New Business Models | 2018

New Business Models 2018

1 Day, 2 Events

On Thursday, October 18, 2018, we organised two events for you, which you could visit together or individually:

20 years of business administration at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences: Yesterday – Today – (Beyond) Tomorrow


New Business Models – In search of a new way of doing business.

In search of a new way of doing business

Increasing digitalisation, limited resources, climate change, waves of migration – constant upheavals in our living conditions determine the future environment in which companies will have to assert themselves. New business models are needed that are innovative, but responsible and sustainable.

We invited top-class domestic and international speakers from science and practice to spin ideas together, exchange thoughts and perhaps even to take joint action.

We invited company representatives from Germany and abroad to come up with ideas, exchange thoughts and perhaps even initiate joint measures.

An opportunity that you hopefully did not miss!

Speaker 2018

The EPEA in Hamburg is the cradle of Cradle to Cradle. For decades, Prof. Dr. Michael Braungart has pioneered the Cradle to Cradle design concept. He works with many organisations and companies in different sectors and has developed tools for designing eco-effective products, business models and intelligent material pooling.

Born in Salzburg, he is intensively involved with the topic of impact investing, a focus of fair-finance Asset Management. The aim is to actively create value for society and one's own competitiveness.

Mads makes a statement with his company Organic Basics: We want clean underwear! He is an entrepreneur, tells his story and talks about crowdfunding as a financing tool.

The communication scientist focuses her teaching and research on the phenomenon of digitalisation and society and sheds particular light on the interface between business - politics - digitalisation.

Alex talks about healthy eating for children, storytelling and engaging stakeholders. With healthy snacks for children, he and his team want to positively change the eating habits of future generations.

Florian from Switzerland has sharpened his perspective on the use of digitalisation in working life: what are the effects on people, what are the challenges and what are the ethical aspects to be considered?