Circular Economy (Further Education Module)

Sustainable success

There's no doubt that sustainability is one of the biggest buzzwords of our generation. After all, we are already seeing the consequences of linear economic models. Resource scarcity, climate change, loss of biodiversity – a circular economy offers a sustainable solution to many of these global problems. The practice-oriented further education module is a cooperation of the Paris Lodron University Salzburg and the FH Salzburg enables you to develop innovative ideas for the responsible use of natural resources.

Study mode: part-time
Length of study: 1 semesters / 5 modules
Locations: Campus Urstein, Campus Kuchl, SMBS Salzburg
Language of instruction: German
Modules: 5 modules (Friday and Saturday) 
Tuition: Euro 4.490 excl. travel expenses to various companies
Study start; January 26, 2024

Why study Circular Economy at Salzburg University of Applied Science?

The current linear economic model generates a number of problems such as resource consumption, climate change, loss of biodiversity, etc., the solution of which is postponed to future generations. A "business as usual" leads to existential crises in the foreseeable future. The transition to a circular economy represents a solution approach that has been discussed for decades (cf. Club of Rome) and is currently experiencing increased political relevance.

The continuing education module contains the following sub-areas:

  • Design of the circular economy
  • Product design, circular value creation and impact on economy and society
  • Focus on bioeconomy wood and renewable energies
  • Circular Economy - What does the market say?
  • Impact for companies and regions

Did you already know? In order to obtain a concrete practical relevance, workshops will be held with experts from exemplary companies that are already focusing on the circular economy. Keynote speeches and best-practice examples will provide material for further discussions.

For whom is the further education module the right choice?

We address visionary change agents who want to improve our society!

The part-time further education module Circular Economy is aimed at entrepreneurs and employees who want to expand their knowledge in the field of circular economy and sustainable management. At the end of this training, participants will be able to establish responsible business models that can solve climate and environmental problems. They will be able to configure resources for these new business models in such a way that they generate profit but also environmental and/or social value. Furthermore, you will have acquired the ability to analyze complex problem contexts and to develop responsible solutions for the management of natural resources.

Inform & register now

More info about the practice-oriented continuing education and the registration form can be found on the SMBS website.

to the SMBS website

Deputy course director

Portrait of: FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Lienbacher Eva
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Head of Academic Area Marketing Management
Senior Lecturer
Department Business and Tourism
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Urstein - 213
T: +43-50-2211-1133