News and Events

Exhibition ‘Digital journey through time’

10:00 - 16:00

The history of FH Salzburg - told digitally.

Celebrate three decades of innovation and knowledge with us! In the exhibition at the Urstein Campus, you can experience the history of FH Salzburg through exciting stories from students, graduates, employees and companions. As a visitor, you can actively navigate through history yourself - and even record your own story!

Opening hours:

  • Monday to Friday from 10 am to 5 pm
  • Sat/Sun closed

You will find the digital journey through time on the Urstein campus, to the left of the foyer (through the glass door). Please follow the signs.

Austellung 30 Jahre FH Salzburg, 19032025 Foto: wildbild, Herbert Rohrer

Digital journey through time

Immerse yourself in the history of 30 years of FH Salzburg!

Learn more