Web- & Mobile-Development

The World Wide Web in all its facets

Are you ready to fulfil your potential as a web developer and find a job as a highly qualified specialist anywhere in the world? Then you've come to the right place! Our degree programme is unique in its focus on web development and offers the opportunity to perfect your skills in front end, back end or full stack development. If you have intelligence, creativity, a passion for solving problems and an interest in making the world a better place through technology, a career as a web developer could be just the thing for you. 

Teaching contents

  • Frontend development from HTML, CSS, Javascript to React
  • Interaction design and usability, accessibility for desktop and mobile
  • Backend development with PHP, Ruby on Rails and node.js
  • Content management systems, static site builder
  • Security and performance optimisation of websites
  • Operation of web servers (web operations, cloud operations)
  • Relational databases, text search engines, data engineering
  • Distributed software architectures, scalable web architectures


Teachers from the field

Our teachers are experienced practitioners who incorporate their knowledge directly into the lessons. Small groups allow for personalised support and individual encouragement. Students gain a realistic insight into the professional world in order to realise their full potential in software development.

Interesting job prospects

Graduates in the field of web development have excellent career prospects in the areas of web development, frontend or backend development and DevOps. Web agencies and companies focussing on the development of web applications are attractive employers.

Teamwork with designers

In the Web Development major, projects are first developed individually, then in a team with fellow students and later together with designers from the partner degree programme MultiMediaArt. During the collaboration, you will get to know each other's working methods and practise the industry-standard collaboration in creative teams.

Innovative projects

The degree programme is particularly practice- and project-based. You create a comprehensive project portfolio that impressively documents your skills and experience - a valuable advantage when applying for jobs or internships in the future.

Lively community

We acquire the latest know-how in the field of web development not only in the classroom but also in the additional offerings of the degree programme. We regularly organise barcamps with lectures and workshops. We also offer opportunities for networking with the community in the Salzburg Web Dev Meetup group.

Brigitte Jellinek

FH-Prof. DI
Head of Web & Mobile

The opportunity to specialise in web development during a five-year Bachelor's and Master's degree course is unique to the MultiMediaTechnology programme - there are no comparable courses on offer in the German-speaking world. 

Our degree programmes for Web & Mobile Development

MultiMediaTechnology (Bachelor)
Creating interactive worlds
MultiMediaTechnology (Master)
Creating immersive and interactive experiences

WebDev Meetup

This is where the web development community meets regularly to talk shop and learn from each other. Everyone is welcome, regardless of experience level - whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional.

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Huntz - the scavenger hunt app for you and your friends. Take part in existing ‘Huntz’ or simply create your own individual scavenger hunt for your mobile phone. Final project from the Bachelor's programme. Further information in the Portfolio

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a11yphant.com is an interactive learning platform for accessible web development. The courses on offer allow learners to try out their new knowledge directly in short programming tasks. a11yphant began as a Master's project by students from the Web department in cooperation with students from the Communication Design department. Further information in the portfolio. 

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The Spot a bot app uses machine learning to track down bots on Twitter and visualise the extent of their activity. The project team of web developers and communication designers won the Grand Prix des ADC Talent Award 2023 and the CCA Venus Award in the Student of the Year category with their final project in the Master's programme. 


You can find more web & mobile projects in our online portfolio
