A recent survey carried out by the Zielgruppen Büro confirms the positive image: in addition to the good popularity ratings in the province of Salzburg, the practice-oriented degree programmes, the excellent career opportunities, the modern infrastructure and the training opportunities in future-relevant areas are particularly emphasised. 1,000 16- to 65-year-olds from Salzburg, Upper Austria, Tyrol, Carinthia and Bavaria were surveyed.

Over 80% of the Salzburg residents surveyed are familiar with the FH Salzburg. Two thirds of them confirm the ‘very good’ or ‘good’ image of the educational institution. They would also recommend studying at the FH Salzburg to someone close to them.
Practical, innovative, well connected
Universities of Applied Sciences are generally perceived as practice-oriented educational institutions with a strong focus on the needs of the labour market. The survey confirms this image for the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, which impresses with excellent career opportunities for graduates (69 per cent voted ‘strongly agree’ or ‘agree’), its close networking with industry (66 per cent) and its innovative strength (64 per cent). 65 per cent of respondents believe that a degree from Salzburg University of Applied Sciences opens up international job opportunities.
Personal contacts are the most important awareness factor, campaigns also have an effect
Personal contacts are particularly relevant for awareness of the FH Salzburg: 41 per cent of respondents know the FH Salzburg through friends or family, 18 per cent through former students and 16 per cent through professional contacts and colleagues. ‘According to the survey, the FH Salzburg's public relations work and advertising and marketing measures also had an impact: older respondents were more likely than average to know the FH Salzburg through its generally high profile or presence in the region and through media reports. Younger respondents, on the other hand, were aware of the university through advertising campaigns, online research and social media,' reports Karin Motzko, Head of Corporate Communications & Marketing.
FH Salzburg offers education in future-oriented fields
67 per cent agree with the statement (‘strongly agree’/‘agree’) that the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences offers future-oriented degree programmes. 63 per cent appreciate the modern infrastructure of the UAS and 64 per cent of respondents think that the UAS Salzburg is innovative.
When asked which professional fields have particularly good future prospects, the respondents primarily named the fields of computer science (software development, data science, AI), engineering (mechatronics, robotics) and health (medical-technical professions, nursing). The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences trains sought-after experts in all of these areas.
The focus on future-relevant topics and the simultaneous proximity to practice is confirmed, summarises UAS Rector and Managing Director Dominik Engel: ‘The close cooperation with industry and our clear focus on innovation and practice-oriented education confirm that we have taken the right path to optimally prepare students for the requirements of the future and at the same time meet the expectations of companies and society.’
About the survey
The image survey was conducted by the Target Group Office on behalf of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. The survey was aimed at 16- to 65-year-olds from Salzburg, Upper Austria, Tyrol, Carinthia and Bavaria who are currently in training, working, on parental leave, parental leave or educational leave. A comprehensive analysis was carried out with a sample of n=1,000 (n=200 per Austrian and German federal state) and representative quotas according to age, gender and educational background. The data was collected as part of a computer-assisted web interview between 14 and 24 June 2024.