained laboratory-diagnostic skills, independent preparation of a subject-specific case based on the literature and practical experiences.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to judge and evaluate important parameters and their reference values in the field of immunology by the use of (clinical and practically-applied) cases. They can compare analysis method for these parameters, evaluate the interrelated laboratory diagnostical pathways and design improvements in the analysis procedure.
Superior module:
Module description:
Case Studies Molecular Biological Laboratory Diagnostics
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB4CSMIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | English |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Application of molecular biological techniques related to subject-specific case studies. Independent work on subject-specific cases based on literature and practise.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to judge and interpret the most important parameters and their reference values in the field og molecular biology by the use of (clinical or practically-applied) cases. They can compare different analysis methods for these parameters, evaluate interrelated laboratory diagnostical pathways and design improvements for the analysis process.
Superior module:
Molecular Biology and Genetics
Module description:
Laboratory Practise Cell Biology
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB4LZBLB |
Type | LB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Requirements for a cell culture laboratory. Working under sterile conditions. Basic knowledge on the handling of cells (initiation of a cell culture, changing medium, passaging, cell counting, long-time storage and cryo-conservation of cells). Cell culture types (suspension and adhering). Viability measurements.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to perform the most important working methods in the field of cell biology in a quality assured manner. They can apply the analysis methods correctly and recognise and solve mistakes.
Superior module:
Cell Biology and Cell Diagnostics
Module description:
Laboratory Practise Immunohaematology
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB4LIHLB |
Type | LB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Theoretical basics in different detection methods (agglutination test, supplement test, Coombs test, etc.), blood group determination, antibody screening and identification including pre-analytics, documentation and quality assurance. Exemplary performance of immunohaematological techniques such as blood typing, antibody screening, pre-transfusion matching, etc. Documentation and troubleshooting.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to practically determine the most important parameters and evaluate their results in the field of immunohaematology in a quality assured manner. They can correctly apply the analysis methods for these parameters, apply interrelated laboratory diagnostical pathways and recognise as well as solve mistakes in the analysis procedure by the use of quality control systems.
Superior module:
Haematology and Immunohaematology
Module description:
Laboratory Practise Immunology 2
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB4LI2LB |
Type | LB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Immunological methods in diagnostics and research, such as different kinds of ELISAs, Western blot analysis, cell separation techniques, immunohistology and (automated) allergy diagnostics.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to practically determine advanced parameters and their reference values in the field of immunology in a quality assured manner. They can correctly apply the analysis methods and their interrelated diagnostical pathways as well as recognise and solve mistakes in the analyses processes using quality control systems.
Superior module:
Module description:
Laboratory Practise Molecular Biology and Genetics
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB4LMGLB |
Type | LB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 5 |
ECTS Credits | 5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Pre-analytics, principles of molecular biological methods (relevant methods, analytical methods and techniques in the field of molecular biology, troubleshooting, quality assurance), subject-specific measures for safety, application of databases (genome databases), isolation and determination of the concentration of nucleic acids, exemplary performance of molecular biological methods and trouble-shooting, documentation, validation and interpretation of the results.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to practically determine the most important parameters in the field of molecular biology and genetics in a quality assured manner. They can apply the analysis methods for these parameters correctly, apply interrelated laboratory diagnostical pathways and recognise as well as solve mistakes in the analysis procedure using quality control systems.
Superior module:
Molecular Biology and Genetics
Module description:
Learning Process Evaluation 4
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB4LPERC |
Type | RC |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | English |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 0.5 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Subject specific reflection of the contents and methods used in the degree course. Stimulation of the reflective potential of the students. Overall view on the contextual and didactical contents of the studies for biomedical sciences. Supervision to relevant subjects in this semester.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to evaluate and discuss their learning process as well as the contents of the so far completed part of the degree course.
Superior module:
Social Competences 2
Module description:
Professional Practical Training 1
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB4BP1IT |
Type | IT |
Kind | Internship (S) |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 6 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
External internship in one of the following mandatory fields: clinical chemistry, haematology, immunohaematology, haemostaseology, histology, cytology or microbiology.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to apply their knowledge from the theoretical and practical courses in their daily professional life. The have the laboratory-specific and social skills to meet the requirements in the following working areas: clinical chemistry, haematology, immunoheamatology, haemostaseology, histology, cytology and microbiology.
Superior module:
Professional Practical Training 1
Module description:
Risk Management and Patient Safety
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB4RUPIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Definitions, risk awareness, fault management, communication culture, reporting and learning systems, Critical Incident Reporting Systems (CIRS), checklists, fields of application in the laboratory.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name the most important terms and definitions in the field of risk management and patient security and can explain and interpret theoretical and applied interrelations within these fields.
Superior module:
Quality Management
Module description:
Supporting Seminar and Bachelor Thesis 1
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB4BA1SE |
Type | SE |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Writing of a term paper. Support and reflected advice for the planning and actual writing of the paper in the field of biomedical sciences. Determination of success criteria and difficulties in the writing of a natural scientific assignment. Discussion of context-methodological research questions.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to compose a natural scientific assignment.
Superior module:
Scientific Work and Bachelor Thesis 1
Module description:
Team Project Laboratory Diagnostics 2
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB4TL2LB |
Type | LB |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Simulation of a functioning laboratory using the competences derived up to the time-point of this project. Application of clinical chemical, haematological, haemostaseological, histological, microbiological, cytological and immunological analysis methods. Inclusion of laboratory-based computer systems. Stimulation of the self-organisational skills.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to determine laboratory parameters in the fields of the thus far completed diagnostic areas independently and as a laboratory team in a quality assured manner. They can correctly apply the analysis methods for these parameters, apply interrelated laboratory diagnostic pathways and recognise and solve mistakes in the analysis process by the used of quality control systems.
Superior module:
Social Competences 2
Module description:
Theory Immunohaematology
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB4TIHVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
AB0 and Rhesus systems, including their genetic control mechanisms, antigens of leukocytes and thrombocytes, transfusion medicine, autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, forensic haematogenesis.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name the most important parameters and their results in the field of immunohaematology and define the analysis methods needed to determine these parameters. The graduates can explain the interrelations in the laboratory diagnostical pathway and evaluate and interpret the results.
Superior module:
Haematology and Immunohaematology
Module description:
Theory Immunology 2
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB4TI2IL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Advanced knowledge in the pathogenesis and clinical characteristics of autoimmunity, tumour development, transplantation, infection and allergy.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name advanced parameters in the field of immunology. They can define the analysis methods for these parameters, explain interrelated laboratory diagnostical pathways and recognise and interpret physiological as well as pathological values.
Superior module:
Module description:
Topics in Molecular Biology
Semester | 4 |
Academic year | 2 |
Course code | BMAB4IMBVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | English |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Guest lectures about novel technologies and laboratory methods using molecular biological techniques, such as molecular biological laboratory analytics, reproductive medicine, forensic or tumour therapy.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name state-of-the-art terms and definitions in the field of molecular biology and can explain and interpret theoretical and applied interrelations in this field.
Superior module:
Molecular Biology and Genetics
Module description:
Application Strategies and Career Planning
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | BMAB5BSKIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Job market, possibilities of platforms for job searches. Preparation of application documents in German and English, telephone conference to make an appointment for the application interview, application interview, self-presentation, video training, application strategies.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to prepare their application documents in a high quality. They can take part in application procedures in a well-prepared and self-secure manner.
Superior module:
Informatics and Communication
Module description:
Medical Information Technologies
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | BMAB5MITIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Basic principles of ICT, statistics and data processing. Information systems and information exchange in an internal and external context of an organisation. Electronic data processing in the health care sector. Process and information management in a laboratory context. Data processing in the context of the world wide web.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to name the most important terms and definitions within the field of medical information technologies and can apply these.
Superior module:
Informatics and Communication
Module description:
Presentation of Fields of Practice
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | BMAB5PPFIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 0.5 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Presentation of internships by and for students. Guest lectures with information on areas of practice in specialised laboratories (for example cornea transplantation or in vitro fertilisation laboratories).
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to present their acquired experiences and competences from the internships to a peer-audience in a professional manner.
Superior module:
Informatics and Communication
Module description:
Professional Practical Training 2
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | BMAB5BP2IT |
Type | IT |
Kind | Internship (S) |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 24 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
External internship in the following mandatory fields: clinical chemistry, haematology, immunohaematology, haemostaseology, histology, cytology or microbiology. 2 x 6 ECTS can electively be performed in the following fields: cell culture, reproductive medicine or other specialised areas of biomedical sciences, multi-professional areas in research, industry and veterinary medicine.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to apply their knowledge gained in all previously performed theoretical and practical courses in their professional life. They have the necessary laboratory-specific and social skill to work in a laboratory diagnostic area.
Superior module:
Professional Practical Training 2
Module description:
Project Management and Research
Semester | 5 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | BMAB5PMFIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 2 |
ECTS Credits | 3 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Basic principles of project management, different kinds and stages of projects, project goals, controlling and planning. Planning of resources (costs, time, and goals - planning of work packages), selection and planning of scientific experiments, performing and controlling of the single project stages, documentation, problem solving- and decision-making techniques. Practical performance by the use of concrete research proposals with a scientific aim within the field of biomedical sciences. Scientifically based research of the recent evidence-based medical literature in databases. Statistical evaluation and interpretation of the data obtained in the project in order to answer the chosen research question. Project representation, presentation and dissemination
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to plan and perform a research project and apply the research methods in a focussed way.
Superior module:
Scientific Work and Bachelor Thesis 2
Module description:
Conversational Skills to Act Professional
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | BMAB6GPHIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Professional conversations with varying stakeholders as part of the profession. Conversation techniques. Preparation, initiation of relationships, criteria to recognise functioning and non-functioning communication. Discussion. Moderation.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to communicate professionally within their profession as well as with people from other health care professions, patients and their relatives. They are able to apply different communication methods.
Superior module:
Informatics and Communication
Module description:
Final Bachelor Exam
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | BMAB6BAPIT |
Type | BP |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 0 |
ECTS Credits | 2 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
The final examination of the Bachelor degree course entails the complete laboratory diagnostic contents of the past 6 Semester, since passing the exam provides for professional legalisation as a BMS (health professional). The knowledge is tested by using open questions and case reports.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to relay the contents of the laboratory diagnostical contents of all previous courses and can connect the contents of these courses with each other.
Superior module:
Scientific Work and Bachelor Thesis 2
Module description:
Interdisciplinary Case Studies
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | BMAB6IFAIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Central problems that are of relevance to health professionals are discussed and reflected in interdisciplinary groups by the use of clinical cases. Starting points can be didactically focussed case descriptions, practical experiences of the students, films, papers and other materials. The following subjects can form the basis for these contents, whereby these need to be modified depending on the health studies included, the interest of the participants and the developments in the field: pathological visualisations of diseases, patient descriptions, possible diagnostical and therapeutical decisions, confrontation with death, connection between modern medicine and patient care, recognition of patients as autonomous people, problems with empathy and the need for boundaries, financing of the health care system, availability of health care for all people, cooperation with other health professions.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course know the basic working areas of other health professions. They are able to discuss the usefulness of interdisciplinary case discussions and can relay and defend their own professional input in an interdisciplinary team.
Superior module:
Informatics and Communication
Module description:
Learning Process Evaluation 5
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | BMAB6RL5RC |
Type | RC |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Reflexion of situations occurring during the internships for the bachelor project. Time and stress management, professional identification, professional ethical questioning, interdisciplinary cooperation, preparation toward the transition to a working life or additional studies. Support and discussion during the internship for the bachelor thesis project.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to reflect on their learning process as well as on the contents of the degree course, including the internships, in a professional manner.
Superior module:
Informatics and Communication
Module description:
Legal Basis for Health Care Professionals
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | BMAB6RGGVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Introduction in the field of public, private and criminal and working as well as social laws. Overview on the social insurance laws (retirement, unemployment, accident and health insurance and nursing allowance laws). A special focus will be placed on patient laws, contract laws, including treatment contracts and on accountability laws and the professional laws (MTD and HebG Laws) with the rights and responsibilities of all professions, also in relation to other health care professions (such as the assistant professions according to the MABG). Introduction in the field of sanitate law (i.e., hospital laws).
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course get to know the health care related basics of public, private and criminal law, as well as working and social law. They know the most important basics of sanitate law, especially hospital law. The graduates have obtained information on the basics of the Austrian social insurance law (pension, unemployment, accident and health insurance and nursing allowance laws), can explain the rights of patients and have gained knowledge on contract law with respect to the medical treatment contract related to their own profession. The graduates understand the role of the accountability law for their own profession (MTD-law and HebG) and can describe the responsibilities and boundaries of the jurisdictions of their own profession as well as other health care professions (also the assisting professions according to the MABG) regarding overlapping duties and knowledge of the differing roles.
Superior module:
Law and Economy in Health Care
Module description:
Main Features of the Health Care System and Health Care Economy
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | BMAB6GGOVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Evaluation and definition of health and disease from an economic, social, political and medical point of view. Economical aspects of health care, main definitions of epidemiology, tasks within the health care sector: organisation of different health care areas (intra- and extramural), health politics and private/ public costs. Subjects regarding the future, international comparisons, prevention, health promotion and public health.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course have basic knowledge on the general subjects: disease, life and economy and have a connection to these subjects. They know the most relevant affecting factors of the economic aspects related to the health care system in Austria, also in comparison to other countries (for example private vs. public costs, health politics, etc.). The graduates can explain the main definitions in the field of epidemiology, know intra- and extramural health care systems and their tasks. They have in depth knowledge on prevention, health promotion and public health, can define these terms and recognise and name the relevant parameters for their own profession. They can work on novel subjects regarding the health care system.
Superior module:
Law and Economy in Health Care
Module description:
Open Window Biomedical Sciences
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | BMAB6OWBIL |
Type | IL |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Recognition for the organisation of or participation at conferences for BMS. Profession-specific teaching projects for other health care professions. Activities to strengthen the role of BMS in industry and biotechnology. Founding of a laboratory community. Involvement in public relations activities (for example by producing PR materials). Methodological creation of problem-based learning tools, such as collaborative learning. Possible elective courses such as travel medicine, laboratory analysis in developing countries, societal effects of medial presentation of health-related topics, marketing, pharmaceutical development, novel therapeutic methods, etc.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course know the importance of life-long-learning in the field of biomedical sciences and can apply this for themselves.
Superior module:
Scientific Work and Bachelor Thesis 2
Module description:
Professional Practical Training 3
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | BMAB6BP3IT |
Type | IT |
Kind | Internship (S) |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 15 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
External internship in the following mandatory fields: clinical chemistry, haematology, immunohaematology, haemostaseology, histology, cytology or microbiology, cell culture, reproductive medicine or other specialised areas of biomedical sciences, transfusion medicine, nuclear medicine and other specialised clinical areas, multi-professional areas in research, industry and veterinary medicine. A part of the work performed in the scope of this internship forms the basis for the Bachelor thesis.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of the course are able to apply their knowledge from the theoretical and practical courses in their working areas. They have the laboratory-specific and the social skills to work in all laboratory diagnostical areas in a professional manner. In addition, they are able to answer a research question and analyse the obtained data as part of the internship.
Superior module:
Professional Practical Training 3
Module description:
Self-employment and Basics of Business Management
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | BMAB6FBGVO |
Type | VO |
Kind | Compulsory |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 1 |
Examination character | final |
Lecture content:
Foundation of a health office, marketing, introduction in accounting, taxes, social security for business, credit contracts and register of real estate.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course know the most important juristic basics of being self-employed in the health care sector (for example the foundation of a practise, taxes, social security, credit contracts, register of real estates, etc.). They are able to apply this knowledge and can place it in the context of their own profession, they know the importance of marketing for self-employment in health professions.
Superior module:
Law and Economy in Health Care
Module description:
Supporting Seminar and Bachelor Thesis 2
Semester | 6 |
Academic year | 3 |
Course code | BMAB6BA2SE |
Type | SE |
Kind | Bachelor thesis |
Language of instruction | German |
SWS | 1 |
ECTS Credits | 6 |
Examination character | immanent |
Lecture content:
Writing of the Bachelor thesis. Support and reflected advice for the planning and actual writing of the thesis. Determination of success criteria and difficulties. Discussion of context-methodological research questions.
Learning Outcomes:
The graduates of this course are able to write a Bachelor thesis in the field of natural sciences according to good scientific practice.
Superior module:
Scientific Work and Bachelor Thesis 2
Module description:
Legend | |
Semester | Semesters 1, 3, 5: courses held only in winter semester (mid-September to end of January), Semesters 2, 4, 6: courses held only in summer semester (mid-February to end of June) |
SWS | weekly contact hours over 14 weeks in semester (example SWS 2 equals 28 contact hours for the whole course |
ECTS Credits | Work load in ECTS credits, 1 ECTS credit equals an estimated 25 hours of work for the student |
Type | BP = Bachelor final exam DP/MP = Master final exam IL = Lecture with integrated project work IT = Individual training/phases LB = Lab (session) PS = Pro-seminar PT = Project RC = Course with integrated reflective practice RE = Revision course SE = Seminar TU = Tutorial UB = Practice session/Subject practical sessions VO = Lecture |