Every year, the SME Management & Entrepreneurship program invites entrepreneurial personalities to the Salzburg University of Applied Science on SME Day, who report from practice on the topics of competence, innovation and tradition.
Previous events
Of fairy tales, legends and funny unicorns. The SME Day 2022 invited - after a two-year break due to corona - to dive into the personal story(s) of the entrepreneurs. On June 17, 2022, at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, participants were able to learn how complex family businesses can be, which visions are needed and which learnings from experiences made are helpful.
On the podium:
- Christine Vallaster (FH Salzburg): From going away - to arriving - and finding together.
- Daniel Rhomberg (Lanser See): A fairy tale from a thousand and good nights
- Verena Wieser (Die Papeterie Ernst Schmid): About writing and storytelling - and how patient paper can be
- Jakob Deutschmann (Fanzy Bikes): Of going away - about being an entrepreneur - and finding home.
On May 9, 2019, the degree program SME Management & Entrepreneurship invited to the fourth SME Day at the Campus Urstein of the FH Salzburg. Guests included:
- Marc Wittmann (Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Psychohygiene, Fribourg).
- Tobias Schubert (Farmy.ch)
- WUUX Surfboards
- Wurmkiste
- Salzburger Getreidemühle
Student projects of the SME study program: Keto Fabrik, Greentainer, Alumni of the SME study program
At the third SME Day on May 15, 2018, guests were:
- Claus Hipp from "HiPP": Ethics in business life - the honorable merchant.
- Roland Lauxand Christoph Anrig from "BBACKSOON": Surprisingly new things are not created in well-planned workshops
- Nicola and Christoph Rath from "Die Meisterstraße": Passion for master achievements
- Marie-Luise Dietrich of "Pfanner Fruit Juices": Today's laurels are already tomorrow's compost
At the second SME Day on May 4, 2017, the Riklin brothers from Switzerland, owners of the "Atelier für Sonderaufgaben"(www.sonderaufgaben.ch), were present. They showed how, as "art economists," one can provide marketing support to companies in a wide variety of fields by means of art. Hermann and Markus Zebisch of Hennlich GmbH & Co KG (www.hennlich.at) spoke on the subject of corporate handover. Heinrich Prokop and Marloes Voermans of Clever Clover (www.cleverclover.nl) explained the world of the Start up financing to the public.
The conclusion made Edelgreißler Herwig Ertl (www.herwig-ertl.at) with a cabaretistic lecture the public to the topic "value of food" captivated. The event was rounded off by presentations of business projects of the SME students. During a pleasant get-together, the outcome of some of these projects (e.g. the Mühltal beer brewed by our students) could then also be tasted directly.
The first SME Day at the FH Salzburg took place on March 16, 2016.
Guests on the podium were:
- Mag.a Barbara Brandner: "Challenges of a modern passenger shipping company in the change of generations using the example of BRANDNER Schiffahrt".
- Erich Stekovics: "Diversity creates innovation"
- Martin Oliva: "beelocal".
- Martin Oliva: "beelocal - life as a honey lick".
- Josef Zotter: "Is the market the deity... - or is it me as an entrepreneur?"
Panel discussion on the topic "Competence - Innovation - Tradition".

Senior Lecturer
Department Business and Tourism
Location: | Campus Urstein |
Room: | Urstein - 236 |
T: | +43-50-2211-1124 |
E: | stefan.maerk@fh-salzburg.ac.at |