
Make data protection easy(er)

The vision of Metasoul is to simplify data protection obligations for businesses, making them understandable, affordable, and feasible for every SME. Through demonstrated due diligence, Metasoul aims to eliminate penalties from the past. The Metasoul team achieves this with their SaaS platform, which breaks down complex data privacy processes into straightforward questions and components, guiding SMEs step by step through their obligations. Metasoul stands out from the competition due to its focus on simplicity, clear content, and pricing tailored to SMEs.


Department: Information Technologies and Digitalisation


Metasoul GmbH
Urstein Süd 15
5412Puch bei Hallein

Startup Salzburg Factory

Metasoul was part of the FACTORY+ #7 (AplusB Programm) batch in 2022/23.