Copenhagen (Denmark)

Students from the English-language Bachelor's program "Innovation & Management in Tourism" recently went on an inspiring study trip to Copenhagen to gain practical knowledge about the local hospitality industry, visit popular tourist attractions and take part in interesting guided tours. IMT student Albert González summarises the collected impressions for us.

The excursion started in Copenhagen with a hotel tour at the "Indre by 25 hours". The students were impressed by the different design elements, which offer guests a unique experience through contemporary aesthetics and cultural influences. They also gained valuable insights from the hotel staff during a question and answer session. Another highlight was the visit to the "Andersen Hotel", where they could also admire the impressive design concept. Accompanied by Senior Lecturer Gerald Kröll, the students also delved into the world of gastronomy during the excursion: At Restaurant Lola, they were introduced to the culinary philosophy of the restaurant and the importance of local ingredients. At the restaurant "Gro Spiseri", the tourism students learned more about environmentally friendly initiatives and the farm-to-table concept. In addition to the hotel and restaurant tours, they did not miss out on the visits to the tourist attractions: from a small cruise where they could admire the beauty of Copenhagen's waterways and the city's landmarks, to a stay at "Tivoli", the second oldest amusement park in the world, and a visit to the "National Aquarium Denmark".

A tour of the local destination management organisation gave the students insights into the positioning of Copenhagen as a tourist destination. They learned about the city's unique selling points, sustainable initiatives and measures to improve the visitor experience. The students were impressed by the strategic planning and commitment behind Copenhagen's thriving tourism industry. The students also got a taste of the event industry: At the "CPH Conference" and the "Bella Center Copenhagen", they learned about the facilities, services and logistical aspects involved in organising successful events.

The study trip gave the students the opportunity to broaden their understanding of the industry and to experience first-hand the unique tourism, culture and entertainment on offer in Copenhagen.