Logistics & Operations Management

In the academic area "Logistics & Operations Management", students learn about the opportunities and challenges in the fields of logistics, purchasing and supply chain management and are prepared for the diverse professional requirements in a practical manner.

The interlinking of teaching, research and practice is for us an essential prerequisite for a scientific and at the same time demand-oriented further development of the teaching and research focal points.

Value-added management:

  • Production, distribution and service logistics
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Green and Reverse Logistics
  • Process and operations management
  • Digitalization in value creation

The range of courses spans from the extraction of raw materials to the production of goods, their storage as well as transport to sustainable green & reverse logistics and the recycling of goods. Through a contemporary and well-founded education, our students are able to understand and design logistical processes and to use the digitalization of value-added processes to increase the success of the company.

Our goal is to optimally prepare our students for the increasing demands of international logistics.


Portrait of: Mag. Elwischger Margot , MIM, MBA
Margot Elwischger, MIM, MBA
Department Business and Tourism
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Urstein - 226
Portrait of: FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Kraus Ursula , MSc., MBA
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Ursula Kraus, MSc., MBA
Head of Academic Area Logistics & Operations Management
Senior Lecturer
Department Business and Tourism
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Urstein - 227
Portrait of: Mag. Schachner Christian
Christian Schachner
Senior Lecturer
Department Business and Tourism
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Urstein - 226
Portrait of: Mag. (FH) Siller Maria
Mag. (FH)
Maria Siller
Senior Lecturer
Department Business and Tourism
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Urstein - 226
Portrait of: Zeisler Alexander , B.A., M.A.
Alexander Zeisler, B.A., M.A.
Senior Lecturer
Department Business and Tourism
Location: Campus Urstein
Room: Urstein - 227