Game & Mixed Reality

Games and Simulationen

Studying the Game specialisation gives you the opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of the processes and techniques of games development and to specialise in a promising field. Thanks to the combination of state-of-the-art technology and a focus on teamwork, communication and creativity, the degree programme enables you to realise your own game ideas in interdisciplinary teams.

Teaching content

  • Game engines (Unity 3D, Unreal, ...)
  • Real-time simulation of virtual worlds
  • Virtual and augmented reality
  • Artificial intelligence for games
  • Network and multiplayer
  • Software architecture
  • Computer graphics
  • Software Quality Assurance
  • Cross-platform development 


Versatile elective options

In addition to the ‘Game Development’ specialisation, you can choose from a wide range of electives on the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes. These include subjects such as Game Studies and Game Design, Generative AI or Mixed Reality Technologies.

Professional projects

The degree programme is particularly practice- and project-oriented. You can apply the know-how you learn in class directly in the realisation of your semester projects. This allows you to develop a comprehensive project portfolio that convincingly documents your skills: a real advantage when applying for jobs and internships later on.

Lecturers from the industry

Our lecturers are experts from the industry and come from well-known computer game studios such as Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, Clockstone or Mi'pu'mi.

Focus on innovation

As a practical UAS degree programme, we have our finger on the pulse of the latest developments. We integrate current market trends directly into our teaching. With access to the latest technologies, intensive research and top development environments such as Unity, we offer you state-of-the-art equipment for projects, from consoles and AR/VR equipment to smartphones and tablets.

Teamwork with designers

During your studies, you will work together with designers from the partner degree programme MultiMediaArt on the implementation of projects. This results in work that is not only technically but also creatively convincing.

Versatile job opportunities

Game Development offers future-proof eduaction with high demand. Graduates work in the creative industries, games and software development or in the field of data science, with excellent career opportunities also outside the games industry.

Markus Tatzgern

FH-Prof. DI Dr.
Versatile job opportunities

Game Development offers future-proof training with high demand. Graduates work in the creative industries, games and software development or in the field of data science, with excellent career opportunities also outside the games industry.

Our degree programmes for Game & Mixed Reality

MultiMediaTechnology (Bachelor)
Creating interactive worlds
MultiMediaTechnology (Master)
Creating immersive and interactive experiences


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‘Bots are stupid’ is a 2D platform game in which you give robots code instructions instead of controlling them directly. It's a fun way to learn programming. The game was created as a semester project in the Bachelor's programme. Available on Steam. 

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The prototype for the computer game ‘Whalien’ was created as a final project in the MultiMediaArt and MultiMediaTechnology master's programme. The development team Forbidden Folds founded a start-up after graduation and has since released the game commercially. Available on Steam.

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Players of the action-packed VR puzzle shooter ‘We are One’ can solve tricky puzzles by cloning themselves, skilfully planning ahead and playing with time loops. The prototype for the VR game from the young start-up ‘Flat Head Studio’ was created during the Master's programme. Further information:


You can find more projects from the Game & Mixed Reality specialisation in our online portfolio
