Innovation Management in Tourism
- Strategic innovation management in tourism
- Innovative and creative thinking
- Innovative product development
- The start-up eco-system
Innovations are core for the future strategic development of tourism companies and organizations as well as for their competitive positioning on the market. We accompany you in understanding innovation processes and realizing innovative product design processes.
You will develop innovative business ideas in our “Innovation Labs” and apply your skills in real-life innovation projects.
Experience and Transformational Design
- Experience and transformational design theory, case studies and projects
- Positive psychology in tourism
- Real-life event design projects
The experience economy is continuously growing, especially in the field of tourism. You will gain specialized knowledge which will help you to address the increased expectations of guests by dealing with topics such as transformational and event design, storytelling as well as co-creation.
Additionally, you will be able to develop and manage tourism experiences which also prioritize the well-being of host communities, thus contributing to a more sustainable development in tourism.
Digital Transformation in Tourism
- Digital transformation in tourism fundamentals and research projects
- Smart tourism solutions
- Tourism data intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence in tourism
The development-pace of new technologies has never been as fast as during this period of time. AI, the Internet of Things and Augmented Reality are only few out of several new approaches. You will learn about the strategic use of a multitude of applications. Additionally, the programme equips you with a deep understanding for Tourism Data Intelligence. Thus, you will be able to strategically asses and shape the digital tourism ecosystem.
Sustainability in Tourism
- Sustainable destination development
- Climate change and its effects on global tourism
- Social sustainability in tourism
- Green finance
Future management decisions should be taken in the light of sustainability. You will be able to be a driver for sustainable strategies in destination management as well as in all other fields of tourism. Critical reflection about social and ecological consequences of your decisions taken will be core of your managerial way of thinking.
During your 3rd and 4th semester you can choose between three electives. Thus, you have the possibility to delve deeper into personally preferred topics in the context of Digital Transformation, Sustainability or Corporate Management.