Human-centered Technologies

Technology based on human needs

Become an expert in the growing field of human-computer interaction and help shape how people interact with digital applications, products and services. The content of the department combines principles from computer science, design and psychology and is dedicated to understanding the relationship between people and interactive systems. The department prepares future experts to design and implement novel interactive technologies and systems that meet people's needs in different situations and offer new user experiences.

Teaching content

  • HCI theory
  • Methodology and Prototyping
  • Human Factors & User Experience Engineering
  • Interaction Design & Digital Innovation
  • Contextual Interfaces
  • HCI Innovations & Future Technologies


Industry projects

Collaboration with industry is a key feature of the course. Practical projects offer students the opportunity to devote themselves to real tasks and develop innovative solutions. Here they put the knowledge they have acquired into practice and gain valuable experience, e.g. in app development, prototype design or usage data analysis for product improvement.


A special feature is the numerous elective subjects that allow students to specialize individually. These include game design, mixed reality technologies, data science, information visualization, predictive analytics, geoinformatics and cognitive psychology.


The focus of research in the department is on innovation and the search for solutions to new problems. Here, students have the opportunity to research and develop interactive prototypes in application areas such as smart homes, IoT, autonomous vehicles, digital health, human-robot interaction and cooperative systems.

Career opportunities

Graduates benefit from excellent job prospects and career opportunities. Whether in product development, the creative industries or research - our alumni are in great demand in both science and industry. Typical professions include HCI professional, design engineer, interaction designer, usability expert and innovation manager.

Bernhard Maurer

FH Prof. Dr.
Head of Human-centered Technologies

A key component of our program is working with industry partners to address real-world problems and challenges. Students develop solutions to specific design problems, present their ideas in the form of prototypes, and actively involve relevant stakeholders in the design process. In this way, students not only gain practical experience, but also make valuable contacts in industry.

Our degree program for Human-centered Technologies

Human-Computer Interaction (Joint Master)
Understanding and shaping human-centered technology


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“Hey, can we talk?”: Sharing Emotions Tangibly During Texting Further information:

We'd like to point out that after activation data may be sent to third parties. Further information can be found in our
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NEXUS ONE: An Innovative SOS System for Skiers
More information:


You can find further projects in this area in our online portfolio


Contact person

Portrait of: Dr. Beuthel Mascha , MSc
Mascha Beuthel, MSc
Senior Lecturer
Department Creative Technologies
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Urstein - 318
Portrait of: FH-Prof. Dr. Maurer Bernhard , MSc
FH-Prof. Dr.
Bernhard Maurer, MSc
Head of Degree Programme Human-Computer Interaction
Head of Academic Area Human-centered Technologies
Senior Lecturer
Department Creative Technologies
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Urstein - 318