Martina Sageder
Studiengangsleiterin Betriebswirtschaft
Studiengangsleiterin Retail & Technology *vorbehaltlich der AQ-Austria-Genehmigung
Fachbereichsleiterin Accounting & Financial Management
Department Business and Tourism
Raum: Urstein - 237

Mario Jooss, Bakk.
Senior Lecturer
Department Business and Tourism
Raum: Urstein - 222

Gerfried Fleckl, MA
Senior Lecturer
Department Business and Tourism
Raum: Urstein - 222

Herbert Gölzner
Senior Lecturer
Department Business and Tourism
Raum: Urstein - 231

Ingrid Hovdar-Stojakovic
Senior Lecturer
International Academic Advisor
Department Business and Tourism
Raum: Urstein - 219

Arno Kinzinger
Senior Lecturer
Department Business and Tourism
Raum: Urstein - 223

Ursula Kraus, MSc., MBA
Senior Lecturer
Department Business and Tourism
Raum: Urstein - 227

Eva Lienbacher
Senior Lecturer
Department Business and Tourism
Raum: Urstein - 213

Hermann Rauchenschwandtner
Senior Lecturer
Department Business and Tourism
Raum: Urstein - 229