A healthy lifestyle that pays attention to exercise and a balanced diet is the most effective key to preventing cardiovascular disease. The knowledge is there, but the motivation is lacking. More movement in everyday life is the focus of the cooperation project "Ganz Salzburg bewegen" between the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention (LBI) and the FH Salzburg. Together with inhabitants of the city of Salzburg, suggestions for promoting regular heart-healthy exercise are being developed.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends a certain minimum amount of regular heart-healthy physical activity for everybody. As Austrian national health statistics show, fewer than half of the Austrian general population meet these recommendations. Some groups tend to be less physically active than the average person: these are people aged 30-44 years, retirees, people with migration background, and those with lower income or lower education level.
The project
Through the project „Ganz Salzburg Bewegen“ („All of Salzburg moving“), we would like to engage with these less physically active groups in the City of Salzburg. In cooperation with citizens, we would like to come up with suggestions for supporting regular heart-healthy physical activity.
In order to connect with citizens, we will organise three public events. These will be held in spring, summer and autumn of 2023 in the Salzburg district of Lehen. First, there will be a community conversation event (12. – 15. April 2023) aiming to jumpstart the conversation and exchange thoughts with citizens. Second, there will be an ideas workshop (end of July 2023) to collect and shape ideas and suggestions together with citizens. Last, there will be a public exhibition (autumn 2023) to present these ideas and suggestions to the public. The exhibition will be interactive, so that everybody can vote for their favourite ideas and suggestions. Alongside these three public events, citizens can join the project team as co-researchers and take on certain project tasks.
At the end of the project, we will have a collection of ideas and suggestions based on the perspectives and everyday experiences of citizens. In a follow-up project, these suggestions will be prioritised, implemented and evaluated.
„Ganz Salzburg Bewegen“ is conducted in collaboration between Fachhochschule Salzburg (Salzburg University of Applied Sciences), Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention, City of Salzburg („Bewegte Stadt“), and County of Salzburg. The project is funded by Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, City and County of Salzburg, and the Open Innovation in Science Center of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (Open Innovation in Science Enrichment Fund).
For more information, please contact ganzsalzburgbewegen@fh-salzburg.ac.at
Project Leads
- Dr.in Melanie Roth, Fachhochschule Salzburg, melanie.roth@fh-salzburg.ac.at
- Dr. Stefan Tino Kulnik, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention, tino.kulnik@dhp.lbg.ac.at