People, technology and the future are at the centre of the "salz21" technology and innovation forum. From 6 to 7 March, there will be lectures, a project expo and many opportunities for exchange and networking at the Salzburg Exhibition Centre. Including: Numerous scientists and projects from Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.

Circular economy, digital innovations, sustainable materials and surprising constructions: Salzburg University of Applied Sciences will be presenting innovative projects from various departments at its stand at salz21: a noise map as an early warning system for emergency services, sustainable raw materials for interior design, table tops made from coffee grounds, a sound carpet and the use of augmented reality in education.
Focus on sustainable materials
A special highlight at the FH Salzburg stand will be the self-driving car from the "UniCarAgil" research project. The Department Green Engineering and Circular Design was also involved in the multi-million euro project of renowned German universities and research institutions. The interior of the self-driving car was to be made from sustainable raw materials and reflect modern design. The researchers from the Wood Technology & Timber Construction degree programme supplied and developed the new material from mallow. Colleagues from the Design & Product Management degree programme were responsible for the interior design made from the mallow boards. At salz21, there is a unique opportunity to view the vehicle.
The best place to relax and drink coffee is at the tables made from coffee grounds. Together with ARA, tables were pressed from leftover coffee capsules. The innovation here is that the adhesive that holds the material together is also made from biogenic materials and is still water-repellent - in case the coffee cup falls over.
The use of new and innovative materials may soon include the "loofah" plant from Africa. As part of an Africa-UniNet project of the Austrian Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD), a cooperation between Nkumba University in Uganda, the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences was launched in June. At salz21, researchers provide information on the state of research and new applications for the loofah plant.
Sound carpet and innovative teaching and learning applications
The Department of Creative Technologies presents the project "HyLTE - Hybrid Learning Environment in the Context of Teaching and Training for the Tourism Sector". The aim of HyLTE is to explore the potential of new technologies in the field of tourism education in order to create optimal conditions for the training of students and teachers. The project was realised as part of the new construction of the Klessheim Tourism School in Salzburg. How can AR technology help with learning to cook? The prototype can be tested at the FH Salzburg stand.
Another project from the field of Creative Technologies, in cooperation with the Mozarteum University, is the "Sound Carpet", which amazes everyone as soon as they enter the booth of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.
More highlights from the departments
- Other projects on display include "10 ideas that move", which were developed as part of the "Moving all of Salzburg" project and can currently be viewed in an open-air exhibition in Lehen.
- The "FutureBloc-S" will also be presented: A wall construction made from sustainable raw materials for the construction industry. The first measurements are currently underway in the Twin2Sim research building on Campus Kuchl.
- Together with the company Commend, the Department of Information Technologies and Digitalisation is presenting a "noise map", which is intended to support emergency services in everyday life and make life safer using new digital technologies.
More programme tips:
Meet & Greet
On Wednesday, 6 March, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences and the University of Salzburg invite you to an informal exchange. At the "Meet & Greet", companies, students, partners and interested parties are invited to exchange and network about collaboration, research and ideas.
Cyber Security Panel
The Tech Talk on Thursday, 7 March will shed light on current and future challenges in the field of cyber security. Both local and global aspects will be discussed. Experts from education, science and practice will discuss short and medium-term measures such as the training of new cyber security experts. On the panel: Andreas Unterweger (FH Salzburg, Head of Cyber Security programme), David Blum (Accenture GmbH), Anna Habenegg (ARES Cyber Intelligence), Daniel Slamanig (University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich).