Since June 2024, the podcast "Health Talk" has been featuring current health topics from research and society in conversations with researchers and students from the Department of Health Sciences, as well as other experts and affected individuals. Two episodes are already available online.

Originally launched about a year ago under the title “Let’s Talk About HPV!”, the podcast aimed to bring the topic of Human Papillomaviruses to life through discussions with various experts and affected individuals, fostering understanding of its potential impacts. After 8 episodes focusing on HPV, we decided in spring 2024 to expand the podcast to cover exciting research topics from the entire Department of Health Sciences, inviting researchers, students, and other experts to share their insights. Listening to the podcast also provides information about different medical professions and related study courses. The first episode of the new "Health Talk" aired in June.
In the episode "The World of Vision – Orthoptics as a Special Discipline of Ophthalmology", Ruth Resch, head of the Orthoptics study course, and a student, Emily Toller, offer fascinating insights into the profession and research of orthoptics. The term "orthoptics" comes from Greek for “straight vision” and deals with the coordination of the eyes. Orthoptists care for people with strabismus, visual disorders, amblyopia, eye movement disorders, nystagmus, and visual impairment. Not everyone sees in 3D equally well, and orthoptists play a crucial role, especially in the treatment of children.
In the latest episode "Research on Multiple Sclerosis: Propionic Acid in Focus", the discussion centers on a promising supplement that could offer new hope for those affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Currently, 100 patients are participating in a clinical trial on propionic acid at the University Hospital Salzburg. Students from the fields of physiotherapy, ergotherapy, and biomedical analytics at FH Salzburg are also involved in the research. In the podcast, the study’s medical director, Dr. Tobias Moser, and aspiring physiotherapist, Julia Ljubic, explain the study's objectives and its potential impacts on MS patients.
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