Ganz Salzburg Bewegen Co-Researchers

Welcome Co-Researchers

As fellow researchers, you have an active role in our project. You are invited to actively participate and contribute your knowledge, skills, and perspectives. Your collaboration is invaluable in ensuring the success of our project and bringing about positive changes in our community. It is you, who is moving Salzburg forward.

We need your help in order to promote heart-healthy physical activity in the city of Salzburg. According to the Austrian health statistics, less than half of the Austrian general population meets the recommendations of the World Health Organization for regular exercise. Certain population groups, such as individuals aged 30-44, retirees, and people with a migration background, low income, or lower educational attainment, tend to be less active than others.

How can you help?

You can help us by engaging in conversations with your friends, family or neighbors about their thoughts and habits regarding physical activity. Your experiences and observations are invaluable in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and needs of the people in Salzburg. Discuss with your conversation partners the barriers and obstacles that hinder them from incorporating regular heart-healthy physical activity into their daily lives.

In a Kick-off Workshops we will equip you with everything you need to get started: a Dictaphone and a comprehensive guide to help with your conversations. For example:

  • Everybody should do physical activity regularly every week. What helps you to be physically active or do sports regularly every week?
  • Imagine that you could tell the Salzburg City government how to make it easier for people to do regular physical activity or sports: what would you tell them?

These conversations aim to capture the needs, opinions, and ideas of the citizens. Together with your conversation partners, you can develop proposals to promote regular heart-healthy physical activity in Salzburg.

The results of your conversations and suggestions will be collected within the "Ganz Salzburg Bewegen" (All of Salzburg Moving) project and displayed in an exhibition in autumn 2023.This ensures that the solutions are based on the real-life experiences and needs of the citizens.

For more information, please contact

„Ganz Salzburg Bewegen“ is conducted in collaboration between Fachhochschule Salzburg (Salzburg University of Applied Sciences), Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention, City of Salzburg („Bewegte Stadt“), and County of Salzburg. The project is funded by Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, City and County of Salzburg, and the Open Innovation in Science Center of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (Open Innovation in Science Enrichment Fund).


You'll find all the important information you or your conversation partner here. It is the perfect help to explain the project to your conversation partners.


Data Protection Statement

Here you will find all necessarry information regarding Data Protection. ´Your conversation partners stay anonymous.


Co-Researchers needed!

We are still looking for Co-Researchers that support our project.

Intrested? Let us know!


Portrait of: Mag. Roth Melanie , BSc, Ph.D.
Melanie Roth, BSc, Ph.D.
on leave
Senior Researcher
Research Health Sciences
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Wissenspark Hilfswerk, 2. OG, Stiege 19/2, UW B 06
T: +43-50-2211-1471