
News on research, transfer and innovation
January 23, 2024

Kick-off for the Interreg project Resilient Tourism

The successful kick-off of the Interreg project Resilient Tourism took place in mid-January. 30 partners from tourism associations, businesses and schools from the regions of Bavaria, Salzburg and Tyrol came together for the kick-off meeting and were motivated to pull together.

January 16, 2024

Submit now: CEFoodCycle Award

The Interreg research project CEFoodCycle honours companies, initiatives or individuals who are actively committed to reducing food waste and are planning or have already implemented innovative concepts for the circular economy. The deadline for submissions is the end of March.

November 20, 2023

'Luffa Aegyptiaca': New research cooperation with Uganda

As part of an Africa-UniNet project of the Austrian Agency for Education and Internationalization (OeAD), a cooperation between the Nkumba University in Uganda, the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences started in June. The opening excursion to Uganda has…

October 09, 2023

Viktoria Müllner receives Dr. Maria Schaumayer Prize

Viktoria Müllner, a Master's graduate from Salzburg University of Applied Sciences and researcher in the Retailization 4.0 research project, was awarded the prestigious Dr. Maria Schaumayer Prize for her Master's thesis entitled "Digitalization of stationary retail: risk or opportunity?". The aim of…

July 10, 2023

Research Campus at Urstein Castle opened at the FH Salzburg

The first Josef Ressel Research Centre was opened at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences 10 years ago. The start of a success story: FH Salzburg can now look back on three Josef Ressel Cen-tres, two of which are currently still running. These are not only characterised by research in terms of…

June 28, 2023

Visit from South Africa: Brand Wessels in Kuchl

After more than 10 years, Professor Brand Wessels from the Faculty of AgriSciences, Department of Forestry and Wood Sciences at Stellenbosch University in South Africa visited the Kuchl campus again in June 2023 as part of an international Erasmus mobility programme. The common goal is to expand the…

June 13, 2023

Workshop, Conference and Project Meeting in Finland

After the first workshop of the "Blended Intensive Programme" (BIP) in May 2022 at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, the second round was held this year at the Karelia University of Applied Sciences in Joensuu. In addition to a competitive workshop on the design of a "Flying Classroom"…

February 13, 2023

Using artificial intelligence to optimise circular economy

Kick-off for the interdisciplinary project "CEFoodcycle": researchers from Salzburg University of Applied Sciences and the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS) are developing a digital platform to introduce food cycles.

October 10, 2022

Excellence research at the new Josef Ressel Research Centre

The Josef Ressel Centre for Intelligent and Safe Industrial Automation (ISIA) will begin operations at the FH Salzburg in July 2022. Experts from science and industry gathered at the FH Salzburg for the ceremony and symposium on 10 October. The keynote was held by Wittgenstein Prize winner Herbert…

September 13, 2022

Can learning success be predicted?

Data experts Simon Ginzinger and Earl McKinney asked themselves this question and developed a predictive model.