Sustainability in the hotel - what to do to encourage guests to arrive sustainably?
Hotel Schloss Mondsee is currently run as a 4-star hotel with a focus on holiday guests in the summer season and on seminars and conferences in the other seasons. The management is considering a change of concept towards an aparthotel or mixed concept aparthotel-full hotel.

Questions to be answered in this project and objectives for the project:
- Can a mixed concept of aparthotel and full hotel work, or how must Hotel Schloss Mondsee be changed in terms of its products and services so that a mixed concept can be successfully implemented?
- How should the mixed concept be aligned against the background of the orientation as a seminar and conference hotel or holiday hotel in summer?
- What needs to be taken into account in the operational process and organisation of this concept, from check-in to check-out?
- Methodological framework: In the course "Product Development Case Studies Hospitality Management" the students learn how to analyse the potential of a hotel business, the development and selection of ideas and innovative products on the basis of strategic development and positioning guidelines for this hotel using a concrete practical example.
- The procedure: Introductory course, analysis phase, excursion with tour of the business, strategy workshop, use of idea and product development tools such as service design or design thinking, strategy and idea workshop, concept development and presentation of results. The results are documented in the form of a presentation and an overall written report. Work in small groups.
- The project is carried out as part of the course "Product Development Case Studies Hospitality Management" in the 5th semester of the English-language degree programme IMT (Innovation and Management in Tourism).
- Time frame: Winter semester 2022, start with an introduction on 3.10.2022, a tour of the company on 11.10.2022, conclusion on 10.1.2023.
- Students: Bachelor's programme Innovation and Management in Tourism, specialisation Hospitality Management, 5th semester, English-language, part-time, approx. 23 to 24 persons.