At the ceremonial award ceremony in the "Aula der Wissenschaften in Vienna", the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences was again awarded the state seal of quality "Audit university and family" at the end of January for its commitment to reconciling family and work. The award is preceded by an audit process. The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences has been able to demonstrate that many different measures are taken to reconcile studies, work and family commitments.

“As an educational institution, we are a competence and transfer center, a place where knowledge and skills are generated and exchanged. So that we can meet this responsibility, framework conditions are required that support flexible study and work", emphasizes Doris Walter, managing director of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.
The top 3 measures at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences:
- Further flexibility in the examination regulations (partial study, flexible examination starts)
- Development of training formats especially for managers to promote the management culture
- Information and events on care topics (family hospice leave, end-of-life care, flexible handling of care emergencies)
"I am impressed by the many initiatives and thank all employers for their commitment. For most Austrians, work and family are essential pillars in their lives. Together we can develop new models for better compatibility and give working parents more freedom of choice - that is my vision", said Federal Minister Christine Aschbacher.
The university and family audit
The audit "hochschuleundfamilie" is tailored specifically to universities and colleges and supports them in realizing a family-friendly university day-to-day life for employees and students. All universities that successfully implement the audit are awarded the state seal of approval.
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