Cooking together, across continents: With this idea almost 20 students of the seminar "Food and Tourism" continued their course also in Corona times. In their respective apartments in and around Salzburg, but also in the USA and Japan, the participants cooked a sophisticated 3-course menu - via video transmission, a thoroughly professional cuisine spanning cultures and continents was created.

Days before, the students had already made suggestions for the individual courses. Their respective origins provided for diversity: for example, Kenyan samosas, Finnish fish soup or Israeli shakshuka were available to choose from, and in an online vote they finally agreed on spring rolls, Tyrolean Kasknödel, Slovenian stew and African chicken pilaw, and of course there were desserts as well. And exciting information on the history, origin and preparation of the selected dishes - after all, probably the most extensive cuisine in the world was part of a scientific seminar.
Food trends and tourism
The free subject "Food and Tourism" extends over two semesters and is attended by students from the degree programme Innovation & Management in Tourism and numerous incoming students. Different country cuisines are on the curriculum, the design of culinary trips or the influence of prominent chefs on the gastronomic scene.
"Of course, we also discuss current food trends, topics such as regionality or authenticity", says Gastrosoph Rüdiger Niemz, who leads the seminar, "and we look at how media - from internet blogs to Hollywood productions - reflect on the topic of food". There will always be taste experiences in the future, says Niemz: "The exploration of various country cuisines and culinary traditions should not only be theoretical, but also very practical. And so since the beginning of the seminar it has been customary for students to supplement their presentations with a small sample. This time it was a whole menu.
Eva Brucker, head of the course of studies "Innovation and Management in Tourism", was also a guest chef. "In recent years, culinary has developed into one of the major topics in tourism," she commented on the course. In a very practical way, she enthused with a recipe from Bordeaux - fine canelés.