Julia Brunhuber

Julia Brunhuber works as a Scrum Master at Raiffeisen Software after completing her Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (specialization in Human Resource Management) and her Master's degree in Business Administration (specialization in Corporate Development).
1. What has the subject area or the Salzburg University of Applied Science contributed to my professional and personal development?
My studies have enabled me to gain a direct foothold in a rapidly changing work environment due to the high diversity of approaches taught. With the background knowledge and the different perspectives, I have a suitable solution approach or a first idea at hand to master the situation in every new situation.
2. What specifically do I remember?
The open teaching formats in the subject area gave me the opportunity to set my own focus. This allows students to expand and explore their professional passions and discover new facets directly in their studies. For students who are not working, this was further supported by numerous opportunities provided by the department to apply the academic content in practice. This practical relevance makes the study of business administration at the Salzburg University of Applied Science the right choice for working professionals, as well as for those just starting out in their careers.
3. my statement about the subject area "People & Organization Development"
The subject area "People & Organization Development" prepared me ideally for my work in agile project management. I was able to and had to directly apply the insights into new, modern approaches to leadership and the dynamics of teams in order to take on my agile roles in the best possible way. The discourse with fellow students was particularly beneficial - the peculiarities and areas of application of the various approaches could be directly examined in the discourse for their applicability in practice; most of the time, someone from the group was even able to contribute a concrete example. Thus, the transfer from academic knowledge to practical application was very easy.
Simon Kreft

Simon Kreft graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration (specialization in Human Resource Management) in 2021 and is now responsible for "Recruiting Young Talents" at Porsche Holding.
1. What has the subject area or the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences contributed to my professional and personal development?
With the help of the subject area , I was able to gain a comprehensive insight into the topics of human resources management. Especially with the lectures Strategic & International Human Resource Management and Working Time & Generation Management, my interest in this area was awakened even more.
2. What do I remember in particular?
I particularly remember those courses and lectures from the department in which we had the opportunity to put the theories and what we had learned into practice. For example, I particularly remember the planning and implementation of the online assessment center as part of a course. Here we had the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge directly and to plan an online assessment center together in groups and finally also to carry it out with the other students. In this way, we were able to gain important knowledge and experience on what to look out for in the planning and implementation of such an assessment center.
3. My statement about the subject area "People & Organization Development"
What I associate most with the subject area, however, is the opportunity to openly discuss current trends and topics and to work on them myself or in groups. In doing so, I have learned how important it is to adopt different points of view and at the same time to look at the topics critically and to question them.
Laura Schnekenleitner

Laura Schnekenleitner works as a Global HR Business Partner at Palfinger AG and completed her Bachelor of Business Administration (specialization in Human Resource Management) at the FH Salzburg in 2014.
1. What has the subject area or the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences contributed to my professional and personal development?
After acquiring extensive basic knowledge in the first semesters, the specialization in Human Resource Management gave me even much deeper insights into the world of HR management, leadership and organizational development. In the course of my various HR functions over the past 8 professional years, I have come into contact with the content of these courses time and again - whether it is about compensation models, recruiting procedures, personnel development tools or leadership theories. The numerous case studies, the practical project and the internship rounded off the courses perfectly for me and created an optimal practical relevance.
2 What do I remember in particular?
I particularly remember the versatility of the subject area. This has always been evident in the course content, the didactic methods as well as the different backgrounds of the lecturers. I really appreciated the fact that we were able to try out individual topics from the courses in practice, such as conducting an assessment center or an open space event as an organizational development intervention.
3. My statement about the subject area "People & Organization Development"
For me, it was not just an experience that I remembered. For me it was the coherent overall concept.