Since June 2024, the podcast "Health Talk" has been featuring current health topics from research and society in conversations with researchers and students from the Department of Health Sciences, as well as other experts and affected individuals. A new episode is now online.

Originally launched about a year ago under the title “Let’s Talk About HPV!”, the podcast aimed to bring the topic of Human Papillomaviruses to life through discussions with various experts and affected individuals, fostering understanding of its potential impacts. After 8 episodes focusing on HPV, we decided in spring 2024 to expand the podcast to cover exciting research topics from the entire Department of Health Sciences, inviting researchers, students, and other experts to share their insights. Listening to the podcast also provides information about different medical professions and related study courses. The first episode of the new "Health Talk" aired in June.
The latest episode REALISE: Interprofessional training to improve primary care focuses on the REALISE research project, which tests and promotes interprofessional collaboration between the various healthcare professions in primary care. Marlene Brunner is a researcher in the project and talks about the demands and ever-increasing complexity in primary care and how REALISE aims to address this through future-proof, sustainable and interprofessional education and training, creating a win-win situation for healthcare professionals and patients.
Participants from all healthcare professions are still being sought for the study! Listen in now and spread the word!