Cooperation and exchange with companies are essential components of the JR centres. Salzburg and Upper Austria are exceptional innovation regions, almost a Silicon Valley of industrial automation. The JR Centre cooperates with three leading companies in automation: B&R Industrial Automation, COPA-DATA and TMK Beteiligungs GmbH (SIGMATEK). All three companies are always shaping the state of the art in their fields. This JR Centre is the next step in shaping the future for research and companies.
B&R Industrial Automation
B&R Industrial Automation supports the OT intelligence research area. CEO Jörg Theis recognises great potential for the further development of AI methods in the collaboration with the team at the JRZ:
„AI methods are used in various areas at B&R, such as industrial image processing. The use of AI with regard to autonomous, intelligent industrial machines is an innovative step for the entire industry that will bring about fundamental changes in automation.“
The research field OT security is worked on together with the manufacturer of automation software COPA-DATA. The adequate transfer of modern security concepts from IT to industrial systems with their own characteristics is a particular challenge in this research field. Thomas Punzenberger, CEO:
„With our zenon software platform we have been supporting industrial companies in the digitalisation of their processes for many years. Cyber security plays an increasingly central role in this. We are looking forward to contributing our know-how to the JR Centre. In creative exchange with science and partner companies we want to exploit our joint innovation potential.“
TMK Beteiligungs GmbH (SIGMATEK)
The Salzburg-based company TMK Beteiligungs GmbH (SIGMATEK) is cooperating with the JR Centre in the research field of OT architecture. SIGMATEK has already developed numerous innovations in the design of the architectures of automation systems and is specifically focusing on research in order to be able to play a role in international competition. Marianne Kusejko, Managing Director of SIGMATEK:
„Our sector is in the field of high technology. A strong research university in the field of industrial computer science that produces well-trained graduates benefits the entire business location. Therefore this research centre is a strategic long-term concern for us.“