The academic area "Accounting & Financial Management" sees itself as a competence center for teaching, research and knowledge transfer in connection with controlling, internal and external corporate accounting as well as financial management. Through a high level of quality and a strong practical orientation, we provide students with sound knowledge in controlling and financial management.
Globalization and the increasing international integration of the economy as well as the growing demands of consumers pose new challenges for corporate finance. In Accounting & Financial Management, we deal with these processes of change and the resulting consequences for the financing, acquisition, investment activities and external reporting of companies. In our in-depth and specialized courses, we aim to sensitize our students to the changed framework conditions and the resulting consequences for controlling and finance.
Our department offers a wide range of courses that focus on the quantification of operational processes and performance as well as the targeted management of companies. In addition to classic courses such as bookkeeping, accounting, cost and performance accounting, controlling and financing, the courses in the bachelor's specialization Controlling & Finance as well as in the master's program also deal with the challenges and consequences of the digital transformation and a stronger sustainability orientation.
Our courses are characterized by up-to-date teaching content and a balanced relationship between theory and practice. Our lecturers bring international expertise and experience from corporate practice, consulting and/or academia.
While we present our research results at international conferences and meetings and attach great importance to networking and scientific cooperation, we also strive for a transfer of knowledge into practice and thus the application and implementation of the concepts developed. Particularly important to us is the involvement of students in research and the integration of research results into teaching.
Practical orientation and knowledge transfer
Close cooperation with companies is of great importance to our academic area. We cooperate in the form of guest lectures, excursions, practice-oriented projects in the bachelor's and master's programs, as well as scientific papers with a reference to companies.
Since 2012, the auditing workshop organized by PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) has been an integral part of our extracurricular offerings. In this workshop, Bachelor's students specializing in Controlling & Finance gain insights into the diverse range of tasks performed by internationally active auditors. They work on case studies in order to get to know the risk-oriented audit approach better, practice communication with clients and simulate the practical application of modern audit tools.
In the practical projects, Bachelor students are given the opportunity to get a taste of "practical air" for a semester. With the support of a specialist coach, they develop solutions and recommendations for action for a specific task at a company.

Martina Sageder
Head of Degree Programme Business Management
Head of Degree Programme Retail & Technology *subject to AQ-Austria approval
Head of Academic Area Accounting & Financial Management
Department Business and Tourism
Room: Urstein - 237

Michael Kuttner, BSc, MSc
Department Business and Tourism
Room: Urstein - 224

Christine Mitter
Department Business and Tourism
Room: Urstein - 225