The Agile Evening is a series of events organized by the agiler.kreis working group at Salzburg University of Applied Science. The agiler.kreis is an important transfer platform that connects applied research, teaching and companies. By advancing future topics in business development such as agility, digitalization and empowerment, the platform supports companies in meeting the challenges of tomorrow.
Previous Events
5th Agile Evening | June 23, 2022

One open IT position, several qualified applicants. Meeting current business challenges by: agility, digital transformation and empowerment of employees.
Massive technological, social and economic upheavals present companies with major organisational challenges. With increasing digitalisation and increasing complexity, central control collapses. Questions of meaning and justice are increasingly being asked. There are limits to economic activity through stable growth rates and the underlying idea of efficiency. Socio-political concepts of plurality, equality and justice are increasingly coming to the fore.
In order to meet these challenges and be successful as a company, it is necessary to enable people for the new world of work, as well as to align companies with agility and digitalisation. The agile.kreis has the three components – Agility, digital transformation and empowerment – embedded in a model that structures the content and shows central adjusting screws. This resulted in the 3-component structuring model for agile and digital corporate development.
- Mag. Daniel Rossgatterer, Managing Director of ACP TEKAEF, showed how the company successfully masters the entrepreneurial challenges.
- Presentsion of the 3-component-structuring model with central parameters for entrepreneurial challenges of members of the agile.kreis.
- Moderated exchange in the room. Participants had the opportunity to position themselves spatially in the 3-component structuring model, to exchange ideas in dialogue and to learn from each other.
4rd Agile Evening | November 9, 2021
The agile.kreis has invited online to the 4th Agile Evening, this time on the topic of workspace design in times of New Work!
The past months have forced many companies to rethink workspace design and its influence on communication as well as motivation. How can the concept of New Work focus on people and their needs in a new working world as well as on the success of the company?
- Findings from the Student Study on workspace design and its influence on communication and motivation in the Salzburg area
- Exchange of experiences on workspace design of the future
- Panel discussion on workspace design in times of New Work
- Lessons Learned & Farewell
As a prelude to the 4th Agile Evening, Master's students in Business Administration Matija Andric, Marina Sewald, Heloise Tourneur and Verena Huber presented their results of the Student Study "The Influence of Workspace Design on Communication and Motivation in New Work in the Salzburg Area".
During the virtual panel discussion on the topic of the evening, experts from the field were invited to share their experiences:
- Anna Lorenz is an organizational developer at Salzburg AG and, among other things, is involved in the reorganization of the workspace.
- Andreas Dittmeier is Head of HR Austria & Region Europe at SKIDATA.
- Marina Sewald is a Master's student in Business Administration at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences and a member of the Student Study Group.
3rd Agile Evening | May 3, 2021
Corporate Culture: Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow Interlocutors: Edgar and Peter Schein
The #agile.kreis invited to the 3rd Agile Evening. Over 200 participants accepted this invitation and joined Edgar and Peter Schein in a virtual room to examine corporate culture under current and future challenges.
Edgar H. Schein is one of the most influential management pioneers worldwide. He is considered the inventor of the "corporate culture" approach, co-founder of organizational development and process consulting. Together with his son Peter Schein, he founded the Organizational Culture and Leadership Institute, or OCLI (, where he continues to develop his approach to unbiased leadership ("humble leadership").
On Monday, May 3, 2021, there was a live connection to Edgar and Peter Schein in Palo Alto/USA as part of the 3rd Agile Evening. Together, they discussed derivations for the agile transformation of organizations, addressed current challenges and discussed exciting assessments of future developments.
- Check-in and impulse by Herbert Gölzner on "Agile Transformation: Agile Organization Design - Agile Methods - Agile Mindset"
- Live link to Palo Alto "Dialogue with Edgar and Peter Schein". The conversation was conducted by the #agilen.kreis as well as students of the FH Salzburg based on the submitted questions of the participants and attendees.
- Review and reflection on the conversation
At the beginning of the event, Herbert Gölzner, Head of Human Resource Management at FH Salzburg, gave a keynote speech outlining the three components of agile transformation: Agile Methods, Agile Organization Design and Agile Mindset. He emphasized the importance of the agile mindset as the most critical component.
Afterwards, Susanne Hager and Stephanie Zorn, both students at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences majoring in Corporate Development, together with Matthias Csar, designed the exchange with Edgar and Peter Schein. In addition to the current challenges, such as the possible effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on corporate culture or the role of organizational culture in the digital transformation, the connections to agile transformation were also elaborated. Edgar and Peter Schein referred to their iceberg model of culture or humble leadership and related these to agile mindset.
2nd Agile Evening | November 4, 2020
On November 4, the 2nd Agile Evening took place at the FH Salzburg - this time all online of course. More than 250 participants attended the interactive evening. In addition to students from various degree programs, entrepreneurs and externally invited guests were also present.
The motto of the evening was "Organizational development and leadership of the future - the culture of unprejudiced questioning". As a guest, Dr. Gerhard Fatzer a pioneer of German-speaking organizational development, provided exciting input. Based on Edgar Schein's 58 years of work, Gerhard Fatzer described the five stages of organizational development of the future.
Two central questions were explored during the evening:
- What will organizational development and leadership look like for the future?
- What core competencies will be required of leaders in the future?
In five acts, the development of organizational development was highlighted, from the emergence of certain interview techniques, to coaching, to process consulting, to organizational culture & leadership and humble leadership. For example, cultural, interpersonal and emotional intelligence were explained as new core competencies. Technical complexity also has an impact on the leadership of the future. Information technologies enable collaboration from different locations, face to face contacts become less, new concepts of communication, trust and collaboration are needed.
1st Agile Evening | October 25, 2019
"Agility - Digitization - Empowerment" Disruptive market dynamics and rapidly increasing complexity force companies to constantly evolve. How can we successfully advance corporate development in a volatile world?
We are increasingly encountering such questions both in teaching and research and in the exchange of experiences with our corporate partners. The increase in complexity that companies perceive externally and have to organize internally brings existing structures and processes to their limits as well as new challenges for employees.
To successfully advance corporate development in a world of disruptive market dynamics and rapidly increasing complexity, we recognize three central components that companies must address and make manageable, as it were: Agility - Digitization - Empowerment.
- Use of digital technologies: Mag.(FH) Herbert Wenger, Head of Product Management Automotive Smart Finance, Porsche Informatik GmbH
- Experiences with agile forms of work: Markus Aichhorn, Head of Software Development, Service Center ORG/IT, Raiffeisenverband Salzburg eGen
- Empowering employees for agility and digitalization: Mag.a Christina Zimmermann, Head of Learning and Development, Employees Department, DM Drogerie Markt GmbH

Matthias Csar, MA
Department Information Technologies and Digitalisation
Room: Urstein - 430

Herbert Gölzner
Senior Lecturer
Department Business and Tourism
Room: Urstein - 231